Under the guise of philanthropic arts and civic volunteerism, two New York City based organizations in particular, the Citizens Budget Commission, and the Carnegie Hall Corporation, provide for a near perfect network between that class of self-dealing one-percenters who stood in alignment with the bounder figureheads of federal and municipal authority to effect a conspiracy on such a grand scale as the false-flag attacks of September 11th, 2001.
Not forgetting the Council of International Relations mind you. Just that the New York City real estate development and insurance fraud components of 9/11 stole the show, so to speak.
The Citizens Budget Commission (CBC), describes itself as "a not-for-profit civic organization that influences constructive changes in the finances and services of New York City and New York State government." This they accomplish through research, evaluation and analysis of City and State finances and fiscal affairs, which should indicate a watchdog function for the public good, although that bit is left unsaid, while "constructive change" is open to some subject-object confusion.
Perhaps this "public service" organization's founding in the economic dark days of 1932 is relevant. One current commission board member is the highly successful and influential chairman of Odyssey Investments, Stephen Berger, who in his mid-thirties served as the Executive Director of the New York State Emergency Control Board for the City of New York during a similar municipal financial crisis which peaked in 1976. His job as interloper was to slash budgets and fire municipal employees.
Berger then went on to serve as the Executive Director of the quasi-public Port Authority of New York and New Jersey from 1985 to 1990, where among other tasks, he "was responsible for directing New York's and New Jersey's...real estate investments," so he knew the lay of the land, and presumably, the laws of omertà.
In between and overlapping these jobs, Berger served as chairman of the Board of the United States Railway Association, a "nonprofit corporation," established by federal law, where his role was described as being the "United States Government 'Banker" who was responsible for structuring Conrail's "emergence from bankruptcy."
"Emergence from bankruptcy," is an artful figure of speech given that the federal government had sunk seven billion U.S. taxpayer dollars into subsidizing and upgrading the railroad lines over the previous 11 years, even though actual control and decision making remained in the hands of the "advisory" corporation led by Berger. This "semi-private" arraignment absolved legislators of a responsibility to transform the railroad, if possible, into profitability and guarantee tens of thousands of working class jobs at risk. Essentially, all that was required of lawmakers was the reworking of regulations that governed the service and infrastructure. Thus profitability was achieved, shortly before the railroad was privatized, but this might have been due to Conrail also being freed of responsibility to pay any state or federal business taxes.
The legal dynamics underlying this charade were expressed in an April 25, 1986, Associated Press article, US Railway Association Fighting Agency Over Ethics Probe, by Jeff Barker, which reported on the thwarting of a probe by the acting Transportation Department inspector general, Joseph Genovese, begun at the instigation of Rep. Michael Oxley, Republican of Ohio, who expressed concern about Berger's "multiple interests and associations with groups and organizations with a direct stake in the future of Conrail."
In a letter, Oxley said these associations of Berger's "may call into question his independence and impartiality, and thereby adversely affect public confidence in the integrity of USRA."
The U.S. Railway Association refused to answer any questions, saying the Department of Transportation was "overstepping its authority by trying to compel information about internal association matters."
The AP reported the association as saying "that Berger, as a member of its board, is not covered by the standards of conduct of association employees," which prohibit "activities that might create the appearance of bias," or to paraphrase Nixon: when the chairman lowers the bar, it's still above the law.
If this weren't bad enough, a sale of Conrail was then on track to the Norfolk Southern Corp., whose $1.2 billion bid had "the backing of Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole and has been approved by the Senate." Secretary Dole's husband, Senator Bob Dole of Kansas, was serving at that time as Senate Majority Leader. Since Conrail was eventually sold to investors in a different transaction for $1.6 billion, this incipient Dole-supported deal stood to risk a loss to taxpayers of $400,000,000---a really tidy sum in the mid 1980's. How would a sum like that be equitably divided between members working together on a large team I wonder?
What makes Berger's role in this matter even more intriguing is that seven months prior he had also been appointed executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, "a public agency," which had been publicly opposing the proposed sale of Conrail to Norfolk Southern Corp. The AP reported that
Berger has recused himself from Conrail sale matters, according to Patrick Falvey, the authority's general counsel. "Mr. Berger has not been involved in the Port Authority's expression of a position or formulation of a position on the Conrail sale issue," Falvey said Friday.
While Falvey said Berger could not be interviewed on the matter, Berger said at a recent Senate Appropriations hearing that if he were a cynic, he might believe the probe was part of "a political hatchet job."
"Fortunately, I'm not a cynic," Berger said.Well I think it is cynical to state a distinction between, first, an "expression of a position" by the agency, then subsequently, the "formulation of a position," [one as yet unexpressed?] especially when it's being denied you've taken part in either. Moreover, the idea that Berger could have recused himself from any backroom horse-trading in New York is made more implausible by his direct lack of cooperation with officials in Washington:
"Since we believe that such detailed questions concerning the internal operations of the association are neither an appropriate subject for review by your office nor pertinent to the issues raised by Congressman Oxley, we declined to respond," Cary Dickieson, the association's executive director, wrote Genovese on March 31.
His letter said the association was independent of the Transportation Department, "and therefore is not within the audit and investigative powers conferred on your office ... "
Genovese's April 18 reply said: "In my judgment, the questions raised by a member of Congress concerning the independence and impartiality of Mr. Berger bear a sufficiently close relationship to DOT's statutory responsibilities to place them within the (Inspector General's) authority to review.""Sufficiently close?" The setup of a legal authority that is outside any audit or investigative powers seems the design purpose---to circumvent the requirements for "public good" inherent in civic actions in a democratic republic. This represents to me a conspiracy at its very highest level. The Port Authority is identical in conception as a legal loophole, with the ability to issue no-risk public debt secured by taxation to fund imperial projects that are doomed or designed to fail, like the World Trade Center towers; and let's not forget, they collect tolls and user fees while steering opportunities to the favored few insiders, all without any semblance of public accountability since the whole system is totally opaque by force of law.
It doesn't take a fine reading to see the private agendas slipping into view:
Oxley had noted that Odyssey Partners was a member of a group that owned 48.9 percent of the Chicago Milwaukee Corp. as of April 1985. Among other members of the group were a bank, an investment accountant and the president of a private investment firm - all of whom are members of a group of that has made a rival bid for Conrail, according to Oxley.Stephen Berger's "public service" reeks of the same inexplicable absence of the rational as found in the military's failed flight response on September 11th. Since 2005, Berger has been chairman of the New York State Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century, where he is designated to decide which 50 State hospitals must be closed in order to restore the medical system to fiscal health. And how did the system get broken in the first place?
But his name is just one out of an unwieldy 129 currently listed as Citizens Budget Commission board members, and I don't mean to pick solely on him. Other names that standout: Larry Silverstein, of Silverstein Properties, Inc., who briefly was master subtenant of the privatized World Trade Center, shortly before its unprecedented and entire destruction at the hands of 19 Muslim terrorists with box cutters, the majority of whose true identities the FBI never even tried to establish.
Then there's Jules B. Kroll, who in 1972 established Kroll Associates Inc. as the first in his slew of like incorporations designed to squeeze every possible nickle out of inflated, fear-based business budgets.
A list of his accomplishments includes an unselfconscious example of counterplundering, reclaiming what dictators (politicians friendly to the United States by another name) had stolen from their nation's people, as if such a thing were impossible to imagine occurring in the U.S.
In the early 1990s, he [Mr. Kroll] was worldwide renowned for his firm's success in searching for assets hidden by Jean-Claude Duvalier, Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, and Saddam Hussein.What international charter would empower Kroll to do financial forensic investigations that the U.S., or World Bank couldn't do? Americans believing in their own publicity surely must signal the end of an empire. The pattern of obliviousness has become too clear to overlook:
He served as the Vice Chairman of International Advisory Board at Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. until June 2008.Since Marsh & McLennan had their own risk management division, if Mr. Kroll were a legitimate business competitor he would make for a very unsympathetic Marsh board member---at any level
Bloomberg's Businessweek, which serves as a primary source for information on these board members, has what sounds like a description of Kroll founding an entire service industry:
By employing former prosecutors, law enforcement officials, journalists, and academics who utilized sophisticated fact-finding techniques to address decision-makers' needs for accurate information, Mr. Kroll established investigations and risk consulting as valuable corporate services.What new need would legitimate businesses have for research and intelligence derived from former prosecutors and law enforcement officials, who were experienced in dealing with criminal activity? Since the only "risk consultant" I'd trust is the one who promises not to create any in return for my regular payola, does 1972 represent the turning point in a privatization of government intelligence activity, what had been officially off-the-books anyway?
For instance, Kroll Government Services, a division of Kroll Inc. founded in "early 2000," with the help of William Bratton, former police commissioner of New York City, provides consulting and independent investigation services to police departments. We are told that
"Kroll grew the division to exclusively serve government clients at a historically critical time, during the development of the Department of Homeland Security."But the work example Kroll gives seems mundane, and not critical
The team soon won a major contract as Independent Monitor for the Los Angeles Police Department, a role that continued for nearly a decade.With the following, we now know who is buying all those hollow-point bullets, and why the deficit has soared
Kroll Government Services was acquired by Veritas Capital in May 2009, becoming KeyPoint Government Solutions. KeyPoint is now part of a family of companies that aggregate more than $6 billion in annual government sales and employ more than 50,000 men and women.
Make that 49,999 men and women:
September 14, 2012, Bloomberg, Veritas Capital Chairman McKeon Takes Own Life at Age 58,

Robert McKeon, the founder of private-equity firm Veritas Capital and a former chairman of Wasserstein Perella Management Partners, died Sept. 10 at his home in Darien, Connecticut. The cause of death was suicide, according to the office of Connecticut’s chief medical examiner.
Evaluation of the U. S. Railway Association's Preliminary System Plan: Report of the Railservices Planning Office..., 1975
The preliminary system and final system plans of the U.S. Railway Association: And the response of the Rail Service... by John Fitzgerald Due, 1975
Official errata supplement to the Final system plan for restructuring railroads in the Northeast and Midwest region: pursuant to the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973, Volume 1, United States Railway Association. Washington, D.C. : United States Railway Association : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1975.
The conveyance process: a supplement to the final report of the United States Railway Association by United States Railway Association, Jan 1, 1986
Surely it doesn't take the combined wattage of 83 Carnegie Hall Corporation board members to run a damn Music Hall. Mixed in is a celebrated cellist or two, and an occasional soprano, who trade their brand-names as artistic cover in exchange for eating out, but compared to these super luminaries of lucre, artistes are but dim bulbs.
Look at the way the broader board culture of Carnegie Hall is conducted in a public-private venture like the outcome of, and income from, the private corporation's lease to real estate developers of New York City-owned land abutting the Hall to the east. On this, with special zoning bonuses as a gift from the city, was built an enormous oversized tower; and just further to the east, separated by only the twenty-foot row-house width of the old Russian Tea Room, was built a second oversized tower. The only relationship between these two structures given any consideration was maximum profitability. It must be disarming to live on the seventieth floor and look out your east-facing windows and directly into your neighber's domestic goings-on, like a verticle Levittown but without any chance for conviviality.
As its payment for the ground rent, the city takes in a base amount equal to what the annual tax levy should be, but in a realistic business transaction that amount would be due the city on top of what such prime 57th Street square footage should earn annually for its citizen-owners.
