On November 18, 1978, one of the most bizarre episodes in the history of the United States Government culminated in the assassination of a U. S. Congressman and the mass suicide/murder of 909 people in the remote jungle of northwest Guyana. Drawn from over 6,000 pages of material obtained from the State Department through an FOIA request and the 782-page House of Representatives investigative report, this website is intended to present a documentary look at the people, groups, and governmental agencies involved in the chain of events that led to the Jonestown Massacre. Note: this website is not endorsed by or connected with the Department of State or any other U.S. Government agency.
The material is broken up into 11 categories, with the documents generally arrayed by date. If you're unfamiliar with the background of the tragedy, the first two sections from chapter one of the House of Representatives report, giving a detailed background and summary of events that led to the assassination of Congressman Leo Ryan, and chapter three, detailing the findings of the Staff Investigative Group, are a good place to start.
Note: As a way of verifying the authenticity of the material on this website, I scanned in the cover letter I received from the State Department that accompanied the documents.
Just added: the FCC monitored radio transmissions.
Jim Jones and the People's Temple
- Peoples Temple Agricultural Project: Progress Report-Summer 1977 - text of a booklet that was distributed by the PT, detailing daily life at the Project - (45k)
- Privacy Act Request from Jim Jones - notarized letter signed by Jones to the Department of State, requesting copies of the material contained in his Department file - (192k - 2 jpgs)
- Privacy Act Release of Information Authorization from Jim Jones - February 2, 1978 statement handwritten and signed by Jones, authorizing the State Department to release information to members of Congress and the relatives of PT residents - the statement was written at the request of the State Department's Welfare/Whereabouts Unit - (75k - jpg)
- Transfer of PT funds at Union Bank of Switzerland - one of the charges raised by Blakey in her affidavit of June 15th was that Jones had a fortune stashed away in banks in several countries (Blakey was the Temple bookkeeper while she was in San Francisco). Here are two letters from the PT, both dated September 21, 1978, confirming their instructions to transfer over $5 million into different accounts at UBS branches in Panama and Zurich - (307k - 3 jpgs)
- "The Last Day of People's Temple" - copy of a transcript of an unsigned note that was found at Jonestown after the mass suicide - the first page is the State Department memo that accompanied the transcript - (328k - 3 jpgs)
- Certificate of Election to Wind Up and Dissolve - the end of the PT as a corporate entity, signed by five of the six voting members - filed with the California Secretary of State on December 19, 1978 - (135k - 2 jpgs)
- Amended Petition for Judicial Supervision... - document filed December 20, 1978, asking the Court to take over the dissolution of the PT - (607k - 8 jpgs)
People's Temple Correspondence
- Letter to Inter-American Affairs Bureau - 2-page note dated January 20, 1977, complaining about interference in the Stoen case - signed by Richard Tropp - (280k - 2 jpgs)
- Letter to President Jimmy Carter - 4-page note dated August 23, 1977, informing the White House about the "bad press" being received by the Temple - signed by Richard Tropp - (452k - 4 jpgs)
- Letter to State Department Spokesman Hodding Carter - 2-page note dated October 4, 1977, reporting on the Agricultural Project, and enclosing a copy of the Summer 1977 Progress report - signed by Richard Tropp - (160k - 2 jpgs)
- Letter to President Jimmy Carter - 5-page note dated December 16, 1977, complaining about delays in the delivery of social security checks to Jonestown residents - signed by Laurie Efrein - (706k - 5 jpgs)
- Letter to Frank Tumminia, Officer-in-Charge - 2-page note dated December 21, 1977, containing general info on Project activities - signed by Laurie Efrein - (213k - 2 jpgs)
- Letter to Assistant Secretary Terence Todman - 3-page note dated January 15, 1978, detailing the agricultural project - signed by Andrew M. Silver - (344k - 3 jpgs)
- Mailgram to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance - 2-page telegram dated April 15, 1978, informing the State Department about the activities of Steven Katsaris and the other Concerned Relatives - (235k - 2 jpgs)
- Letter to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance - 2-page note dated May 9, 1978, concerning the activities of Tim Stoen - signed by Jean F. Brown - (276k - 2 jpgs)
