Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Rabbi Silverman, Temple Emanu-El, NYT 1892-1930

March 27, 1901, New York Times, Brotherhood, With the Golden Rule As Guide; Men of All Creeds Gather to Indorse Its Efficacy; The Plea of Wu Ting-Fabg; A Movement to Form a Universal Union, as Part of the Great De Hirsch Philanthropies, ....church and did not even leave standing room. Gen. Thomas L. James presided at the meeting. His first announcement was that Dr. Mac-Arthur, the pastor of the church, desired him to say that as the meeting was not strictly religious

May 19, 1901, New York Times, GRAND JURORS AT BELLEVUE HOSPITAL; Commissioner Keller Explains His Plans for Reform. Such Cases as That of Hilliard, He Declares, Can Never Occur Again -- The Juror's Questions, ... said: " There doesn't seem to be anything lacking here. Everything is, in. my judgment, exactly as it should be." Dr. George Taylor Stewart, who accompanied the party, said that as the ward was then it always was. The

May 18, 1902, New York Times, A GENERAL SILK STRIKE ON.; Owners of the Ten Dye Houses Who Signed the Scale Charged with Bad Faith. were making when they were arrested. JEWISH SABBATH OBSERVANCE. DP. Silverman"Tells What Took Place at Conference of- Rabbis. The Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman, pastor

September 29, 1902, New York Times, No Ghetto In America; Dr. Silverman's Remark in a Dedicatory Sermon. Service In New Synagogue of the Congregation Shaarai Berocho -- Mr. Sulzberger Referred to Incoming Jews, ... in white and gold. The Rev. Gabriel Hirsch, who has been the rabbi of the congregation for twenty-eight years, officiated, and the Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman of

October 3, 1902, New York Times, JEWISH RITES HELD ON BROOKLYN BRIDGE(2); Throngs Take Part There in the New Year Ceremonies. Services in the Synagogues -- Dr. Harris Preaches Against the Continuance of Racial Concentration. Throngs Take Part There in the New Year Ceremonies. Services in the Synagogues -- Dr. Harris Preaches Against the Continuance of Racial Concentration. Its triple name conveys its

December 19, 1902, New York Times, Live;y Zionist Meeting; Hearers Criticise Secretary de Haas at Temple Emanu-El. Protests Against Advocacy of the Plan for the Acquisition of Palestine -- Joint Debate Not Held, ....the Temple Emanu-El was in a fair way to be carried away by listeners who took exception to the speech of Jacob De Haas, Secretary of the Federation of American Zionists

January 18, 1903, New York Times, RABBI SILVERMAN REPLIES TO DR. ADLER; Right of Secession in Religion Wrong Doctrine to Preach. Judaism, He Declares, Has Always Granted the Right of Individual Judgment and Is Not an Absolute Religion, ...the Temple Emanu-El, 521 Fifth Avenue, the Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman replied to a recent address of Dr. Felix

March 23, 1903, New York Times, DR. PARKHURST ON LYING; Rebukes Americans for Condoning Funston's "Damnable Perfidy." Says His Method of Capturing Aguinaldo Violated the Laws of War, of Hospitality, and of God, The Rev. Dr. Charles H. Parkburst at the Madison Square Presbyterian Church yesterday morning preached a sermon on lying in the course of which he rebuked the American people for condoning the ruse practiced by

April 13, 1903, New York Times, TWO LIVES LOST IN A FIRE.; Five Other Persons Injured at Indianapolis -- One of the Victims Nathan Morris, a Lawyer, Morris, one of the best-known attorneys of Indiana, and Frank Haas, the twelve-year old son of Dr. Joseph Haas, were burned to death this morning. Mrs. Joseph Haas, Miss Belle Haas, Miss Rose Haas,

April 20, 1903, New York Times, LAST RITES FOR RABBI GOTTHEIL; Dr. Silverman and Dr. Robert Collyer Pay Tributes. TEMPLE EMANU-EL THRONGED Silent Crowd Also Filled Adjacent Streets -- The Eulogy at the Grave Delivered by Rabbi Harrison of St. Louis, With simple and impressive ceremonies, funeral services over the body of the Rev. Dr. Gustav Gottheil, rabbi emeritus of the Temple Emanu-El were held in the

January 15, 1904, New York Times, Mourn For Leon. Levi; Messages of Sympathy from All Parts of the Country. Programme for the Funeral Services at Temple Emanu-El -- List of the Pall Bearers, Messages of Sympathy from All Parts of the Country. Programme for the Funeral Services at Temple Emanu-El -- List of the Pall Bearers. The body of Leo Napoleon Levi, publicist...