It all finally caught up to the cabel, in a November 15, 2012, audit report from the Office of the New York City Comptroller, Carnegie Hall Corporation's Compliance with Its City Lease Agreement, which lists $8 million in profits made by the tower's owners---of which the city was supposed to get a small percentage---through an alteration in the lease agreement was made to look like business operating expenses. While the city never knew of, nor signed off on, any changes to the agreement, the plausable deniablity extends even to the real estate corporation managing the tower, since there was no official action, just a mid-level manager's letter in support.
February 20, 2013, Businessweek, Company Overview of Carnegie Hall Corporation,
Carnegie Hall Corporation owns and operates auditoriums and stages that present concerts ranging from orchestral performances, chamber music, recitals, and choral music to folk, world, musical theater, and jazz in the United States. It also conducts films, lectures, readings, museum exhibitions, and others; and provides facilities for business meetings, school, community and family, and professional programs. In addition, the company offers music education programs; and auditoriums and stages on rental basis for various events. Carnegie Hall Corporation was formerly known as Music Hall Company. The company was founded in 1889 and is based in New York, New York.
Ms. Synneve Carlino
Director of Public Affairs
Mr. Klaus Jacobs
Vice Chairman and Treasurer
Mr. Kenneth J. Bialkin
Secretary and Trustee
Age: 82
About the Partnership for New York City
The Partnership for New York City’s mission is to engage the business community in efforts to advance the economy of New York City and maintain the city’s position as the center of world commerce, finance and innovation. Through the Partnership Fund for New York City, the Partnership contributes directly to projects that create jobs, improve economically distressed communities and stimulate new business creation.
Michael R. Bloomberg
Bloomberg Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Hon. Michael R. Bloomberg serves as the President of Bloomberg Inc. Hon. Bloomberg was re-elected to a 3rd term and had been re-elected to a second term as the Mayor of New York City on November 8, 2005. Hon. Bloomberg was elected for the first term as Mayor of New York City on November 6, 2001. He served as an Officio Member of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Inc. He co-founded Bloomberg LP in 1981 and served as its President and Chief Executive Officer. Prior to Bloomberg LP, he served as General Partner at Salomon Brothers, where he Headed Equity Trading, Sales and, later, Systems Development. In 1966, he was hired by Salomon Brothers to work on Wall Street. He quickly advanced through the ranks, and became a Partner in 1972. Soon after, he was supervising all of Salomon's stock trading, sales and later, its information systems. He serves as an Ex Officio Member of Board of Directors of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. He serves as the Chairman of National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center Foundation, Inc. He served as Honorary Chairman and a Director at NYC & Company Inc. He served as the Chairman of the Board Trustees of Johns Hopkins University until May 2002. He serves as Trustee of The Carnegie Hall Corporation. Hon. Bloomberg serves as a Trustee at Brooklyn Academy Of Music Inc. He is also Trustee at Carnegie Hall. He funded relief programs for victims of domestic violence in New York City, sponsored the Children's Health Fund's Mobile Medical Unit which serves the children of homeless families, and supported construction of new athletic fields at city high schools throughout the five boroughs. He also served on the boards of 20 different civic, cultural, educational and medical institutions, including: the High School for Economics and Finance; Metropolitan Museum of Art; Police & Fire Widows' & Children's Benefit Fund; S.L.E. (Lupus) Foundation and Prep for Prep. Recently, he was honored by Johns Hopkins University, when its School of Hygiene and Public Health was renamed “The Bloomberg School of Public Health,“ a tribute to his leadership and use of philanthropy to improve the human condition. In 1997, he published his autobiography, Bloomberg by Bloomberg. He is a 1964 graduate of Johns Hopkins University and in 1966 MBA graduate of Harvard Business School.
John J. Veronis
Centaur Media plc
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. John J. Veronis Jr. Co-founded Veronis Suhler Stevenson and served as its Managing Partner, Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Veronis served as a Senior Managing Member of the General Partner of the fund. Mr. Veronis’ involvement in media spans over four decades and reflects a combination of corporate and entrepreneurial success. He has founded, owned, operated, served on the Board of Directors, and served as an executive across a broad spectrum of media, including magazine and book publishing, radio and television broadcasting, cable television, college textbook publishing, book clubs, educational films, and newsletters. Prior to co-founding VSS in 1981, Mr. Veronis co-founded Psychology Today and its parent company, CRM. He served as the President at Curtis Magazines, a Publisher at Ladies Home Journal, and was a General Corporate Executive at Interpublic Group of Companies. Mr. Veronis subsequently started Book Digest magazine, which grew to a circulation of one million under his direction. He served as a Director at The Official Information Company (since 1997), Hanley-wood LLC, Centaur Communications, Rifkin Acquisition Partners, Triax Midwest Associates, Broadcasting Partners Holdings, Cable Management Ireland, B&B Merger Corporation, Triax Southeast Associates, and International Media Partners. Mr. Veronis is a Director of the Metropolitan Opera. He was a Director at the United States Chamber of Commerce, the Magazine Publishers of America, Curtis Circulation Company, and WRGB-TV. Mr. Veronis is a former Trustee of Carnegie Hall. He received a B.A. from Lafayette College and attended the New York University Graduate School of Business.
Peter W. May
The Wendy's Company
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. Peter W. May serves as the President and Chief Operating Officer of Triarc Consumer Products Group LLC. Mr. May is the Founding Partner of The Wendy's Company. He is also a General Partner of DWG Acquisition. He has been President and a founding partner of Trian since November 2005. He is the Principal of Trian Fund Management, L.P. From January 1989 to April 1993, he served as the President and Chief Operating Officer of Trian Group. He served as the President and Chief Operating Officer of The Wendy's Company (alternate names: Wendy’s/Arby’s Group, Inc., Triarc Companies Inc.) from April 1993 to July 05, 2007 and has been its Vice Chairman since July 05, 2007. He served as President and Chief Operating Officer and a Director of Triangle from 1983 to December 1988. From 1987 to October 1992, he also served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Avery, Inc. Mr. May serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. He has been Vice Chairman of Snapple Beverage Corporation since April 1997. He has been Vice Vice Chairman and Member of Executive Committee of Trian Acquisition I Corp. since October 2007. He serves as Vice-Chairman of Trian Capital Corporation. He serves as Vice Chairman of Wendy's Restaurants LLC. He serves as Honorary Director of 92nd Street Y. He has been an Independent Director at Tiffany & Co. since March 20, 2008. He has been a Director of Triarc Consumer Products Group LLC since April 1997. He has been a Director of The Wendy's Company since April 1993. He serves as a Trustee of The Carnegie Hall Corporation. He served as a Director of National Propane Corporation, Managing General Partner of National Propane Partners since April 23, 1993. Mr. May serves as a Director or manager and officer of certain of Triarc Companies Inc.'s subsidiaries He served as a Director of Encore Capital Group, Inc. from February 1998 to May 2007. From June 1999 to March 2000, he served as a Director of Ascent Entertainment Group. He served as a Director of CIFC Corp. from December 2007 to June 2010. He served as a Director of Deerfield and Deerfield Capital. In addition, he is a Trustee of the University of Chicago, a member of its Executive Committee and a member of the Advisory Council on the Graduate School of Business of the University of Chicago. He serves as a Trustee of the New York Philharmonic, a Partner of the Partnership for New York City, a member of the Board of Directors of UJA Federation, and was Chairman of the UJA Federation’s “Operation Exodus” campaign. He is Chairman of the Board of the Leni and Peter May Family Foundation. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago, A.B., The University of Chicago School of Business, M.B.A. and is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive). Mr. May also holds an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from The Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University.
C. Michael Armstrong
SV Investment Partners
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. C. Michael Armstrong is a Senior Advisor at SV Investment Partners. Mr. Armstrong joined SV Investment Partners in 2003 as an Executive Advisor and also served as its Chairman since March 2007. Mr. Armstrong served the Chief Executive Officer at Hughes Electronics, and AT&T. He has been an Independent Director at HCA Inc. since 2004, a Director at Citigroup Inc. since 1989 and serves as the Chairman of its Audit Committee, a Director at IHS Inc. since December 2003, a Director at Telluride Foundation, and a Director at Parsons. Mr. Armstrong is on the Advisory Board at Schroder Venture Capital, a Member of the Supervisory Board at Thyssen-Bornemisza Group, a Member of IBM Management Committee, and a Member of the Advisory Committee at TBG. He is a Board Member of International Decision Systems. Mr. Armstrong is a retired Director at Comcast Holdings Corp. since November 2002 and a former Chairman of Hughes Electronics. He also served as the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer at International Business Machines World Trade Corporation from 1961 to 1992. Mr. Armstrong is the Chairman at Telluride Medical Capital Fund, Miami University, and Corporate Campaign. His current Board affiliations include International Handling Services and the Telluride Foundation. Mr. Armstrong serves on the Board of Trustees of Johns Hopkins University, The Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation, and The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medicine, where he also serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Mr. Armstrong serves as a Trustee and Member of the Advisory Board at Yale School of Management, a Member of the President's Export Council, Council on Foreign Relations, The Business Roundtable, and a Trustee at Carnegie Hall. From December 1988 to December 2003, he served on the Board of Directors of TBG. Mr. Armstrong also served as a Director of Comcast Corp., from November 2002 to June 1, 2005 and Excite@Home since May 1999 and was a Member of its Compensation Committee. He has been the Non-Executive Chairman of the Board at Comcast Holdings Corp., Chairman of the Board at Comcast Corp. from November 2002 to May 2003 and Non-Executive Chairman of the Board from May 2003 to May 26, 2004. Mr. Armstrong is a Visiting Professor at MIT Sloan School of Management. He holds a B.S. degree in Business and Economics from Miami University in Ohio.
Ronald O. Perelman
MacAndrews & Forbes Group Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. Ronald O. Perelman is the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman at MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc.He is the Founder of the firm and its sole owner. Mr. Perelman has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Mafco Holdings Inc. since 1980. He is the Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board, and Director of MacAndrews & Forbes at Mafco Consolidated Group LLC Mr. Perelman has been the Chairman of the Board of Managers and Chief Executive Officer at REV Holdings LLC since December 2002. Mr. Perelman serves as the Chief Executive Officer at TransTech Pharma. Mr. Perelman served as the Chief Executive Officer at REV Holdings Inc. from 1997 to December 2002. Mr. Perelman served as the Chief Executive Officer at Panavision Inc. from April 2003 to October 7, 2003. He served as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of CLN Holdings Inc. He began his career as an investor and financer in 1978 with the purchase of a stake in retail jewelry store chain Cohen-Hatfield Industries. Over the last 25 years, Mr. Perelman has built MacAndrews & Forbes into a multibillion dollar diversified corporate enterprise. Mr. Perelman has been the Co-Chairman of Panavision Inc. since April 2003 and its Director since 1998 Mr. Perelman serves as the Chairman of the Board at Mafco Holdings, Allied Security, and TransTech Pharma Inc. He has been the Chairman at Revlon Inc. and Revlon Consumer Products Corporation since June 1998 and has been its Director since 1992 and the Chairman of their Executive Committee since November 1995. Mr. Perelman has been the Chairman and a Director at Mafco Consolidated Group Inc. since June 1995. He has been Chairman of M&F Worldwide Corp. since September 2007 and has been its Director since 1995. He served as Chairman of MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc. until September 16, 2007. He has been a Director at Mafco Holdings Inc. since 1980 and an Independent Director at Scientific Games Corp. since December 11, 2003 and a Member of its Executive Committee. He has been a Director at M& F Worldwide Corp. since 1995. Mr. Perelman has been a Director at The Coleman Co. Inc. since 1989; Coleman Holdings Inc.; California Federal Bank; First Nationwide Holdings Inc.; First Nationwide (Parent) Holdings Inc.; and REV Holdings LLC. He has been a Member of the Board of Managers of Allied Security Holdings LLC since August 2004. He serves as a Member of Board of Managers at Allied-Barton Security Services. Mr. Perelman served as the Chairman of the Board at Meridian Sports Inc., since 1994; M&F Worldwide Corp. from 1995 to 1997; and Consolidated Cigar Holdings Inc. until 1997. Mr. Perelman served as a Director of Golden State BanCorp. Inc. and Citibank (West) BanCorp. Inc. since 1994; and Golden State Holdings Inc. He served as the Chairman from 1993 to December 2002 at REV Holdings Inc. Mr. Perelman served as Chairman of the Board of Panavision Inc. from 1998 to April 2003 and a Director at Meridian Sports Inc. since 1994, Marvel Entertainment Group Inc. (“Marvel”), Marvel Holdings Inc., Marvel (Parent) Holdings Inc., Marvel III Holdings Inc. and several subsidiaries of Marvel. An active Philanthropist, he Founded Revlon/UCLA Women’s Cancer Research Program and has established the Department of Dermatology New York University Medical Center. He has established Medical Center, Columbia University and the Apollo Theater Foundation the Ronald O. Perelman Heart Institute at New York Presbyterian Hospital and the Ronald O. Perelman and Claudia Cohen Center for Reproductive Medicine, both at Weill Cornell Medical Center. Mr. Perelman is committed to women’s health, arts, and education. He serves as a Trustee of The Carnegie Hall Corp. He serves as Director of New York Presbyterian Hospital, PharmaCore, Inc., The University of Pennsylvania, and the NYU Medical Center. He serves as a Member of Board of Overseers of Columbia Business School. He was the President of the Guggenheim Museum. He is also a Member of the French Legion of Honor. Mr. Perelman has an M.B.A. and a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.