- Letter to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance - 2-page note dated May 11, 1978, reporting on a public demonstration held by the Concerned Relatives outside the Federal Building in San Francisco - signed by Jean F. Brown - (172k - 2 jpgs)
- Open Letter to the Media and the Community - 4-page unsigned note dated June 12, 1978, railing against the Concerned Relatives and journalist Kathy Hunter - (687k - 4 jpgs)
- Letter to Bureau of Security & Consular Affairs - 2-page note dated June 13, 1978, containing general complaints about "bad press" - signed by H.B. Newell - (289k - 2 jpgs)
- "Dear Friend" - 2-page letter dated July 5, 1978, apparently a "mass-mailer", reporting on recent anti-Temple activity - signed by Sharon Amos, on PT Agricultural Mission stationery - (230k - 2 jpgs)
- Open letter to Members of the U.S. House, Senate and other governmental agencies - undated 1-page note commenting on the "acclaim" being received by the Agricultural Project - (114k - jpg)
- Letter to Frank Sieverts - undated 2-page note to Deputy Secretary of State Sieverts, commenting on the Stoen case - signed by "Master of Divinity" Rev. Guy B. Young - (237k - 2 jpgs)
- "Dear Friend" - undated 2-page note, containing general conspiracy talk - signed by Paula Adams - (358k - 2 jpgs)
- To All Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives - 2-page note commenting on the activities of Tim Stoen, Steven Katsaris and the other Concerned Relatives - undated, signed by Mr. T. Walker - (203k - 2 jpgs)
- Letter to President Jimmy Carter - text of a long PT missive, informing the White House of conspiracies against the Temple being orchestrated by Tim Stoen, the British law enforcement group Interpol, and various USG agencies - undated, signed by L. J. Johnston - (50k)
- Notes from the Last Frontier - by Richard Tropp - (498k - 3 jpgs)
People's Temple Testimonial Letters
- Letter of Introduction from Congressman Don Clausen - dated November 20, 1973, introducing Jones to Guyanese Prime Minister Forbes Burnham - (157k - jpg)
- Letter of Introduction from S.F. Mayor Joseph Alioto - dated December 7, 1973, presented to Jones for use on his initial trip to Guyana - (110k - jpg)
- Letter from Art Agnos - dated August 2, 1977, to Guyanese PM Forbes Burnham - Agnos, who later went on to become S.F. mayor, was shot and wounded on December 13, 1973, by the notorious "Zebra killers", four Black Muslims who shot 21 people (14 died) during a 5-month murder spree that terrorized San Francisco - (112k - jpg)
- Letter from the Equal Rights Congress - dated August 2, 1977, to members of the PT - (140k - jpg)
- Letter from the Bancroft Avenue Baptist Church - dated August 8, 1977, to Forbes Burnham - (143k - jpg)
- Letter from the Department of City Planning - dated August 9, 1977, to Forbes Burnham - (99k - jpg)
- Letter from the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - dated August 9, 1977, to Forbes Burnham - (78k - jpg)
- Letter from the National Organization for Women - dated August 11, 1977, to Forbes Burnham, from the S.F. chapter - (89k - jpg)
- Letter from the First United Methodist Church - dated August 12, 1977, to Forbes Burnham - (136k - jpg)
- Letter from the Pacific Region Association of Alternative Schools - dated August 31, 1977, to Forbes Burnham - (171k - jpg)
- Letter to Forbes Burnham from Mervyn Dymally - 3-page note dated October 27, 1977, from California Lieutenant Governor Dymally - (423k - 3 jpgs)
- Letter to President Carter from Harvey Milk - dated February 19, 1978, praising Jones and commenting on the Stoen case - Milk, an SF City Supervisor well-known as a militant gay activist, was assassinated (along with Mayor George Moscone) 9 days after the mass suicide at Jonestown - there were fears at the time that the murders were committed by members of the PT, but these proved unfounded with the arrest of Daniel White, a disgruntled former city employee - (147k - jpg)
- Letter to President Carter from Angela Davis - dated February 28, 1978, defending Jones in the Stoen case - Davis was known for her radical political views in the 1960's - (149k - jpg)
The John Victor Stoen Custody Case
- John Victor Stoen, Age 6 - undated 3-page informational flyer, enclosing the document below - (226k - 3 jpgs)
- Chronology of Events - (6k)
- John Stoen Child Custody Case - December 8, 1978 memo by Richard McCoy, containing his recollections about the custody case, with references to 30 cables concerning various matters in the case. With links to html versions of 26 of the cables - (16k)
- Declaration of Timothy Oliver Stoen - dated February 6, 1972 and signed by Stoen, acknowledging that Jones was the natural father of John Victor - this was the key document used by Jones to back up his false claim of paternity - (147k - jpg)