December 26, 1904, New York Times, THIS CHRISTMAS WAS OF GOOD OLD STYLE; Churches Crowded, Despite the Snow -- Special Festival Services. CHEER EVEN IN THE PRISONS Meanwhile a Little Foundling, at Asylum Fire, Finds a New Kind of Santa Claus, ..another in the afternoon. In the absence of the pastor, the Rex-. Morgan Dix. who was too ill to officiate, the vicar, the Rev. James N. Steele, conducted both services. At the morning service he spoke of the "Incarnation."

November 16, 1905, New York Times, Says Send the Money To Help Jews Fight; Address of Joseph Barondess at Temple Emanu-El Meeting. Silverman Denounces Press; Hands Out Sympathy, but Tries to Excuse Russia at the Same Time, He Declares,

November 30, 1905, New York Times, How Relief Fund Is Managed In Russia; Baron Gunzberg's Organization for Aiding Sufferers; First News of the Work; Fear That an Epidemic Will Follow Great Slaughter -- Plans for Day of Mourning.

December 5, 1905, New York Times, SOLEMN CEREMONIES IN TEMPLE EMANU-EL; Dr. Silverman Invokes Christian Protest Against Cruelties. LOUIS MARSHALL'S ADDRESS Throng Weeps at References to the Dead Victims and the Sufferings of Those Left Behind.,with the spirit of the occasion, as that gathered last night in Temple Emanu-El, at a service in memory of the victims of Russian massacres

December 11, 1905, New York Times, NEW JEWISH SETTLEMENT HOUSE IS DEDICATED; Emanu-El Brotherhood Launches Enterprise in East Fifth Street. LEWISOHN'S $10,000 GIFT Keys of the New House Turned Over to the Rev. Dr. Silverman at Dedicatory Exercises, The directors of the Emanu-El Brotherhood launched a new kind of settlement work for the east side yesterday in the dedication and opening of a three-story and basement building at 316 East Fifth Street. The

January 7, 1906, New York Times, Rev. Dr. Wise SUR EMANU-EL Trustees; Speaks of a Call Which They Flatly Deny. NO ACTION, OFFICERS SAY Portland Rabbi Tells His Congregation That He Stipulated for Perfect Freedom in the Pulpit, The Rev. Dr. S.S. Wise, rabbi of Temple Beth Israel, Portland, Ore., read to his congregation last night an open letter addressed to Temple

March 18, 1907, New York Times, GEN. L.E. PARSONS DEAD.; Had Charge of Transportation of Troops In the Civil War, Services In Temple Emanu-El. I The funeral of Isaac ,. head of] the cotton goods firm of H. Wallach's Sons and for eleven years president of the Mount Sinai Hospital, took place at 9:30 o clock

September 09, 1907, New York Times, THOUSANDS THRONG THE SYNAGOGUES; Special Services Held to Celebrate the Advent of the Jewish New Year. EAST SIDE STREETS EMPTY Immigrants Detained at Ellis Island Have Services and a Special Dinner, ...fathers, to renew for us a good and sweet year." The services in TemPle Emanu-El at Fifth Avenue and Forty-third Street-were conducted by the Rev. Dr

March 9, 1908, New York Times, BLAMES LANDLORDS FOR TENEMENT EVILS; They Are at Fault and Not Immigration, Rabbi Silverman Tells His Congregation. SAYS NEW LAWS ARE NEEDED Height of Buildings and the Number of Persons They May House Should Be Restricted, He Declares, The Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman, rabbi of Temple Emanu-El, addressed his congregation yesterday morning on "The Congestion of Our