Defense Security Services and Solutions
Securing Our Nation's Most Important Assets
As the largest American-owned and managed contract security services firm, AlliedBarton has a significant degree of experience providing exceptional service to the aerospace and defense industry, including to more than 60 facilities nationwide. The foundation of our industrial security expertise begins with our local support network of district offices backed by our national account resources and programs.
Our primary advantage as an American-owned security services firm is that we have the ability to support our National Industrial Security Program (NISP) customers without Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) issues. AlliedBarton is uniquely positioned to effectively and efficiently serve our NISP accounts without having to establish and maintain redundant infrastructures. We have immediate access to our local managers and more than 50,000 security officers to support the service and compliance requirements of this specialized industry.
Walter Scheuer
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. Scheuer has held his present position with the Corporation since October 28, 1980. Mr. Scheuer, since March, 1989, has been the controlling shareholder of Manchester Capital Corporation ("Manchester"), an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. He is also Trustee at the Carnegie Hall.
Linda J. Wachner
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Linda J. Wachner served as President Conseil D'admin. of Warnaco of Canada Company. Mrs. Wachner served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Authentic Fitness Corp. since May 1990. She served as Chairman of Warnaco Group, Inc. and also served as its Chief Executive Officer and President. She also served as President of Warnaco Group, Inc. from March 1986 to August 1987. Mrs. Wachner held various positions, including President and Chief Executive Officer, with Max Factor and Company from December 1978 to October 1984. She serves as a Director of Applied Graphics Technologies, Inc. and New York Stock Exchange, Inc. She serves as Trustee of The Carnegie Hall Corporation. Mrs. Wachner served as a Director of QVC, Inc. She served as a Director of The Travelers Inc., Castle & Cooke Homes, Inc. and the New York City Partnership. Mrs. Wachner was reappointed by President Bush to the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy Negotiations, on which she also served under President Reagan. She also served on Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's Transition Team and currently serves on the Mayor's Appointment Advisory Committee.
Terry J. Lundgren
Macy's, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. Terry J. Lundgren has been the Chief Executive Officer of Macy's, Inc. since February 26, 2003 and has been its President since May 1997. Mr. Lundgren served as the President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Merchandising Officer of Macy's, Inc. since April 15, 2002. He began his retailing career in 1975 with Bullock's at Macy's, Inc. For 12 years, he served positions of increasing responsibility in buying, human resources, senior-level store management and merchandising. He served as an Executive Vice president at Neiman Marcus, where he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since 1988. He served as Federated Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of its Merchandising Group and served as its President and Chief Merchandising Officer since 1997 and Chief Operating Officer since 2002. Mr. Lundgren joined Federated in 1975 and served as its President of Bullock Wilshire operation since 1987. He worked at Federated Department Stores, Inc., Pension Arm. He left Federated in 1988. He was a Broadcast and Cable Television Executive. He serves as a Co-chairman of The Partnership For New York City, Inc. He has been the Chairman of Macy's, Inc. since January 15, 2004 and has been its Director since May 1997. He served as Chairman of Federated since 2004 and has been its Director since 1997. He serves as the Chairman of National Retail Federation Inc. He served as Chairman of National Minority Supplier Development Council Business Consortium Fund, Inc. until October 2012. From February 1994 to February 19, 1998, he served as the Chairman of the Federated Merchandising Group, a division of Federated. He has been a Director of Kraft Foods Group, Inc. since October 1, 2012 and Macy's Inc., since May 1997. Mr. Lundgren serves as a Director of United Way of New York City and Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy. He has been a Director of The Federal Reserve Bank of New York since September 2011 and Procter & Gamble Co. since January 8, 2013. He serves as a Trustee of Carnegie Hall Corporation. He served as a Director of New York City Investment Fund Manager, Inc. and National Minority Supplier Development Council Business Consortium Fund, Inc. He served as a Director of Mondelez International, Inc. (a/k/a Kraft Foods Inc.) from May 2012 to October 1, 2012. Mr. Lundgren received the retail industry's pre-eminent honor, the Gold Medal Award, from the National Retail Federation in 2008 and has been an active leader in many retail industry initiatives over many years. He was a Commissioner on women's economic development by the Mayor of New York in 2002 and was presented with Carnegie Hall's third annual Medal of Excellence for outstanding philanthropic leadership in the arts in 2008. Mr. Lundgren has Bachelor's Degree from the University of Arizona.
September 1, 2011, NYT, Silver Lake’s Hutchins Named a Director of the New York Fed, by MICHAEL J. DE LA MERCED,
Private equity is again getting a seat at the table at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
On Thursday, the regulator named Glenn H. Hutchins, a co-founder and co-head of Silver Lake, as a new director. His appointment was effective as of Wednesday.
Mr. Hutchins will serve out the rest of the term vacated by Jeffrey B. Kindler, who resigned as Pfizer‘s chief executive in December. The term runs through December 2012.
The New York Fed also named Terry J. Lundgren, the chairman and chief executive of Macy’s, as a new director. He will serve out the rest of the term of General Electric‘s chief executive, Jeffrey R. Immelt, which expires on Dec. 31.
Mr. Hutchins is not the first private equity executive to serve on the New York Fed’s board: Stephen Friedman, a former Goldman Sachs chief executive, was the chairman of Stone Point Capital when he served as the Fed’s chairman until May 2009.
At Silver Lake, Mr. Hutchins, a veteran of the Clinton administration, has helped create one of the biggest technology investors around. Among the firm’s notable recent transactions are buying control of Skype in 2009 — and then selling it to Microsoft earlier this year for $8.5 billion; taking part in a $950 million financing round for Groupon; and teaming up with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts to buy the Go Daddy Group for about $2.25 billion.
"The board of directors is a key link between the bank and the region, and Mr. Hutchins and Mr. Lundgren have expertise in two critical industries — retail and technology — that are major employers in our area," William Dudley, the New York Fed’s president, said in a statement.
William B. Harrison
Merck & Co. Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. William B. Harrison, Jr. served as the Chief Executive Officer at J.P. Morgan & Co. Inc., from November 2001 to December 2005. Mr. Harrison served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at JPMorgan Chase & Co. from January 2000 to December 2000 and its President from January to December 2001. He served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Chase Manhattan Corporation from January 1, 2000 to December 2000 and the President until December 1999. Mr. Harrison presided over the mergers with J.P. Morgan in 2000 and Bank One in 2004. He began his career with Chemical Bank in 1967. In 1976, he was appointed to District Head of the Western Region based in San Francisco. In 1978, he moved to London to take responsibility for the bank's U.K. business and in 1982 was promoted to Division Head of Europe. He returned to the U.S. in 1983 to run the U.S. Corporate Division and in 1986 was put in charge of the bank's global Banking and Corporate Finance group. He was named a Vice Chairman of Chemical in August 1990. He serves as the Chairman of Cadence Bancorp, LLC (formerly COMMUNITY bancorp, LLC). He serves as the Vice Chairman of JPMorgan Chase Foundation. He served as the Chairman of National Association, from November 2001 to December 31, 2006. He served as the Vice Chairman of Chase Manhattan Corporation, from 1991 to December 1999. Mr. Harrison served as the Vice Chairman of the Board of Chase Manhattan Bank and was responsible for Chase Manhattan Cor.'s Global Bank businesses. He has been a Director of Merck & Co. Inc. since 1999. He serves as a Lead Director o Merck & Co. Inc. He serves as a Director of National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center Foundation, Inc. He serves as a Director of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc., The Clearing House LLC., The Carnegie Hall Corporation Dillard Department Stores, Inc., He serves as a Trustee of Central Park Conservancy, Inc. He served as a Director of Cousins Properties Inc. since May 9, 2006. He served as a Director of The Partnership For New York City, Inc. He served as a Director of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., from 1991 to December 31, 2006, Chase Manhattan Corp. Chase, and of the Chase Manhattan Bank. Mr. Harrison served as Director of Freeport McMoRan Inc., Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., McMoRan Oil & Gas Co., and NYSE Euronext, Inc. (also known as New York Stock Exchange, Inc). He serves as a Member of the Board of Overseers and Managers of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and of the Board of Directors of North Carolina Outward Bound and the Committee to Encourage Corporate Philanthropy. He serves as a Member of Business Council, Business Roundtable, Financial Services Forum, and Financial Services Roundtable. He serves on the Board of Visitors of the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School and the Board of Directors for Catalyst. Mr. Harrison holds an A.B. degree in Economics from the University of North Carolina and is a graduate of the Harvard Business School's International Senior Management Programme in Switzerland.
John L. Tishman
Tishman Realty & Construction Co., Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. John L. Tishman serves as Chief Executive Officer of Tishman Realty & Construction. Mr. Tishman has skillfully guided the success of the Tishman Realty & Construction. His strategic management plan based on broad diversification within the real estate and construction markets, savvy joint-venture partnerships, passion for applying advanced technology, emphasis on employee professionalism and continuing education and a reputation for handling difficult projects with speed and expertise form the basis of the Tishhman's Success. He is a committed leader in educational and other humanitarian endeavors. Mr. Tishman was personally in charge of such landmark projects as the World Trade Center in New York, the renovation of Carnegie Hall, The John Hancock Center in Chicago, The Century Club Theme Center in Los Angeles, and Walt Disney Company's EPCOT Center in Orlando. He serves as Chairman and Director of Tishman Realty & Construction, Inc. He serves as Trustee of Carnegie Hall. He has been a Trustee of New School University since 1981. He serves on the Boards of Carnegie Hall and The Central Park Conservancy. He served on the Board of the NYU Medical Center, Ronald McDonald House, New School University, The Weizmann Institute of Science, and Pratt Institute.