- Order Re Child Custody (Revised) - California Superior Court document issued August 26, 1977, ordering Jones to appear in court with John Victor Stoen (5k)
- Revocation of Guardianship - Grace Stoen - notarized statement signed by Grace Stoen, dated August 30, 1977 - (82k - jpg)
- Diplomatic Note No. 75 - dated September 16, 1977, from the Embassy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, inquiring about the status of the case - (4k)
- Revocation of Guardianship - Tim Stoen - notarized statement signed by Tim Stoen, dated November 11, 1977 - (85k - jpg)
- Order re Child Custody - California Superior Court Order issued November 18, 1977, returning custody of John Stoen to his parents - (3k)
- Stipulation & Order for Custody of Minor Child - dated November 18, 1977 - (144k - 2 jpgs)
- Letter to President Carter from SF District Attorney - November 25, 1977 note from San Francisco DA Joseph Freitas, Jr., requesting the government's help in enforcing the custody order - (159k - 2 jpgs)
- Reply to Joseph Freitas - 2-page reply to the above letter, from the Office of Special Consular Services - dated December 16, 1977 - (139k - 2 jpgs)
- Letter to Cyrus Vance From Leo Ryan - dated December 8, 1977, requesting the help of the State Department in the case - (112k - jpg)
- Memorandum of Conversation: John Stoen Custody Case - details a January 6, 1978 meeting at the Embassy with the Stoens and attorney Jeffrey Haas - (251k - 2 jpgs)
- Diplomatic Note No. 7 - dated January 14, 1978, from the Embassy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, inquiring about the visa problem encountered by Grace and Timothy Stoen - (2k)
- Letter to Vice President Walter Mondale - handwritten note sent to Mondale by Tim Stoen, dated February 1, 1978, asking for his help in the case - (107k - jpg)
- Office of the Vice President Referral - to the State Department, requesting a memorandum in response to the above letter from Tim Stoen - (133k - jpg)
- Department Reply to VP Mondale - 2-page reply dated February 13, in response to the February 1 inquiry - (168k - 2 jpgs)
- Congressional Inquiry Response Draft - undated 3-page draft of a State Department letter sent to members of Congress inquiring about the case - with penciled in strike-throughs and corrections - (188k - 3 jpgs)
- Letter to Elizabeth Powers - cover letter dated March 3, 1978, enclosing the two letters below, from Tim Stoen to Powers, who was handling the custody case for Special Consular Services at the State Department - (112k - jpg)
- "Notarized Request for Repatriation and Authorization to Incur Expenses" - (126k - jpg)
- John Victor Stoen - airline ticket - (82k - jpg)
- Memorandum of Conversation Between Timothy Stoen, Esq. and EHO Kane - dated October 3, 1978 - (102k - jpg)
The Defection of Deborah Layton Blakey
- Contacts and Conversations with Mrs. Debra Blakey (May 12, 13, and 16-18) - memo to the files from Richard McCoy, dated December 5, 1978, detailing Blakey's escape from Jonestown - (13k)
- Sworn Affidavit - May 12, 1978 - (1k)
- Cover Letter - June 15, 1978 Affidavit - 2-page note to Elizabeth Powers at State from attorney Jeffrey Haas, enclosing the June 15th affidavit - (170k - 2 jpgs)
- Sworn Affidavit - June 15, 1978 - (16k)
- Letter from Richard McCoy - dated July 28, 1978 - (75k - jpg)
The "Concerned Relatives" Group
- "This Nightmare is Taking Place Right Now" - undated 2 page informational flyer about the group, handed out during their public demonstrations - (287k - 2 jpgs)
- Letter from Joseph Mazor - 2-page note dated August 24, 1977 to Richard McCoy, discussing in general terms his investigation of the PT - (247k - 2 jpgs)
- To: Whom It May Concern - cover letter dated April 17, 1978, enclosing the document below - (143k - jpg)
- Accusation of Human Rights Violations by Rev. James Warren Jones - open letter to Jones from the group, dated April 11, 1978, demanding that the abuses taking place at Jonestown be stopped - (21k)
- Letter to Cyrus Vance - cover letter dated May 12, 1978 from Tim Stoen to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, enclosing the three documents below. - (126k - jpg)
- Petition to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance - (6k)
- Petition to Guyanese Prime Minister Forbes Burnham - (8k)
- Summary Listing of Petitioners with Relatives in Jonestown, Guyana - (241k - 3 jpgs)
- Statement of Clare Bouquet - February 20, 1980 statement by Bouquet to the International Operations Subcommittee - Bouquet, whose son Brian died at Jonestown, was one of the Concerned Relatives who accompanied CODEL Ryan on the trip to Guyana - (7k)
