I mean, unlike the common noun, "brie," "Bri" is not an everyday name at all. The 'Bri and Bob" film is really very good---much better than the competition. This alone should give us pause. Like Aman Zafar, the view is too centered in the composition for legitimacy's sake. And like the Zafar apartment building, I wouldn't be surprised if all the apartments which share views like this one has, were leased and controlled by agents of the government conspiracy.
A graphic title tells us that
5 years ago today, we watched and filmed the attack on the WTC out of the window of home, 36 floors up and 500 yards away from the North Tower. Releasing this tape was a difficult decision for us because of its emotional and personal nature, and the potential for misuse. We feel, however, that our unique perspective has an important historical value, and shows the horror of the day without soundtracks or hype often seen in other accounts. Please be respectful of the contents of this account and be aware some may find the scenes on this video very disturbing. Please share only in its entirety.This is all a bit off, in my opinion. Simply removing what is, in fact, a soundtrack, would depersonalize the video into an utterly anonymous display---very little of which, could be called disturbing or personal, within these particular 9 minutes and 48 seconds in the life and demise of the towers. But what came afterwards I wonder? For anonymous civilians to "chose Revver to distribute our video" is also odd. Where else did Revver distribute to, other than YouTube? GoogleVideo?
We chose Revver to distribute our video because of its artist-friendly licensing terms and support for the Creative Commons. Bob and Bri 9/11/2006
I'm really down with the idea that the voice-overs in the Bob and Bri video are professional actresses.
So, if this idea is true, it would mean that the B&B video carries some kind of coded reference---namely, I should think, by using the actual name of a FEMA employee, that there is held within one faction or another, video evidence of an explosion in the South Tower occurring without a plane attack. As problematic as all the video evidence of an airplane going into the tower is, what is really needed is proof positive of no plane entering the building. This comes close, I should think, if not conclusively proving explosions absent plane attack.
Anyway, below are some identifications for Bri, and a couple of sites carrying photographs, with credits given to Bri Rodriguez
FEMA For Kids: The FEMA Team
Biography Bri RodrÃguez is a consultant with more than 15 years ...
Bri Rodriguez Consulting Bri RodrÃguez is an experienced ...
Cataclysm and Challenge
Photos - Save The Facades from the World Trade Center in New York City

Hi SteveWarran, I heart your blog. Hmmm, I'm not too sure about this one. It is probable that A FEMA person made the vid, but I like to look up public records on fake 911 victims and fake 911 photographers, etc...and I can't find Bri anywhere in databases or government records. She is supposed to live now in Virginia, and she does not own prop there and there is no Bri (or anything similar) and Bob Rodriguez in any records nation wide. It's more likely that she is not real or she has a totally different first name. (I noticed she has different "looks" in different photos) and some random FEMA person took the photos. Peter Jennings let slip in his interview with Evan Fairbanks (real name Evan Koopman)that real photographers were calling and saying they were unable to get near the twin towers that day. This is why all the wedding or bar mitzvah photographers (if that) are credited with the photographs. Real photographers who published photos from 911 had to shoot from really far away.
Hi SteveWarRan, I heart your blog. Hmmm, I'm not too sure about this one. It is probable that A FEMA person made the vid, but I like to look up public records on fake 911 victims and fake 911 photographers, etc...and I can't find Bri anywhere in databases or government records. She is supposed to live now in Virginia, and she does not own property there and there is no Bri (or anything similar) and Bob Rodriguez in any records nation wide. It's more likely that she is not real or she has a totally different first name. (I noticed she has different "looks" in different photos) and some random FEMA person took the photos. Peter Jennings let slip in his interview with Evan Fairbanks (real name Evan Koopman)that real photographers were calling and saying they were unable to get near the twin towers that day. This is why all the wedding or bar mitzvah photographers (if that) are credited with the photographs. Real photographers who published photos (like from Magnum which public Fairbanks, although he wasn't one of theirs) from 911 had to shoot from really far away.
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