Robert I. Lipp
New York City Ballet, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Sanford I. Weill
Citigroup, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Weill Family Foundation, The
Mr. Sanford I. Weill, Sandy serves as a Senior Advisor of Citigroup Inc., and has been its Chairman Emeritus since April 18, 2006. Mr. Weill served as Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup Inc. from 1998 to 2003. Mr. Weill served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Travelers Group from 1986 to 1998; President from 1986 to 1991; President, American Express Company from 1983 to 1985; Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, American Express Insurance Services Inc., from 1984 to 1985; Chairman of the Board, Shearson Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. from 1984 to 1985; Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, or a principal executive officer, Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. from 1965 to 1984, Founding Partner, Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc.'s predecessor partnership from 1960 to 1965. Mr. Weill serves as Chairman of The Weill Family Foundation. He served as Chairman of Citigroup Inc. at Citibank Europe plc from 1998 to April 18, 2006. He serves as a Director of Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy. He serves as a Director of KOC Holding AS. He has been a Director of Travelers Insurance Group Holdings Inc., (formerly, Travelers Property Casualty Corp.) since 1996. Mr. Weill has been a Member of the Office of the Chairman since 1999. He serves as Member of The Business Roundtable and The Business Council. He has been Trustee of Hospital for Special Surgery, Inc. since October 9, 2012. He serves as a Director of The Carnegie Hall Corporation, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (Director), Board of Governors of New York Hospital (Member), Board of Overseers of the Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College, Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Cornell University (Chairman) and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, The New York and Presbyterian Hospitals (Trustee), Cornell University's Johnson Graduate School of Management Advisory Council (member), Cornell University (Trustee Emeritus), National Academy Foundation (Chairman) and United States Treasury Department's Working Group on Child Care (member). He served as a Director of The Partnership for New York City Inc., He served as Board of Directors of The Federal Reserve Bank of New York since 2001. [Huh? "As," or "on?"] Mr. Weill instituted a joint program with the New York City Board of Education in 1980 that created the Academy of Finance, which trains high school students for careers in financial services. He is Chairman of the National Academy Foundation and is the principal sponsor of New York City's High School of Economics and Finance. He served as a Director of United Technologies Corporation from 1999 to April 9, 2003 and AT&T Corp. from 1998 to 2002 and of E. I. Du Pont Nemours and Company from 1998 to 2001. He served as a Director of Citigroup Inc. from 1986 to April 18, 2006. In July 2002, Mr. Weill was the recipient of Chief Executive magazine's 2002 CEO of the Year Award. The EastWest Institute awarded him its Corporate Leadership Award in December 2005. He was the 1997 recipient of the New York State Governor's Art Award. He is a graduate of Cornell University.
Craig E. Weatherup
Greener Capital
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. Craig E. Weatherup serves as an Advisor at Greener Capital. Mr. Weatherup served as an Acting President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman of Arizona State University Foundation since August 2006. Mr. Weatherup served as the Chief Executive Officer of The Pepsi Bottling Group Inc. from November 1998 to January 2003. He served as a Principal Executive Officer of Bottling Group, LLC. Mr. Weatherup served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pepsi-Cola Company from July 1996 to October 1998. He served as the President of Pepsi-Cola Company since 1988, President and Chief Executive Officer of Pepsi-Cola North America since 1991 and served as the President of PepsiCo, Inc. since 1996. Mr. Weatherup joined the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Group in 1982 and was named President of the division in 1986. He began his career in 1974 as Pepsi-Cola Marketing Director for the Far East stationed in Tokyo, Japan. Mr. Weatherup spent the next eight years in international operations in a variety of positions. He worked for General Foods Corporation. He has been a Director of Starbucks Corp., since February 1999. Mr. Weatherup serves as a Director of Arizona State University Foundation. He served as the Chairman of the Board of Pepsi Bottling Group from March 1998 to January 24, 2003. He serves as a Trustee of The Carnegie Hall Corporation. He served as a Member of Special Advisory Board of Pepsico, Inc. Mr. Weatherup has been a Director of Macy's, Inc. of May Department Stores Co., since August 1996. He serves as a Director of Starbucks Coffee Company, The Arizona Nature Conservancy, and Carnegie Hall. Mr. Weatherup also is an active supporter of Arizona State University, the Bishop's Fund for Children in Connecticut and Tuskegee University. He served as a Director of Pepsi Bottling Group since January 1999. Mr. Weatherup served as a Director of PepsiCo, Inc. from 1996 to March 1999. He received a B.S. degree in Accounting from Arizona State University.
Craig E. Weatherup
Birthplace:Syracuse, NY
Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Business
Party Affiliation: Republican
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: CEO of Pepsi Bottling Group, 1999-2003
Wife: Connie (four children)
University: BS Accounting, Arizona State University (1967)
Pepsi Beverages Company CEO (1999-2003)
Pepsi CEO of Pepsi-Cola Company subsidiary (1996-98)
Pepsi CEO of Pepsi-Cola North America (1991-)
General Foods
Member of the Board of Federated Department Stores (-2007)
Member of the Board of Macy's (2007-)
Member of the Board of Pepsi (1996-
Member of the Board of Pepsi Beverages Company (as Chairman, 1999-2003)
Member of the Board of Starbucks (1999-)
American Beverage Association
Carnegie Hall Trustee
George W. Bush for President
John McCain 2008
McCain Victory Committee
Sir Deryck C. Maughan
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Sir Deryck Charles Maughan serves as the Head of Financial Services Industry Team and Chairman of Japan at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and is its Partner. Sir Maughan joined Kohlberg in 2005. Sir Maughan serves as Managing Director of Nikko Securities Co., Ltd. He serves as an Executive Officer of Citigroup Financial Products, Inc. He served as an Executive Vice President of Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., from 1993 to October 2004. He served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Salomon Brothers Inc. of Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc. from May 1992 to October 2004. Sir Maughan was Investment Banking Professional of The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. From 1969 to 1979, he served as a Member of H.M. Treasury (UK Economics and Finance Ministry) in London. He served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup International at Citigroup, Inc. until October 2004. Sir Maughan served as Tokyo Branch Manager of Salomon Brothers Asia, Limited since August 1986 and Chairman since January 1988. He served as the Chief Operating Officer of Salomon Brothers Inc. since August 1991. Since November 1997, he served as a Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of Salomon Smith Barney. He served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc. (formerly, Nikko Citigroup Ltd.). He served as the Chairman of the Board at US-Japan Business Council from 2002 to 2004. He served as the Chairman of Cross-Marketing Group and Citigroup Japan until October 2004. Sir Maughan served as Vice Chairman of Salomon Brothers (Investment Banking Division) since January 1991. He served as Vice Chairman of Citigroup Inc. from 1998 to October 2004 and New York Stock Exchange from 1996 to 2000. He served as Vice Chairman of NYSE Euronext, Inc. Sir Maughan has been an Independent Non-executive Director of Glaxosmithkline PLC since June 1, 2004. He has been an Independent Director of Thomson Reuters Corporation since 2008. He has been a Director of BlackRock Inc. since October 2006. He has been a Non Executive Director of Thomson Reuters UK Limited (formerly, Thomson Reuters PLC and Reuters Group Plc) since September 23, 2005. He serves as a Director of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Inc. He serves as a Director of Citigroup Foundation and a Trustee of NYU Elaine A. and Kenneth G. Langone Medical Center. He serves as a Trustee of The Carnegie Hall Corporation. He serves as an International Advisory Board Member of British American Business Inc. He serves as a Member of Advisory Board of The British-American Business Council. He served as a Director of Citicorp., BlackRock World Mining Trust plc, Nikko Cordial Corp, New York City Investment Fund Manager, Inc. and Salomon Brothers Inc. He served as a Director of Citigroup International, Cross-Marketing Group and Citigroup Japan until October 2004. He served as a Director of BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (also known as BlackRock Preferred Income Strategies Fund, Inc.). He served as a Director of Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc. since 1991 and Representative Director of Salomon Brothers Asia Ltd. since August 1986. Sir Maughan served as a Director of Citigroup Inc., until October 2004. He is a Board Member of the American Academy in Berlin and the Trilateral Commission. He serves on Advisory Councils at Harvard and Stanford Universities. He also serves on the boards of several charitable organizations. He is a Harkness Fellow and a graduate of King's College, University of London and the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University.
October 20, 2004, NYT, Citigroup Forces Resignations of 3 Senior Executives, by Landon Thomas Jr.,
Three senior executives at Citigroup were forced to resign yesterday as Charles O. Prince, the firm's chief executive, delivered on a promise to improve the bank's sullied reputation in the aftermath of its private banking operations being shut down in Japan last month.
The three who resigned are Deryck C. Maughan, the chairman of Citigroup's extensive international operations; Thomas W. Jones, the head of the bank's asset management division; and Peter Scaturro, the chief executive of private banking. All were members of the firm's management committee and their departures represent the most significant exodus of top executives since Mr. Prince succeeded Sanford I. Weill as chief executive a little more than a year ago.
The dismissals were announced in an internal e-mail message sent to Citigroup employees yesterday evening. The message stated that the asset management and private banking units of the bank would report immediately to Robert B. Willumstad, president and chief operating officer of Citigroup.
Last month, Citigroup was forced to close its private banking operations in Japan after regulators found that a lack of internal controls enabled certain employees to engage in fraudulent transactions.
Mr. Prince and the bank, already facing the prospect of suits from Enron creditors and charges of irregular bond trades in Britain, then hired Eugene Ludwig, a former comptroller of the currency at the United States Treasury, to conduct an internal review of the matter.
According to a person briefed on the review, its conclusion was that Mr. Jones, Mr. Scaturro and Mr. Maughan should be held responsible for lack of oversight in Japan. Mr. Jones, Mr. Scaturro and Mr. Maughan could not be reached for comment late yesterday.
Mr. Scaturro reported to Mr. Jones, and the two executives had broad responsibility for the bank's private banking operations in Japan. The departure of Mr. Maughan, whose responsibility for the Japan operations was less direct, underscores the depth to which Mr. Prince is willing to burrow into Citigroup's executive suite in his drive to enforce a culture of accountability at the sprawling financial institution.
Mr. Maughan's departure could be seen as all the more embarrassing because he styled himself as a Japan expert of sorts. He is a trustee of the Japan Society in New York and worked in Japan as a fast-rising executive at Salomon Brothers in the 1980's. Until recently, he was responsible for all of Citigroup's business in Japan. He was also recently knighted.
Mr. Maughan's stature at the bank derived in large part from his close relationship with Mr. Weill, who remains chairman. Mr. Maughan has frequently socialized with Mr. Weill and is a trustee with him at Carnegie Hall.
And, though the dismissals bore the stamp of Mr. Prince, a lawyer who for years worked alongside Mr. Weill as to build Citigroup into a financial colossus, they were completed with the full knowledge of the board and Mr. Weill, a person close to the board said yesterday.
In recent months, Mr. Prince has become increasingly frustrated with the seeming drumbeat of ethical and regulatory lapses at Citigroup. On a recent conference call with analysts he said that such behavior would be dealt with in the near future.
"I just want to make it very clear to all of you that for all of us, examples like that are simply not acceptable," he said, referring to the sanctions in Japan, while adding that action had been taken and that there would be "more to come."
Mr. Jones's corporate roots also date back to Salomon Brothers, where he was the head of the investment bank's asset management unit.