State Department/American Embassy Correspondence/Memos
- Venezuelan Interest in Essequibo Region of Guyana - dated May 21, 1974, discussing the migration of "Peoples' Disciples Movement" members to Guyana - (108k - jpg)
- Venezuelan Interest in Migration Toward Essequibo Region of Guyana - follow-up to the above memo, dated May 29, 1974 - (94k - jpg)
- People's Temple Agricultural Mission - memo from Marsha Barnes dated January 13, 1975, commenting on Jones' staged faith healing at Sacred Heart Church - (79k - jpg)
- People's Temple Immigrants dated August 15, 1977, discussing the mass exodus of PT members to Guyana - (121k - jpg)
- People's Temple Immigrants - Maria Katsaris - memo dated September 29, 1977, from Richard McCoy - (289k - 2 jpgs)
- Guyana - Northwest District - memorandum by Richard McCoy dated December 7, 1977, giving a general background on the area of Guyana where the PT settlement was located - (6k)
- Peoples Temple - December 15, 1977 memo drafted by Richard McCoy, detailing a December 12 meeting with 3 PT members - (359k - 3 jpgs)
- Letter to Ted Girdner, Social Security Administration - 2-page note from Richard McCoy, dated January 18, 1978, discussing social security benefits being received by some residents at Jonestown - (172k - 2 jpgs)
- Memo to the Files re John Victor Stoen - undated, detailing two February, 1978 visits to the Embassy by PT members - (146k - jpg)
- People's Temple - confidential memo dated September 12, 1978, from Richard McCoy - (293k - 3 jpgs)
- Meeting re Cong Ryan & Pty Proposed Trip to Guyana - memo detailing a November 13, 1978, meeting between State officials and members of the group traveling to Guyana (portions redacted) - (147k - 2 jpgs)
- Our Assistance to Codel Ryan - memo drafted on November 20, 1978, by Richard McCoy - (185k - 2 jpgs)
- Killings in Guyana and Consular Preparations - briefing momorandum dated November 20, 1978, from Barbara Watson at Consular Affairs - (272k - 3 jpgs)
- The Tragedy in Guyana - dated November 29, 1978, detailing foreign press coverage of the tragedy - (7k)
- Talking Points for State Department Delaware Meeting - concerning the burial/transfer of remains from Dover - undated - (16k)
- Final Response from the Department of State - December 13, 1978 letter containing background info and answers to specific questions about the Department's actions relating to the tragedy - prepared in response to a letter from Clement Zablocki, who headed the House inquiry - (34k)
- Press Comment on the Department's Role in Jonestown - memo dated January 15, 1979, reporting on various U.S. newspaper articles - (8k)
Codel Ryan
- Introduction - The first two sections from chapter one of the House of Representatives report, giving a detailed background and summary of events that led to the assassination of Congressman Leo Ryan - (20k)
- Findings - Chapter three from the House report, detailing the conclusions of the Staff Investigative Group - (62k)
- Ryan Letter to Jim Jones - dated November 1, informing Jones of the CODEL trip to Guyana - (105k - jpg)
- Mark Lane's Reply to Ryan - dated November 6, PT attorney Mark Lane's reply to the November 1 letter from Ryan - (202k - 2 jpgs)
- Meeting Concerning Congressman Ryan's Proposed Visit to Guyana - unsigned memo dated November 9, 1978 - (189k - 2 jpgs)
- Itinerary Travel Information Card for Representative Ryan - Department of State form, dated November 9, noting the airline, flight numbers, and departure and arrival times for Ryan's trip to Guyana - (162k - jpg)
- Ryan's Reply to Lane - dated November 10, Ryan's reply to the November 6 letter from Lane - (262k - 3 jpgs)
- Statement of Jacqueline Speier, Legal Counsel to the Late Congressman Leo J. Ryan - February 20, 1980 statement by Speier to the International Operations Subcommittee - Speier, who was seriously wounded at Port Kaituma, spoke on the State Department's implementation of the recommendations that were made by the investigative groups - (14k)
- Statement of Joe Holsinger, Administrative Assistant to the Late Representative Leo J. Ryan - February 20, 1980 statement by Holsinger to the International Operations Subcommittee - (23k)
State Department/American Embassy Cables
- Georgetown 930 - Authority to Sign on Seamen - dated June 7, 1974, this was the first reported contact between the American Embassy in Georgetown and members of the PT - (95k - jpg)
- Georgetown 252 - Conditions at People's Temple Mission - (252k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 1411 - People's Temple members request Guyanese citizenship - (193k - 2 jpgs)
- State 118668 - People's Temple Community - (81k - jpg)
- Georgetown 1544 - People's Temple Community - (106k - jpg)