March 1, 1909, New York Times, JEWISH COMMUNITY OF NEW YORK FORMED; Convention, After a Lively Debate, Declares All Delegates Must Be Citizens. ALL PARTISANSHIP BARRED Chairman Magnes Breaks His Gavel During the Warm Discussion Over National Committee's Power, After a warm argument lasting more than four hours, in the course of which the Rev. Dr. J.L. Magnes of Temple Emanu-El, the presiding Chairman, broke his ivory

November 12, 1909, New York Times, RABBIS CUT SHORT MARRIAGE DEBATE; Delegates to Central Conference Feared Trouble from an Open Discussion. RACE NOT AN OBJECTION Jewish Opposition to Intermarriage Needed to Save the Purity of the Faith, Speakers Declare, ...historically and religiously, was opposed on religious grounds at the session of the Central Conference of American Rabbis at Temple Emanu-El, Forty-third Street and Fifth Avenue, yesterday

May 15, 1910, New York Times, UP-TO-DATE JUDAISM -- The Religion of the Reformed Jews; REFORMED JUDAISM, by Joseph Silverman, D.D. Sermon Delivered at Temple Emanu El, Feb. 10, 1910.

May 24, 1910, New York Times, RABBI MAGNES OUT OF TEMPLE EMANU-EL; Congregation Decides Not to Re- elect Him Because ofDiffer- ences Over Ritual. HIS TERM EXPIRES OCT. 1 Dr. Magnes Reaffirms the Views Ex- pressed in His Passover Sermon, and Says He Cannot Change Them, The Rev. Dr. Judah Leon Magnes, associate rabbi at Temple Emanu-El, will cease to be rabbi in that pulpit at the expiration of his term on Oct. 1

May 6, 1913, New York Times, WANTS YOUTH TOLD OF THE SOCIAL EVIL; Many Members of Rabbis' Council Take Issue with the Views ofthe Rev. Mr. Coffee, ...topic discussed yesterday at the afternoon session of the semi-annual assembly of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis at Temple Emanu-El. Rabbi Rudolph I. Corfee of the Tree of Life Synagogue,

February 27, 1914, New York Times, TAFT TELLS OF FIGHT TO GET ARBITRATION; Ex-President Praises Treaties Passed by the Senate in an Address at Aeolian Hall, ...that he is, delivering under the of the New York Peace So{ciety. The hall was crowded., Dr. Nichidles Murray Butler, President of' Coi University, presented. Mr. Taft. Dr. Butler referred to Mr. Taft as "an

December 07, 1914, New York Times, THE JEW'S BRAVERY ESTABLISHED IN WAR; Many Recognized for Their Valor by Countries of Their Adoption. THE JUDEANS GET REPORTS Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis Hear Speakers and Will Begin Its Sessions Today, ,,,Hotel Majestic. They had as their guests the delegates to the sixth semi-annual council of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis. Dr. Henry M. Leipziger presided at the meeting and announced that the general topic would be "The Jew

December 14, 1914, New York Times, WOODS ASKS Y.M.C.A. TO HELP THE POLICE; Suggests Patrolmen Report the Names of Wayward Boys to "Big Brother" Workers. PRAISES THE MAN ON POST " Take Him at His Best," Commissioner Says ;- Examples of Bravery and Uprightness, Rabbi Silverman Preached and "Taps" Were Sounded, The Jewish members of the Police Department yesterday attended an annual service in Temple Emanu-El,

March 28, 1915, New York Times, $1,000,000 MEMORIAL TO DR. ISAAC M. WISE; The Rev. Dr. Silverman Asks Emanu-El to Lead Movement to Double Centenary Fund TO ENDOW HEBREW COLLEGE Rabbi Tells of the Early Struggles of the Recognized Founder of American Judaism, ...the birth of the Rev. Dr. Isaac M. Wise, founder of the Hebrew Union College and of Reform Judaism in America, which is to be celebrated by American Jews tomorrow, was treated by the Rev.