Although the closing of the bank's private banking operations in Japan will barely dent the bank's net profits, which were $17 billion last year, the ignominy of the world's largest financial institution having its private bankers expelled from such an important market, together with the other regulatory lapses, has cast a pall over the bank and its stock price. Citigroup's stock has been a weak performer during Mr. Prince's reign and the resulting low valuation has made all the harder for the bank to make the acquisitions that were Mr. Weill's trademark and that analysts say are necessary to keep the bank growing at an acceptable pace. Shares of Citigroup fell 63 cents, to $43.59 yesterday.
Last month, Mr. Prince shook up his management team by appointing Sallie L. Krawcheck, a former securities industry analyst, as chief financial officer and moving Todd S. Thomson to assume her job as head of research and retail brokerage. Mr. Thomson will now have oversight of the private banking unit, the memorandum said yesterday. Mr. Prince has said that Mr. Thomson and Ms. Krawcheck are strong candidates to succeed him as chief executive.
Sir Deryck Maughan (age 64), Director since 2006, has been a Partner and Head of the Financial Institutions Group of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts ("KKR") since 2009 and a Managing Director since 2005. He was Chairman of KKR Asia from 2005 to 2009. Prior to joining KKR, Sir Deryck served as Vice Chairman of Citigroup from 1998 to 2004, as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Salomon Brothers from 1992 to 1997 and as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Salomon Brothers Asia from 1986 to 1991. He also was Vice Chairman of the NYSE from 1996 to 2000 and Chairman of the US-Japan Business Council from 2002 to 2004. Prior to joining Salomon Brothers in 1983, Sir Deryck worked at Goldman Sachs. He served in H.M. Treasury (UK Economics and Finance Ministry) from 1969 to 1979. He is also a director of GlaxoSmithKline and Reuters. The Board of Directors concluded that Sir Deryck's internationally focused leadership positions at KKR, a global leader in private equity, fixed income and capital markets, and at Citigroup and Salomon Brothers allow Sir Deryck to provide valuable insights on international finance and that he should serve as a director of BlackRock.
Source: BlackRock on 03/13/2012
May 28, 1992, Los Angeles Times, Maughan Tapped to Lead Scandalized Salomon Bros, by Linda Grant,
NEW YORK — Deryck C. Maughan, who catapulted into the chief operating officer's job at Salomon Bros. last August after a scandal forced four top officers to resign, was named chairman and chief executive of the investment bank Wednesday.
Warren E. Buffett, interim chairman of parent company Salomon Inc., announced the promotion in a press release that praised Maughan's "moral leadership" and "character" as well as his operational stewardship of the crisis-ridden firm the last nine months.
Maughan's promotion, which takes effect immediately, paves the way for Buffett to leave Salomon. Buffett's principal remaining task is to find someone to replace him as chief executive of the holding company.
Said Buffett: "Deryck assumed the job at a time when Salomon's regulators were understandably outraged and its staff was dismayed. Working seven days a week, quite often 18 hours a day, he personified the integrity and professionalism of the firm." [Pure Doublespeak]
The move, which was expected, follows a settlement of fraud allegations last week with several government agencies, including the Treasury and Justice departments, the Federal Reserve Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Salomon agreed to pay fines and penalties of $290 million to settle charges that the firm submitted billions of dollars in fraudulent bids in Treasury auctions used to finance public debt.
[Shitting in the Nest]
Buffett's announcement credited Maughan's "grace and goodwill" as "integral to our settlement with the government."
"I'm on a real high," Maughan said. "I'm pleased about the promotion because it reflects Warren's confidence in the firm. . . . We're in a good position to move forward now, doing what we do best: serving clients and committing capital."
Maughan, 44-year-old son of a British coal miner, was thrown into the breach last August only months after returning to New York as co-head of investment banking from an assignment in Japan, where he built the Salomon office into a moneymaking showcase.
In an emergency session the day after former Chief Executive John H. Gutfreund and several other executives resigned, 12 Salomon officers met with Buffett to begin picking up the pieces of the shattered firm. [Gutfreund's apartment is remembered as having been overdecorated.]
Buffett invited them one by one into a nearby room, where he asked: "Who should run the firm?" Ten out of the 12 answered, "Deryck Maughan."
The tall, soft-spoken Maughan served for 10 years as a British Treasury official before he was recruited to investment banking in London by Wall Street's Goldman Sachs in 1979. He later moved to Salomon. When tapped as chief operating officer, he immediately reorganized and downsized the firm.
Said Buffett: "Rather than freeze the firm in the headlights until the investigations were over, Deryck almost immediately began looking at how to improve the firm. Some of the operational changes he put in place have already had a favorable influence on profits."
His most controversial changes were laying off a sizable percentage of Salomon's equity traders and investment bankers and slashing bonuses.
Salomon's profit has suffered for the past two quarters as investment banking and underwriting clients awaited the conclusion of the government's case against the firm before resuming business ties. Last week's settlement was a victory for Buffett and Maughan, because the firm escaped criminal indictment and will be allowed to retain its status as a "primary dealer" of government debt. With those issues resolved, Salomon is now in a position to compete on an equal footing with competitors. [Codependent Capitalism]
Stanley S. Shuman
Allen & Company Incorporated
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. Stanley S. Shuman has been the Managing Director of Allen & Co. LLC since 1970. Mr. Shuman has been associated with Allen & Co LLC since 1961 and has been an active participant in the principal investment and investment advisory industry around the world for over 45 years. He has also worked extensively in the media industry, serving currently as a Director Emeritus of News Corporation. Mr. Shuman is an Advisor at Palamon Capital Partners and serves as the Chairman of the Advisory Committee for Palamon European Equity, L.P. and Palamon European Equity II, L.P. He serves on numerous civic and non-profit Boards, including Six Flags Inc., WNET/Channel 13, the Museum of Television and Radio, Carnegie Hall, and The Lower Manhattan Development Corp. He was appointed by the President Clinton to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, served for 19 years as a Member of the Financial Control Board for the City of New York, and he is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and The Economic Club of New York. Mr. Shuman is a member of the Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the Bar of the State of New York. He holds a B.A. from Harvard, a J.D. from the Harvard Law School, and an M.B.A from the Harvard Business School.
Board Memberships
Proxim Corp.
Director The Paley Center for Media
Director John and Mary R Markle Foundation
Director National Public Radio, Inc.
Director Lower Manhattan Development Corp.
Former Director Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Trustee Carnegie Hall Corporation 1982-2005
Director Emeritus News Corp. 1985-N/A
Director GlobeGround North America LLC 2000-N/A
Former Director Six Flags Entertainment Corporation
Education BA Harvard University
MBA Harvard Business School
JD Harvard Law School
Other Affiliations
Proxim Corp.
News Corp.
ArcelorMittal Laplace, LLC
Harvard University
GlobeGround North America LLC
Six Flags Entertainment Corporation
Palamon Capital Partners
Harvard Business School
The Paley Center for Media
Palamon European Equity, L.P.
John and Mary R Markle Foundation
National Public Radio, Inc.
Lower Manhattan Development Corp.
Harvard Law School
Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Palamon European Equity II, L.P.
October 6, 2005, Press Release, Stanley S. Shuman Resigns from Board of Directors, Shuman to Become Director-Emeritus of News Corporation,
News Corporation today announced that Stanley S. Shuman has resigned from the Company’s Board of Directors.
Mr. Shuman, who is managing director of Allen and Company LLC, has been a director of News Corporation since 1982. He will continue his association with the Company as Director-Emeritus, attending Board meetings but not voting on resolutions.
Mr. Shuman said: “In order to permit News Corporation to come within applicable governance provisions by having its Board comprised of a majority of independent directors, I have decided to resign as a Director. I have been immensely privileged to serve on News Corp.’s Board for these many years and look forward to continuing my association with the Company in my new position as Director-Emeritus.”
Mr. Shuman will not be replaced on the Board of Directors. Following Mr. Shuman’s resignation, the Board will be reduced to 13 members, a majority of whom are independent directors.
Commenting on Mr. Shuman’s resignation, News Corporation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Rupert Murdoch said: “Stan has been an outstanding director for the past 23 years as News Corp. has grown from a relatively small company focused on newspapers into one of the world’s biggest and most diversified media companies. His broad knowledge of the industry, his sage advice and his firm friendship have been deeply valued. We are fortunate to be able to count on Stan’s opinions in the future as he continues to contribute to our Company as Director-Emeritus. All News Corp. stockholders owe Stan a debt of gratitude for the great work he has done for our Company over the years.”
News Corporation (NYSE: NWS, NWS.A; ASX: NWS, NWSLV) had total assets as of June 30, 2005 of approximately US$55 billion and total annual revenues of approximately US$24 billion. News Corporation is a diversified international media and entertainment company with operations in eight industry segments: filmed entertainment; television; cable network programming; direct broadcast satellite television; magazines and inserts; newspapers; book publishing; and other. The activities of News Corporation are conducted principally in the United States, Continental Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, Asia and the Pacific Basin.
Joe L. Roby
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. Joe L. Roby has been Chairman Emeritus and Senior Advisor of Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation ('CSFB'), a subsidiary of Credit Suisse Group, since December 2001. Mr. Roby served as Chief Executive Officer of Credit Suisse (USA) Inc. (formerly Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc.) from February 1998 to November 2000; Chief Operating Officer from November 1995 to February 1998 and President from February 1996 to November 2000. He served as President of Harrisdirect LLC from February 1996 to November 2000. He served as Managing Director of Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Inc. since 1984 and was responsible for the investment banking department. He joined Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Inc. as Vice President in Investment Banking Group in 1972. He started his business career at Kidder Peabody in 1967 before joining Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Inc.'s new investment banking department as Vice President. Mr. Roby served as Chairman Emeritus of Credit Suisse AG. He served as Chairman of Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Inc.'s Banking Group since 1989. He served as Chairman of CSFB from November 2000 to December 2001. He serves as Director of Maersk Line Limited and Sybron International Corporation. He serves as Trustee of Central Park Conservancy, Inc. He serves as Trustee of Vanderbilt University. Mr. Roby served as Director of Harrisdirect LLC and Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Inc. since 1989. He served as Non-executive Director of Babcock & Brown Limited since April 2006 and Independent Non-Executive Director of Babcock & Brown Limited. He served as Director of Credit Suisse (USA) Inc., New York Stock Exchange, Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Apogent Technologies Inc. since 1989, Musicland Group Inc. and Thermadyne Holdings Corp. He served as Trustee of The Carnegie Hall Corporation. He served as Member of the Harvard Business School Board of Dean's Advisors. He was commissioned an Ensign in the US Navy and served in the Pacific Fleet as a Line Officer from 1961 to 1965. Mr. Roby was a Lieutenant when he left the Navy to enter the Harvard Business School where he earned an MBA with distinction in 1967. He graduated cum laude in 1961 from Vanderbilt University.