- Georgetown 1545 - W/W Deborah Blakey DOB: Feb. 7, 1953 - (194k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 1815 - People's Temple and the Community at Jonestown - (260k - 2 jpgs)
- State 241892 - Congressman Leo Ryan's planned visit to People's Temple in Guyana - (149k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3098 - U.S. lawyer Mark Lane vows to file lawsuit against USG conspiracy to destroy People's Temple - (258k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3125 - Congressman Ryan's plan to visit People's Temple in Guyana - (343k - 3 jpgs)
- State 256273 - Congressman Ryan's proposed visit to Guyana - (123k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3174 - American lawyer Mark Lane's Georgetown press conference on the People's Temple - (399k - 3 jpgs)
- State 277716 - Congressman Ryan's visit to Guyana - (187k - 2 jpgs)
- State 278140 - Codel Ryan - (175k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3597 - CODEL Ryan's intention to investigate Peoples Temple in Guyana - (90k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3600 - Congressman Ryan's visit to Guyana - (299k - 3 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3619 - Codel Ryan visit to Guyana - (242k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3714 - Congressman Ryan's visit to Guyana - (132k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3749 - Peoples Temple press release on visit of CODEL Ryan - (602k - 4 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3761 - Ambassador meets with "Concerned Relatives" - (258k - 3 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3774 - flash message notifying the State Department of the airport attack on CODEL Ryan - (134k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3775 - Passenger list of party that made trip to Port Kaituma with Congressman Ryan - (97k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3776 - Shooting incident at Port Kaituma - (276k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3777 - Background Port Kaituma and Jonestown - (145k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3778 - First reports from Port Kaituma - (93k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3779 - Situation report as of 1100 local - (110k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3780 - Security of "Concerned Relatives" at Pegasus Hotel - (105k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3781 - First wounded arrive at Timehri International Airport, Georgetown - (98k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3782 - Security of "Concerned Relatives" at Pegasus Hotel - (108k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3783 - Special military aircraft - (80k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3784 - Offer of assistance to GOG - (87k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3785 - Equipment needs of Guyana National police - (90k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3787 - Shooting incident - (82k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3788 - Names and addresses of PT relatives - (82k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3790 - Offer of assistance to GOG - (111k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3791 - Security of Concerned Relatives - (125k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3792 - First casulty report from Jonestown - (84k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3793 - Update on party that flew to Port Kaituma with CODEL Ryan - (102k - jpg)
- State 293749 - Offer of assistance to GOG - (95k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3807 - Interview with Mark Lane - (656k- 5 jpgs - 8k - html)
- Georgetown 3811 - GOG creates task force to deal with Jonestown tragedy - (303k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3812 - Assistance - (94k - jpg)
- State 299101 - Press guidance - (204k - 2 jpgs)
- State 299104 - Task force supplies and equipment - (247k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3817 - Identification of Reverend Jim Jones... - (119k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3820 - Department assumption of death and w/w notification responsibilities - (85k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3826 - Disposition of remains - (285k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3837 - Request for equipment by GOG director of civil aviation - (285k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3843 - Disposition of remains - (150k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3845 - Disposition of remains - (123k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3867 - U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan... - (194k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3868 - Medical findings of investigation at Jonestown - (192k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3884 - People's Temple - (77k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3897 - Findings in partial autopsy on body of Bishop Jim Jones - (76k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3900 - Search and rescue - (116k - jpg)