September 10, 1915, New York Times, WAR-WOES OF JEWS INSPIRE SERMONS; Rabbis, in Their New Year's Discourses, Turn to Religion as a Remedy for Evil. PRAISE FOR THE PRESIDENT European Civilization Denounced as a Failure, but Hope Held Out for Future World Peace, ...in the city. In most of the addresses the relation of the Jew to the world war was touched upon. The Rev. Dr. Maurice N. Harris, preaching at Temple Israel, Harlem, took for his subject "The

September 18, 1915, New York Times, YOM KIPPUR FILLS SYNAGOGUES HERE; New York Jews Offer Special Prayers for Brethren Fallen in the War. SILVERMAN LAUDS WILSON Calls the President and Ex-Governor Slaton Examples of the Perfect Man,

September 19, 1915, New York Times, Yom Kippur Inspires Eloquent Swemona; Rabbi Harris Urges Social Service and Dr. Frisch Excoriates Russia. Race Prejudice Deplored; Dr. Silverman Upholds the Pride of the Jew; Services Held in Other Synagogues,

November 9, 1915, New York Times, RABBIS IN DEBATE OVER BOY SCOUTS; Critics of the Organization as Militaristic Opposed in Eastern Council. SECTARIAN LINES DEPLORED Assembly Entertained at Luncheon at Democratic Club ;- Gary System Discussed, important educational and religious subjects were considered, was held in Temple Emanu-El, Fifth Avenue and Forty-third Street A paper entitled "Tile Boy Scout,{ and th6 Synagogue," by the Rev. Max

March 3, 1916, New York Times, MISS MACKAY WED TO DEAN BEEKMAN; Two Bishops Assist in Ceremony. of Daughter of Late Dr. Barnard Mackay. IN HEAVENLY REST CHURCH ' Bridegroom Is Head of the Cathedral of South Bethlehem, Penn. Reception Held at Sherry's, Bishops Assist in Ceremony. of Daughter of Late Dr. Barnard Mackay. IN HEAVENLY REST CHURCH ' Bridegroom Is Head of the Cathedral of South Bethlehem, Penn. Reception Held at Sherry's. The marriage of the Very Rev.

August 24, 1916, New York Times, HUNDREDS MOURN JAMES SELIGMAN; Temple Emanu-El Thronged at Funeral of the Banker-Philanthropist. EULOGY BY DR. SILVERMAN Many Floral Offerings Bank the Chancel; Temple Trustees Honorary Pallbearers

December 18, 1916, New York Times, PASTORS EXPRESS HOPES FOR PEACE; Dr. Schulman Warns Americans Not to Make Themselves "the Echo of Hates., peace was Rabbi Samuel Schulman of Temple Beth-El, Fifth Avenue and Seventy-sixth Street,

December 17, 1917, New York Times, PREDICTS NEW LIGHT ON CHRIST'S LIFE; Dr. Endly Expects Important Finds to Follow Excavations in Jerusalem, FORBIDDEN BY THE TURKS, Sixty Feet of Debris Covers Those Parts of the Sacred City Known to the Saviour. Predicts Republic of Palestine. Great Parade of Catholics, The Rev. Dr. W.C. Badly of Cleveland, an authority on archaeology, who has visited the Holy Land in connection with Biblical research, told the congregation of the Madison Avenue.

November 09, 1918, New York Times, CITY STARTS GIVING IN WAR FUND DRIVE; $2,000,000 Day's Receipts in Advance of Opening Told of at Waldorf Dinner. STANDARD OIL A MILLION Unnamed Giver Also "Doubles" and Asks Others to Do the Same --West Increases Quota. Chairman Rockefeller Tells Need. Messages from Sims and Poincare. Indorsed by Secretary Baker. Million Letters to Schools. Hughes and McAdoo to Speak, these men will be far greater than any with which they have been confronted during the past months and years," he concluded. Dr. Marguerite Crockett, a Y. RT. C. A. , told of her experiences with .,soldiers during the last year in F

December 18, 1918, New York Times, CREEDS UNITE IN SERVICE.; Give Thanks for Deliverance of Jerusalem from the Turk, ...Morgenthau, ez-United States Ambassador to Turkey, was the Chairman. Rev. Dr. H. Pereira h;;endes, rabbi of the oldest Hebrew congregation in New York, read from the Jewish Scriptures; I, Rev.