Harry P. Kamen
Pfizer Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Michael T. Masin
O'Melveny & Myers, LLP
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Frank N. Newman
Wells Fargo & Company
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Lawrence A. Weinbach
Yankee Hill Capital Management, LLC
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Howard Stringer
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
A. Janet C. Smith
Putnam High Income Securities Fund
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Nortorn Belknap
Laguna Resources NL
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
William Samuel Thompson
Pacific Mutual Holding Company
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Felix G. Rohatyn
Lazard Ltd.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Citizens Budget Commission
Laura H. Pomerantz
PBS Real Estate, LLC
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Ralph M. Baruch
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
James R. McManus
Beachside Capital Partners Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Stephen M. Kellen
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
E. John Rosenwald
Hasbro Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Jerry I. Speyer
Rockefeller Center, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
William G. Parrett
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Sallie L. Krawcheck
BofA Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
James D. Wolfensohn
Wolfensohn & Company, L.L.C.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Sheldon Silver
Cornell University
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Joseph L. Bruno
Cornell University
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
W. Vincent Astor
New York University
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Richard J. Schwartz
Cornell University
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Lester S. Morse
Juilliard School, The
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Oscar de la Renta
Oscar de la Renta LLC
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Richard A. Debs
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Susan W. Rose
Juilliard School, The
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
William D. Rondina
The Connaught Group, Ltd.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Hillary Clinton
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Klaus Jacobs
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Peter Jennings
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Emanuel Ax
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Roy M. Goodman
United Nations Development Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Betty Allen
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Martina Arroyo
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Marilyn Horne
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
John W. Zick
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Schuyler G. Chapin
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Judith W. Evnin
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Joseph T. Boyle
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Clarissa Alcock Bronfman
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Gilbert E. Kaplan
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mercedes Bass
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Yo-Yo Ma
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Bella L. Linden
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Jay R. Petschek
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Joshua L. Nash
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Suki Sandler,
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Nancy Rosenfield
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Alan G. Weiler
WNYC Radio, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
S. Donald Sussman
Paloma Partners LLC
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Pierre Boulez
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Jazz Impresario George Wein
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Irene Diamond
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Jack deSimone
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Lucien Wulsin
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Roberta Peters
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
C. Virginia Fields
Central Park Conservancy, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
A. Gifford Miller
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Liz Krueger
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Kate D. Levin
NYC & Company, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Charles E. Schumer
Center for Economic Growth
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Richard N. Gottfried
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Burton P. Resnick
Development Corporation for Israel
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Carolyn B. Maloney
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
George E. Pataki
Ecological, LLC.
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Mr. George E. Pataki, J.D. is a Member of Executive Board at MidOcean Partners. He joined the firm on September 9, 2008. Mr. Pataki is also the Founder and Chairman of Pataki-Cahill Group. Mr. Pataki is a Board Director of San Juan Cable, LLC, Cornell University. He serves as Director of Cosan Ltd since 2007., and The Carnegie Hall Corporation and an Advisor of EnerTech Capital. Mr. Pataki was a Counsel at Chadbourne & Parke, L.L.P. He joined Chadbourne in 2007 as a Counsel and focused on the environmental energy, infrastructure, and corporate practice areas. Apart from this, he is currently the co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force on Climate Change. He previously served three terms as the 53rd Governor of the New York from 1995 to 2006. Mr. Pataki has been widely known for his protection of over one million acres of open space. In addition, he has given out policies in the renewable energy space and environmental fields. He led the establishment of the first mandatory cap and trade carbon initiative (called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative). He also implemented the first integrated strategy to for creating clean, renewable transportation networks utilizing alternative fuels, including tax and other incentives for both consumes and manufactures, grants fore alternative retail fuel distribution systems, and the exemption of renewable fuels from all State and local taxes. He instituted United States’ first green buildings tax credit incentive program which led to the building of the first high rise green office building in the United States, and a host of other green projects currently under development. He also ensured that the redeveloped World Trade Center site becomes a green building design. In addition, he worked to create public private partnerships for clean energy generation in New York resulting in one of the largest industrial solar power arrays in the United States and one of the largest wind-power arrays in Eastern United States. He is a Governor. He received a J.D. from Columbia Law School and is a graduate of Yale University.
Harold O. Levy
Palm Ventures LLC
Board Affiliations
Carnegie Hall Corporation
Shlomo Dovrat
Carmel Ventures
Board Affiliations
Tecnomatix Technologies Ltd.
Avi Zeevi
Carmel Ventures
Board Affiliations
Tecnomatix Technologies Ltd.
Talia Livni
Lumenis Ltd.
Board Affiliations
Tecnomatix Technologies Ltd.
Gerald B. Cramer
ProxyMed Inc.
Board Affiliations
Tecnomatix Technologies Ltd.
Citizens Budget Commission (CBC) is a not-for-profit civic organization that influences constructive changes in the finances and services of New York City and New York State government. The organization researches and analyzes the City's finances and fiscal affairs of state government and evaluates the management of city government. CBC was founded in 1932 and is headquartered in New York City.
Key Executives For Citizens Budget Commission
Name | Board Relationships | Title | Age |
Carol Kellermann | No Relationships | President | 62 |
Charles Brecher | No Relationships | Executive Vice President and Director of Research | -- |
Philip L. Milstein | 337 Relationships | Treasurer and Trustee | 63 |
Brian T. Horey | 131 Relationships | Secretary and Trustee | 51 |
Citizens Budget Commission Board Members*
Name | Board Relationships | Primary Company | Age |
H. Dale Hemmerdinger | 131 Relationships | Valley National Bancorp | 67 |
Deborah A. Buresh | 131 Relationships | Citizens Budget Commission | -- |
Bud H. Gibbs | 131 Relationships | Citizens Budget Commission | -- |
David R. Greenbaum | 131 Relationships | Vornado Realty Trust | 60 |
James L. Lipscomb Esq. | 143 Relationships | Metropolitan Series Fund - MSCI EAFE Index Portfolio | 65 |
Paul F. Balser![]()
Ironwood Management Partners II, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Mr. Paul F. Balser is a Co-Founder of Ironwood Management Partners II, LLC since December 2000. Throughout his 43-year career, Mr. Balser has been a highly successful investor in a wide variety of industries. Mr. Balser was a Co-Founder and Special Limited Partner of Generation Partners L.P. He was a Managing Partner of Generations Partners Fund I since August 1995, actively involved with the fund and serving in an advisory capacity. Mr. Balser also co-invested as a Special Limited Partner in Fund II. Prior to founding Generation, he was a Partner of Centre Partners L.P. from September 1986 to August 1995. From April 1982 to September 1986, Mr. Balser was a Managing Director of J. Henry Schroder Corp. He served as a Vice President of Carbide/Graphite Group Inc. from August 1988 until June 1992. Mr. Balser serves as the Chairman of Hudson Guild and a Director of United Neighborhood Houses, MetroLabel Corp., New Wave Communications L.P., and LVI Environmental Services Inc. He has been a Director of Janus Capital Group Inc. since June 2000 and serves as a Member of Compensation Committee. Mr. Balser serves on the Board of North American Specialty Glass and various non-profit institutions. He served as a Director of Carbide/ Graphite Group, Inc., from 1988 until 2002 and a Member of the Board's Compensation Committee and Audit Committee. Mr. Balser has served on over 25 Boards including KCSI from 1990 until 2000, DST Systems, Inc. from 1982 until 1990, Stilwell Financial, Inc., High End Systems, New Wave Broadcasting, Tweedy Browne Funds, Inc., Scientific Games, Inc. from 1991 to 1999, J. Henry Schroder Corp. from April 1982 to September 1986, and Kansas City Southern Industries Inc. He is also a Trustee of the Citizens Budget Commission and a Member of Business Executives for National Security and Resources for the Future. Mr. Balser is a graduate of Yale University with a B.A. in Economics and a minor in Spanish and has also attended New York University Graduate Business School while working full time from 1964 to 1969.
Charles Prince![]()
Banco Citibank de El Salvador, S.A.
Board Affiliations
Weill Family Foundation, The
Mr. Charles O. Prince, Chuck, III serves as Senior Counselor for Albright Capital Management LLC, a Washington, D.C., based investment firm. Mr. Prince served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citibank Europe plc (a/k/a Citigroup). He served as a Principal of Albright Stonebridge Group (also known as Stonebridge International LLC. He joined Albright Stonebridge Group in September 2008. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup, Inc. (alternate name Travelers Group Inc.) from October 2003 to November 2007 and also served as its Advisor. He served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup Finance Canada Inc., a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. until November 2007. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup Inc. He served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Corporate and Investment Bank from September 2002 to 2003. He also served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Citigroup CIB. He served as Chief Operating Officer of Travelers Group Inc. from 2001 to 2002, Chief Administrative Officer from 2000 to 2001, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary from 1999 to 2002, Co-General Counsel from 1998 to 1999, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary from 1996 to 1998. He began his career as an Attorney at U.S. Steel Corporation in 1975 and in 1979 joined Commercial Credit Company where he held various management positions until 1995. He served as Chairman of Advisory Board of Albright Stonebridge Group and served as its Vice Chairman. Mr. Prince serves as Chairman of The Financial Services Forum. He served as Co-Chairman of The Partnership for New York City, Inc. He served as Executive Chairman of Citigroup, Inc. from April 18, 2006 to November 2007. Mr. Prince has been a Director of Johnson & Johnson since February 13, 2006. He has been Director at Xerox Corp., since July 2008. He serves as a Director of The Partnership for New York City, Inc. He serves as Director of Weill Medical College & Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Cornell University. He serves as Trustee of Julliard School, Board of Overseers of Joan and Sanford I. Mr. Prince served as Executive Director of Citigroup, Inc. from July 2003 to November 2007 and Director from 2003 to 2007. He served as a Director and Member of Advisory Board of Albright Stonebridge Group. He served as Director of Citigroup Finance Canada Inc. and Global Corporate & Investment Bank. He serves as Director of National Academy Foundation and Weill Family Foundation, The. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of the Brookings Institution. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the New York Urban League, the United Negro College Fund and Teachers College, Columbia University, The Julliard School and The Weill Cornell Medical College. He serves as a member of various bar associations and other professional associations as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. Prince serves as a member of Council of Foreign Relations (member), The Business Roundtable (member), BRT Institute for Corporate Ethics (Advisory Council) and The Business Council (member). Mr. Prince is a graduate of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He holds a Master's Degree in International Relations and a law degree from the University of Southern California as well as a Master of Laws degree from Georgetown University.
Stephen Berger![]()
Odyssey Investment Partners, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Mr. Stephen Berger is a Co-Founder and Chairman of Odyssey Investment Partners, LLC. Mr. Berger serves as a General Partner at Odyssey Partners, L.P. from 1993 to 1997. He served at GE Capital Funding. From 1990 to 1993, Mr. Berger served as an Executive Vice President at General Electric Capital Corporation and was responsible for a diverse portfolio of operating companies, as well as for GE Capital's lending and private equity activities. In this position, he was also responsible for establishing and growing GE Capital's insurance annuity business, including acquisitions in excess of $1.1 billion. Previously, Mr. Berger served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Financial Guaranty Insurance Company. From 1985 to 1990, he served as an Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, where Mr. Berger was responsible for directing New York's and New Jersey's airports, port facilities, tunnels, bridges, commuter trains, and real estate investments. Previously, he was a Principal at Odyssey Partners from 1983 to 1985. Mr. Berger has been the Chairman of Dayton Superior Corporation since August 2005. Mr. Berger has been a Director at Dresser, Inc. since November 2, 2005. He serves as a Member of the Board of Trustees of Brandeis University. Mr. Berger has been a Director of Dayton Superior Corp since 2000. He serves as a Director of EAG, SM&A and TNT Crane & Rigging, L-Com, Pro Mach, Inc., York Insurance Services Group, Inc., and The Partnership for New York City, Inc. Mr. Berger has served as a Director of TransDigm Holding Company and Transdigm Inc. from 1998 to July 2003. His public service positions include: Chairman of the New York State Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century since 2005. Mr. Berger graduated, magna cum laude, from Brandeis University, with honors in History. He also attended the University of Chicago on a fellowship to the Department of Political Science.