- Georgetown 3919 - Official GOG statement on the assassination of Congressman Ryan and the tragedy at Jonestown - (236k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3928 - Media activities in wake of Port-Kaituma-Jonestown tragedies - (292k - 3 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3951 - Verifying removal of all human remains from Jonestown site - (182k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3978 - Mission contacts with Jonestown - (230k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 3986 - Radio broadcast related to the visit of Congressman Ryan to Jonestown - (213k - 2 jpgs)
- Georgetown 4014 - Status of legal issues - (174k - 2 jpgs)
- State 299116 - Arrangements for return of survivors - (121k - jpg)
- State 299118 - US military support to Guyana incident - (183k - 2 jpgs)
- State 299132 - Arrangements for return of survivors - (178k - 2 jpgs)
- State 301207 - Report of DCM's Dwyer - (110k - jpg)
- Georgetown 4041 - DCM Dwyer's report on Codel Ryan's visit to Jonestown and subsequent murder - (2,300k - 17 jpgs - 32k - html)
- Georgetown 4171 - Recollections of DCM Dwyer on May 10 visit to People's Temple with Consul McCoy - (369k - 3 jpgs)
- State 309905 - People's Temple - (43k - jpg)
- Georgetown 4405 - Jury verdict at coroner's inquest into Jonestown mass deaths - (159k - jpg)
State Department Press Briefings
- November 19, 1978 - 10:00 A.M. - (33k)
- November 19, 1978 - 4:00 P.M. - (32k)
- November 20, 1978 - (32k)
- November 21, 1978 - 12:15 P.M. - (42k)
- November 22, 1978 - (26k)
- November 24, 1978 - (30k)
- November 27, 1978 - (15k)
- November 28, 1978 - (15k)
- November 29, 1978 - (11k)
- December 1, 1978 - (26k)
- December 5, 1978 - (18k)
Search and Rescue/Body Recovery/Disposition of Remains
- Situation Reports - 28 reports (the last one is numbered 29; there is no number 21) sent by the Guyana Working Group to the State Department Operations Center - (101k)
- Jonestown Inventory - transcript of a report detailing the physical conditions and PT property found at Jonestown after the mass suicide - dictated November 25th by consular officer Jim Ward during a "walk-through" of the encampment - (15k)
- Guyanese Death Register - for PT member Sue Grimm, dated December 28, 1978 - the "official" Guyanese death certificate, a copy of which was filed for each of the Jonestown victims - (47k - jpg)
- Report of the Death of an American Citizen Abroad - standard form, filled out by the Embassy, for PT member Sue Grimm - a completed copy of the form was filed for each of the bodies recovered from Jonestown - (116k - jpg)
- Instructions For Use of Phones - issued to all Guyana Working Group personnel by the Operations Center at the State Department - (6k)
- Information to All Next of Kin - documents required by Dover AFB to help identify bodies - (1k)
- Procedures For Notification Of Next Of Kin Of Deceased From Guyana - (3k)
- Taskforce Work Sheet - 3 worksheet pages for PT member Sue Grimm, containing next of kin notification info - (146k - 3 jpgs)
- Report of the Latent Fingerprint Section, Identification Division - 3 pages (the 2-page cover letter, and page 20, which has the identification info on Jim Jones) from the FBI report dated January 23, 1979, containing the fingerprint identification details on the 587 Jonestown victims positively identified up to that point - (203k - 3 jpgs)
- Request to Testify Before State Legislature Concerning Dover AFB Role in Guyana - Air Force memo dated January 24, 1979, containing a proposed statement about the status of the unclaimed bodies of the Jonestown victims at Dover AFB - (12k)
- Transportation of the Remaining Guyana Victims Bodies Back to California - Report to the Emergency Relief Committee detailing the bids received from various shipping firms for the transport of the last 599 bodies from Dover AFB to California - (4k)
- Complaint for Goverment Collection - undated civil complaint filed in U.S. District Court, seeking damages from the PT corporation for the costs of the U.S. airlift operation - (336k - 4 jpgs)

All digital jpg scans, html coding and formatting © copyright 1998 Brian Csuk

Comments? zodiac@icehouse.net

All digital jpg scans, html coding and formatting © copyright 1998 Brian Csuk

Comments? zodiac@icehouse.net

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