March 16, 1919, New York Times, MANY SERVICES IN DR. WISE'S MEMORY; Leaders ofJudaism Honor the Noted Rabbi and His Work at Centenary Celebration. TO CARRY ON HIS IDEALS Nation-Wide Campaign Launched for $300,000 for Jewish Institutions He Founded. Oppose Jewish Nationality. Says Gifts to Cause Are Less. Calls Religious Law-Abiding. Emphasizes Practical Work. Made Prayers Understandable.

March 17, 1919, New York Times, EXTOL DR. I.M. WISE AS A TRUE AMERICAN; Speakers at Centenary Meeting Review the Career of the Jewish Leader. OPEN CAMPAIGN FOR FUND About $19,000 Subscribed at Temple Emanuel-El Toward Payment of $100,000 to Aid Institutions. Reviews Dr. Wise's Career. Outlines the Campaign. Praised as Leader and Organizer. Speech by Mr. Elkus. Subscriptions at the Meeting. Americanism of Dr. Isaac M. Wise, founder of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, were paid last night by prominent Jews who spoke at the Isaac M. Wise centenary meeting held at

August 05, 1919, New York Times, EULOGIZES LIFE OF O. HAMMERSTEIN; "May His Memory Be an Emulation for the Ideal in Art,"Says Rev. Dr. Silverman.TEMPLE EMANU-EL FILLED Leaders of Opera and Stage and General Public at Simple Services--John McCormack Sings, The funeral of Oscar Hammerstein was held in the Temple Emanu-El at 11 o'clock yesterday morning. The temple was filled to capacity, and the congregation comprised men and women of

April 18, 1920, New York Times, EMANU-EL HONORS ITS SERVICE MEN; Congregation, Unveils Tablet Bearing Names of Seven Who Perished in theWar. TEMPLE IS 75 YEARS OLD Members at Diamond Jubilee Exercises Tell of Its History--229 Served in World War, bronze tablet was unveiled last night at Temple Emanu-El, at Fifth Avenue and Forty-third Sweet, in honor of the 229 sons of the synagogue who served the colors and in memory of seven who perished

November 15, 1920, New York Times, LEAGUE PLEAS MARK ARMISTICE SUNDAY; America Has Not Done Its Part to Reap Fruits of Victory, Rabbi SilvermanSays. CHAPLAIN KNOX'S APPEAL Would Lift "Hope of World Cooperation Out of the Mire of Personal Pettiness."

February 02, 1921, New York Times, COLLEAGUES HONOR RABBI SILVERMAN; Temple Emanu-El Head Is the Luncheon Guest of Reformed Rabbis' Association. TO RETIRE AT $12,000 A YEAR Will Be Rabbi Emeritus After July 1 and Do Literary and Communal Work, Rabbi Joseph Silverman, who resigned recently after thirty-two years' service at Temple Emanu-El, Fifth Avenue and Forty-third Street, was the guest of honor...

January 27, 1922, New York Times, WILSON FOUNDATION APPROVED BY RABBIS; Dr. Wise and Dr. Silverman Join in Praise of Plan to Honor Ex-President by Awards. 15 CENTS A WOMAN'S MITE Many Contributipns Continue to Come In, the Smallest From Connecticut Admirer, from Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of the Free Synagogue and Rabbi Joseph Silverman of Temple Emanu-el, endorsing the plan to honor former President Wilson through annual

August 11, 1923, New York Times, THOUSANDS MOURN IN THE SYNAGOGUES; Hebrew Prayer for the Dead Recited by Congregation of Temple Emanu-El, Thousands bowed yesterday in the synagogues of New York in tribute to the memory of President Harding. In Temple Emanu-El, Fifth Avenue and Forty-third Street, 3,000 men and women recited kaddish,n View original in TimesMachine

October 14, 1923, New York Times, FAREWELL HONORS FOR DR. SILVERMAN; Rabbi Is Quest at Reception on the Eve of His Departure for Palestine. TO STUDY CONDITIONS Accompanied by His Wife, He Will Travel Abroad Five Months, The Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman, rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanu-El, Fifth Avenue and Forty-third Street, will sail on Tuesday for.. View original in TimesMachine