Paul F. Balser
Ironwood Management Partners II, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Mr. Paul F. Balser is a Co-Founder of Ironwood Management Partners II, LLC since December 2000. Throughout his 43-year career, Mr. Balser has been a highly successful investor in a wide variety of industries. Mr. Balser was a Co-Founder and Special Limited Partner of Generation Partners L.P. He was a Managing Partner of Generations Partners Fund I since August 1995, actively involved with the fund and serving in an advisory capacity. Mr. Balser also co-invested as a Special Limited Partner in Fund II. Prior to founding Generation, he was a Partner of Centre Partners L.P. from September 1986 to August 1995. From April 1982 to September 1986, Mr. Balser was a Managing Director of J. Henry Schroder Corp. He served as a Vice President of Carbide/Graphite Group Inc. from August 1988 until June 1992. Mr. Balser serves as the Chairman of Hudson Guild and a Director of United Neighborhood Houses, MetroLabel Corp., New Wave Communications L.P., and LVI Environmental Services Inc. He has been a Director of Janus Capital Group Inc. since June 2000 and serves as a Member of Compensation Committee. Mr. Balser serves on the Board of North American Specialty Glass and various non-profit institutions. He served as a Director of Carbide/ Graphite Group, Inc., from 1988 until 2002 and a Member of the Board's Compensation Committee and Audit Committee. Mr. Balser has served on over 25 Boards including KCSI from 1990 until 2000, DST Systems, Inc. from 1982 until 1990, Stilwell Financial, Inc., High End Systems, New Wave Broadcasting, Tweedy Browne Funds, Inc., Scientific Games, Inc. from 1991 to 1999, J. Henry Schroder Corp. from April 1982 to September 1986, and Kansas City Southern Industries Inc. He is also a Trustee of the Citizens Budget Commission and a Member of Business Executives for National Security and Resources for the Future. Mr. Balser is a graduate of Yale University with a B.A. in Economics and a minor in Spanish and has also attended New York University Graduate Business School while working full time from 1964 to 1969.
Charles Prince
Banco Citibank de El Salvador, S.A.
Board Affiliations
Weill Family Foundation, The
Mr. Charles O. Prince, Chuck, III serves as Senior Counselor for Albright Capital Management LLC, a Washington, D.C., based investment firm. Mr. Prince served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citibank Europe plc (a/k/a Citigroup). He served as a Principal of Albright Stonebridge Group (also known as Stonebridge International LLC. He joined Albright Stonebridge Group in September 2008. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup, Inc. (alternate name Travelers Group Inc.) from October 2003 to November 2007 and also served as its Advisor. He served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup Finance Canada Inc., a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. until November 2007. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup Inc. He served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Corporate and Investment Bank from September 2002 to 2003. He also served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Citigroup CIB. He served as Chief Operating Officer of Travelers Group Inc. from 2001 to 2002, Chief Administrative Officer from 2000 to 2001, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary from 1999 to 2002, Co-General Counsel from 1998 to 1999, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary from 1996 to 1998. He began his career as an Attorney at U.S. Steel Corporation in 1975 and in 1979 joined Commercial Credit Company where he held various management positions until 1995. He served as Chairman of Advisory Board of Albright Stonebridge Group and served as its Vice Chairman. Mr. Prince serves as Chairman of The Financial Services Forum. He served as Co-Chairman of The Partnership for New York City, Inc. He served as Executive Chairman of Citigroup, Inc. from April 18, 2006 to November 2007. Mr. Prince has been a Director of Johnson & Johnson since February 13, 2006. He has been Director at Xerox Corp., since July 2008. He serves as a Director of The Partnership for New York City, Inc. He serves as Director of Weill Medical College & Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Cornell University. He serves as Trustee of Julliard School, Board of Overseers of Joan and Sanford I. Mr. Prince served as Executive Director of Citigroup, Inc. from July 2003 to November 2007 and Director from 2003 to 2007. He served as a Director and Member of Advisory Board of Albright Stonebridge Group. He served as Director of Citigroup Finance Canada Inc. and Global Corporate & Investment Bank. He serves as Director of National Academy Foundation and Weill Family Foundation, The. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of the Brookings Institution. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the New York Urban League, the United Negro College Fund and Teachers College, Columbia University, The Julliard School and The Weill Cornell Medical College. He serves as a member of various bar associations and other professional associations as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. Prince serves as a member of Council of Foreign Relations (member), The Business Roundtable (member), BRT Institute for Corporate Ethics (Advisory Council) and The Business Council (member). Mr. Prince is a graduate of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He holds a Master's Degree in International Relations and a law degree from the University of Southern California as well as a Master of Laws degree from Georgetown University.
Stephen Berger
Odyssey Investment Partners, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Mr. Stephen Berger is a Co-Founder and Chairman of Odyssey Investment Partners, LLC. Mr. Berger serves as a General Partner at Odyssey Partners, L.P. from 1993 to 1997. He served at GE Capital Funding. From 1990 to 1993, Mr. Berger served as an Executive Vice President at General Electric Capital Corporation and was responsible for a diverse portfolio of operating companies, as well as for GE Capital's lending and private equity activities. In this position, he was also responsible for establishing and growing GE Capital's insurance annuity business, including acquisitions in excess of $1.1 billion. Previously, Mr. Berger served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Financial Guaranty Insurance Company. From 1985 to 1990, he served as an Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, where Mr. Berger was responsible for directing New York's and New Jersey's airports, port facilities, tunnels, bridges, commuter trains, and real estate investments. Previously, he was a Principal at Odyssey Partners from 1983 to 1985. Mr. Berger has been the Chairman of Dayton Superior Corporation since August 2005. Mr. Berger has been a Director at Dresser, Inc. since November 2, 2005. He serves as a Member of the Board of Trustees of Brandeis University. Mr. Berger has been a Director of Dayton Superior Corp since 2000. He serves as a Director of EAG, SM&A and TNT Crane & Rigging, L-Com, Pro Mach, Inc., York Insurance Services Group, Inc., and The Partnership for New York City, Inc. Mr. Berger has served as a Director of TransDigm Holding Company and Transdigm Inc. from 1998 to July 2003. His public service positions include: Chairman of the New York State Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century since 2005. Mr. Berger graduated, magna cum laude, from Brandeis University, with honors in History. He also attended the University of Chicago on a fellowship to the Department of Political Science.
Mr. Berger is one of the founders of Odyssey Investment Partners, LLC and was a general partner of the Manager's predecessor firm Odyssey Partners from 1993 to 1997. Mr. Berger currently serves on the Board of Directors of EAG, L-Com, SM&A, and TNT Crane & Rigging.
Prior to joining Odyssey Partners in 1993, Mr. Berger was Executive Vice President of GE Capital Corporation (1990-1993) where he was responsible for a diverse portfolio of operating companies, as well as for GE Capital's lending and private equity activities. In this position, Mr. Berger was also responsible for establishing and growing GE Capital's insurance annuity business, including acquisitions in excess of $1.1 billion. Previously, he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Financial Guaranty Insurance Company, a municipal bond insurer wholly owned by GE Capital.
Mr. Berger served as Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (1985 - 1990), where he was responsible for directing New York's and New Jersey's airports, port facilities, tunnels, bridges, commuter trains and real estate investments. Previously, Mr. Berger was a principal with Odyssey Partners (1983 - 1985). Before joining Odyssey Partners, Mr. Berger served as Director of Corporate Development at Oppenheimer & Co.
Mr. Berger's public service positions also include: (i) Chairman of the New York State Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century (2005 - ), (ii) Executive Director of the New York State Emergency Control Board for the City of New York during the height of New York's financial crisis in 1976 and 1977; and (iii) Chairman of the Board of the United States Railway Association, where he was the United States Government "Banker" responsible for structuring Conrail's emergence from bankruptcy.
A native of New York, Mr. Berger graduated magna cum laude from Brandeis University with Honors in History. He also attended the University of Chicago on a fellowship to the Department of Political Science.
Castle Harlan, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Joel H. Moser
Moser & Moser, L.L.P.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Norman Nelson Mintz
Loeb Partners Corp.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter A. Joseph
Taco Bueno Restaurants, L.P.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
David A. Tanner
Continental Grain Company
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
David J. Manning
New York State Smart Grid Consortium
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Leo J. Hindery
HL Capital
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Lester Pollack
Centre Partners Management LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
W. Don Cornwell
Pfizer Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Joseph S. Steinberg
Leucadia National Corp.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jack D. Hidary
iAmplify LLC.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
David Blair Kelso
Exlservice Holdings, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Craig M. Hatkoff
Turtle Pond Publications LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
David R. Greenbaum
Vornado Realty Trust
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Joan S. Freilich
Consolidated Edison Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jules B. Kroll
K2 Intelligence, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Mr. Jules B. Kroll serves as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Kroll Bond Rating Agency, Inc. Mr. Kroll serves as the Chairman and Principal at K2 Global Consulting N A, LLC, which he Co-Founded in 2009. Mr. Kroll serves as an Executive at Kroll Holdings Inc. Mr. Kroll co-founded K2 Intelligence, LLC in 2009 and serves as its Principal and Chairman. In 1972, Mr. Kroll established Kroll Associates Inc. as a Consultant to corporate purchasing departments and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. By employing former prosecutors, law enforcement officials, journalists, and academics who utilized sophisticated fact-finding techniques to address decision-makers' needs for accurate information, Mr. Kroll established investigations and risk consulting as valuable corporate services. In the early 1990s, he was worldwide renowned for his firm's success in searching for assets hidden by Jean-Claude Duvalier, Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, and Saddam Hussein. Mr. Kroll Co-Founded InfoLink Screening Services Inc. He founded Kroll Inc. and served as its Executive Chairman since May 2001. He served as Chairman of the Board at Kroll Risk Consulting Services, Inc. since August 2000. He served as Vice Chairman of Kroll, Inc. He served as the Vice Chairman of International Advisory Board at Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. until June 2008. Mr. Kroll serves as a Trustee of Citizens Budget Commission. Mr. Kroll serves as a Member of Advisory Board of Metalmark Capital LLC, focusing on financial and business services. He served as a Director at Kroll since December 1997. Mr. Kroll served as a Director of Cowen Group, Inc. until December 2010. He served as a Director of Presidential Life Corp. since November 30, 1988. He served as a Member of International Advisory Board at Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. until June 2008. He is the Chairman of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Foundation. He was the Chairman of the Georgetown Law Center Board of Visitors. He was a Member of the Board of Regents of Georgetown University and Board of Trustees of Cornell University. The recipient of numerous awards throughout his career, Mr. Kroll was named “Entrepreneur of the Year” by Cornell University in 2003 and was honored with the U.S. Entrepreneurial Award by BritishAmerican Business Inc. in 2002. Mr. Kroll was admitted to the New York Bar in 1967 and began his career as an Assistant District Attorney in Manhattan. He received a B.A. degree from Cornell University in 1963 and an LL.B degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1966.
Susan B. Yoss![]()
International Specialty Holdings Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Arthur M. Siskind![]()
News Corp.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jeffrey H. Lynford![]()
Reis, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Brian T. Horey![]()
Equity Growth Management, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Bart R. Schwartz![]()
Assurant Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
W. James Tozer![]()
Vectra Management Group
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Hugh Roy Lamle![]()
M.D. Sass Investors Services, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Paul E. Francis![]()
Cedar Street Group, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Robert E. Poll![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Charles R. Morris![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Philip L. Milstein![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Ronald G. Weiner![]()
Perelson Weiner LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Ira M. Millstein![]()
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Lesley Daniels Webster![]()
Manulife Financial Corporation
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
W. Allen Reed![]()
General Motors Trust Bank, N.A.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Lucius J. Riccio![]()
Community Medical Trans.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Michael H. Steinhardt![]()
WisdomTree Investments, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Clarence Schwab![]()
People Capital, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Larry A. Silverstein![]()
Silverstein Properties, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Thomas J. Moran![]()
Mutual of America Life Insurance Company
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Walter L. Harris![]()
T&H Brokers Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jon W. Rotenstreich![]()
Bayer Properties, L.L.C.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
John Pizzarelli![]()
CIFG Holding, Ltd.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Harvey L. Benenson![]()
Lyons, Benenson & Company Inc.