December 06, 1924, New York Times, ASSAIL CONDITIONS IN 2 CITY HOSPITALS; Dr. Silverman and Bishop Lloyd Report on Bellevue and Willard Parker. BLAME THE ADMINISTRATION Charge the Sick Poor Are in Peril of Fire and Disease While Officials Play Politics, Willard Parker Hospital, the Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Emanu-El, placed the entire blame for the state... View original in TimesMachine

January 11, 1926, New York Times, BENCH AND BAR MOURN LEVENTRITT; Tributes Paid Late Justice by Hughes, Elihu Root Jr., O'Gorman and Elkus. FUNERAL TO BE HELD TODAY Services In Temple Emanu-El -- Ex-Judge Seabury to Be One of the Pallbearers, View original in TimesMachine,

January 12, 1926, New York Times, JUDGE LEVEHTRITT HAS SIMPLE BURIAL; Leading Members of the Bar and Public Men at Temple Emanu-EI Services; CALLED A GREAT AMERICAN Jurist Embodied Best of Judaism and Noblest of Americanism Dr. Krass Says, ten prominent in the legal profession and in public life View original in TimesMachine,

April 26, 1927, New York Times, EMANU-EL AGREES ON BETH-EL UNION; Votes 611 to 12 for Merger of the Two Fifth Avenue Congregations. BETH-ELVOTES TOMORROW Louis Marshall Receives Praise ofFriends After Showing Benefit of Consolidation, the members of Emanu-El Congregation of the City of New York voted last night to approve the proposed consolidation with Temple Beth-El. The meeting was held at View original in TimesMachine

June 25, 1927, New York Times, TOPICS OF INTEREST TO THE CHURCHGOER; 600 College Students to Teach in 200 Daily Vacation Bible Schools Here. 2 FRESH AIR HOMES OPEN Bethlehem Lutheran Orphan Home Holds Summer Festival in Staten Island Tomorrow, Festival in Staten Island Tomorrow. The work of excavating for the new edifice of the Park Avenue Baptist Church, of which the Rev. Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick is pastor, is nearly complete. The church will be i at View original in TimesMachine

January 22, 1928, New York Times, SILVERMAN AGAINST PLAY.; Can't Join In Movement to Continue Run of "The Prisoner.", A difference of opinion over the. social value--of the pacifist glay, "The Prisoner," has arisen' between. Dr. View original in TimesMachine

February 25, 1928, New York Times, TOPICS OF INTEREST TO THE CHURCHGOER; Unity Conference to Be Held Next Week in Lancaster, Pa. --Reception to Dr. Silverman. TO EXPAND ACTORS' CHAPEL St. Malachy's Will Also Enlarge Its Main Auditorium--Physician to Do Religious Work, View original in TimesMachine

January 19, 1929, New York Times, TOPICS OF INTEREST TO CHURCHGOERS; Cardinal Hayes Will Be Guest at Luncheon of Alumnae of Catholic Summer School. SOCIETIES TO MEET MONDAY Cerrettl Will Preside Tonight at Service of the Nocturnal Adoration Society, View original in TimesMachine

September 14, 1929, New York Times, MARSHALL'S BODY AWAITED IN PARIS; Large Group of Friends Seek to Pay Last Tribute to the Eminent Leader. RABBI SILVERMAN IS THERE He Eulogizes Lawyer's Ideals and Says New Temple Emanu-El Will Be Monument to Him. Rites in Zurich. Son to Arrange Funeral, View original in TimesMachine

November 16, 1929, New York Times, TOPICS OF INTEREST TO THE CHURCHGOER; The Rev. Mr. Bell of Denver Will Open an Eight-Day Mission Tomorrow. PALESTINE RALLY PLANNED Temple Emanu-ElResumes Its Regular Service--Bishop Will Lay Church Cornerstone. Teachers' Luncheon Today. Club to Honor Bishop, View original in TimesMachine

January 3, 1931, New York Times, TOPICS OF INTEREST TO THE CHURCHGOER; Mew Calvary Baptist Church in Apartment Hotel to Be Dedicated Tomorrow. CARDINAL TO BLESS HOME Memorial Service Announced, for Rabbi Sliverman--Dr. Trexler to Start Tour of Synod. View original in TimesMachine,

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