Board Affiliations
Susan B. Yoss
International Specialty Holdings Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Arthur M. Siskind
News Corp.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jeffrey H. Lynford
Reis, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Brian T. Horey
Equity Growth Management, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Bart R. Schwartz
Assurant Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
W. James Tozer
Vectra Management Group
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Hugh Roy Lamle
M.D. Sass Investors Services, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Paul E. Francis
Cedar Street Group, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Robert E. Poll
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Charles R. Morris
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Philip L. Milstein
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Ronald G. Weiner
Perelson Weiner LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Ira M. Millstein
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Lesley Daniels Webster
Manulife Financial Corporation
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
W. Allen Reed
General Motors Trust Bank, N.A.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Lucius J. Riccio
Community Medical Trans.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Michael H. Steinhardt
WisdomTree Investments, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Clarence Schwab
People Capital, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Larry A. Silverstein
Silverstein Properties, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Thomas J. Moran
Mutual of America Life Insurance Company
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Walter L. Harris
T&H Brokers Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jon W. Rotenstreich
Bayer Properties, L.L.C.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
John Pizzarelli
CIFG Holding, Ltd.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Harvey L. Benenson
Lyons, Benenson & Company Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Harold R. Handler![]()
Liberty Interactive Corporation
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Alan M. Klein![]()
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Harold R. Handler
Liberty Interactive Corporation
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Alan M. Klein
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
James L. Lipscomb![]()
Metropolitan Series Fund - MSCI EAFE Index Portfolio
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
David Schiff![]()
Kuhn, Loeb & Company
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Metropolitan Series Fund - MSCI EAFE Index Portfolio
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
David Schiff
Kuhn, Loeb & Company
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Richard Halperin![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Lawrence A. Marsiello![]()
Pine Brook Road Partners, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Arthur Rosenbloom![]()
CRA International Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Steven M. Polan![]()
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Evan A. Davis![]()
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Carol Raphael![]()
Henry Schein, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Lawrence A. Marsiello
Pine Brook Road Partners, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Arthur Rosenbloom
CRA International Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Steven M. Polan
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Evan A. Davis
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Carol Raphael
Henry Schein, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
H. Dale Hemmerdinger![]()
Valley National Bancorp
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Robert S. Rifkind![]()
Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Fred P. Hochberg![]()
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
June E. Osborn![]()
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Laraine S. Rothenberg![]()
Wallace-Reader's Digest Funds
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter E. Stangl![]()
Bombardier Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Stanley S. Litow![]()
IBM International Foundation
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Douglas Durst![]()
Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Deborah A. Buresh![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Barry M. Gosin![]()
BGC Partners, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter A. Flaherty![]()
GO Ventures LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Carolyn Nannini Dolan![]()
Samson Capital Advisors LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
James Steven Chanos![]()
Kynikos Associates LP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Leah C. Johnson![]()
Citizens Budget CommissionBoard Affiliations
Valley National Bancorp
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Robert S. Rifkind
Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Fred P. Hochberg
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
June E. Osborn
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Laraine S. Rothenberg
Wallace-Reader's Digest Funds
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter E. Stangl
Bombardier Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Stanley S. Litow
IBM International Foundation
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Douglas Durst
Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Deborah A. Buresh
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Barry M. Gosin
BGC Partners, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter A. Flaherty
GO Ventures LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Carolyn Nannini Dolan
Samson Capital Advisors LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
James Steven Chanos
Kynikos Associates LP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Leah C. Johnson
Citizens Budget CommissionBoard Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Cheryl Cohen Effron
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Richard Y. Roberts
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
James F. Haddon
Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corp.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Bud H. Gibbs
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Barry F. Sullivan
The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Paul R. Alter
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Lawrence D. Ackman
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Kenneth W. Bond
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Eric Altman
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Mark Burstein
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Mark E. Brossman
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Anne E. Cohen
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Herman R. Charbonneau
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Karen L. Daly
Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Denis V. Curtin
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Morton Egol![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Stephen F. DeGroat![]()
Dexia SA
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Kenneth D. Gibbs![]()
Gleacher & Company, Inc
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Roger W. Einiger![]()
AV Homes, Inc
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Micah S. Green![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Adam P. Glick![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Daniel Heimowitz![]()
RBC Capital Markets LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Henry W. Haunss
AREA Property Partners
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter W. Herman
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter C. Hein
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Henry Pierce Johnson
Fiduciary International, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Paul M. Hopkins![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Michael Keating![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
David B. Jones![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Christine M. Kim![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Walter T. Kicinski![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter C. Kornman![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
A. Eugene Kohn![]()
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, P.C.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Robert A. Kurtter![]()
Moody's Corporation, Research Division
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Marianne E. Kozlowski![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Alexandra Lebenthal![]()
Lebenthal & Co., LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Stephen F. Langowski![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
George Leung![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Stephen D. Lemson![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Donna Lynne![]()
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of Colorado
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jonathan Lindsey![]()
Major, Lindsey & Africa, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Frank J. McLoughlin![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Stephen F. DeGroat
Dexia SA
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Kenneth D. Gibbs
Gleacher & Company, Inc
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Roger W. Einiger
AV Homes, Inc
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Micah S. Green
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Adam P. Glick
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Daniel Heimowitz
RBC Capital Markets LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Henry W. Haunss
AREA Property Partners
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter W. Herman
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter C. Hein
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Henry Pierce Johnson
Fiduciary International, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Paul M. Hopkins
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Michael Keating
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
David B. Jones
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Christine M. Kim
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Walter T. Kicinski
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Peter C. Kornman
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
A. Eugene Kohn
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, P.C.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Robert A. Kurtter
Moody's Corporation, Research Division
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Marianne E. Kozlowski
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Alexandra Lebenthal
Lebenthal & Co., LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Stephen F. Langowski
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
George Leung
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Stephen D. Lemson
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Donna Lynne
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Of Colorado
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jonathan Lindsey
Major, Lindsey & Africa, LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Frank J. McLoughlin
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
William F. McCarthy
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
David I. Moskovitz
Accenture National Security Services LLC
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Frances Milberg![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Hector P. Prud'homme![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Felix A. Orbe![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Adam R. Rose![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Richard Raphael![]()
Fitch Group, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jonathan Rosen![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Joseph Rose![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Deborah M. Sale![]()
Hospital for Special Surgery, Inc.
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Hector P. Prud'homme
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Felix A. Orbe
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Adam R. Rose
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Richard Raphael
Fitch Group, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Jonathan Rosen
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Joseph Rose
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Deborah M. Sale
Hospital for Special Surgery, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Edward L. Sadowsky![]()
Blank Rome LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Kenneth B. Schneider![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Donald Schapiro![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Citizens Budget Commission
Edward L. Sadowsky
Blank Rome LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Kenneth B. Schneider
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Donald Schapiro
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Richard L. Sigal![]()
Hawkins Delafield & Wood
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Teddy Selinger![]()
Margolin, Winer & Evens LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Emanuel Stern![]()
Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Richard J. Sirota![]()
Better Environment Concepts, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Hawkins Delafield & Wood
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Teddy Selinger
Margolin, Winer & Evens LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Emanuel Stern
Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Richard J. Sirota
Better Environment Concepts, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Mark A. Willis![]()
National Equity Fund, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Richard B. Teiman![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
National Equity Fund, Inc.
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Richard B. Teiman
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Michael I. Zinder![]()
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Howard Wilson![]()
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
John Searle Tamagni![]()
Granite Investment Advisors
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Howard Wilson
Citizens Budget Commission
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
John Searle Tamagni
Granite Investment Advisors
Board Affiliations
Citizens Budget Commission
Carnegie Hall
Board of Trustees
Sanford I. Weill, Chairman
Mercedes T. Bass, Vice Chairman
Clarissa Alcock Bronfman, Vice Chairman
Klaus Jacobs, Vice Chairman
Peter W. May, Vice Chairman
Ronald O. Perelman, Vice Chairman
Burton P. Resnick, Vice Chairman
Kenneth J. Bialkin, Secretary
Edward C. Forst, Treasurer
Clive Gillinson, Executive and Artistic Director
Richard A. Debs
James D. Wolfensohn
Earle S. Altman
Martina Arroyo
Emanuel Ax
Mercedes T. Bass
Norton Belknap
Kenneth J. Bialkin
Ronald E. Blaylock
Clarissa Alcock Bronfman
Nicola Bulgari
Yoko Nagae Ceschina
Richard A. Debs
Gregory T. Durant
Judith W. Evnin
Anne M. Finucane
Renée Fleming
Edward C. Forst
Marina K. French
Clive Gillinson
The Honorable Roy M. Goodman
Marilyn Horne
Stephen R. Howe Jr.
Frederick J. Iseman
Klaus Jacobs
Robert W. Jones
Gilbert Kaplan
Mark E. Kingdon
Robert K. Kraft
Sallie L. Krawcheck
Lang Lang
Robert I. Lipp
Terry J. Lundgren
Yo-Yo Ma
Thomas G. Maheras
Peter W. May
Audra McDonald
Harold McGraw III
Lester S. Morse Jr.
Dennis M. Nally
Joshua L. Nash
Frank N. Newman
Jessye Norman
William G. Parrett
Ronald O. Perelman
Laura H. Pomerantz
Oscar de la Renta
Burton P. Resnick
Judith Rodin
William D. Rondina
Susan W. Rose
Charles M. Rosenthal
Sana H. Sabbagh
Suki Sandler
Mrs. Julio Mario Santo Domingo
Thomas P. Sculco M.D.
Henry T. Segerstrom
Stanley S. Shuman
A. J. C. Smith
Sir Howard Stringer
Kurt G. Strovink
S. Donald Sussman
James Taylor
Linda J. Wachner
Sanford I. Weill
James D. Wolfensohn
Judy Francis Zankel
John W. Zick
Ann Ziff
Robert F. Arning
Dame Vivien Duffield
Sherry Liu
Ralph M. Baruch
Pierre Boulez
Bella L. Linden
Roberta Peters
The Honorable Felix G. Rohatyn
George Wein
Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor of the City of New York
Christine C. Quinn, Speaker, New York City Council
Scott M. Stringer, Manhattan Borough President
Kate D. Levin, Commissioner, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
Carnegie Hall is owned by the City of New York and its operation is made possible, in part, by public funds provided through the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.
Alliance for Downtown New York Inc. offers physical and economic environment services for businesses and property owners, workers, residents, and visitors. The company offers design, streetscape, and transportation services; economic development and incentives, including business assistance, research and data collection, and technology services; supplemental security and sanitation services; and neighborhood services, including public safety, downtown connection, environmental improvements and beautification, and social services. It also provides marketing and tourism services, including advertising campaigns, events and promotions, visitor services, maps and guides, brochures and publications, and tourism programming services. The company was incorporated in 1994 and is based in New York, New York.
Downtown Alliance Board of Directors
Robert R. Douglass
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Chairman, Alliance for Downtown New York, Inc.
Hon. Michael Bloomberg
Mayor, City of New York
David J. Arena
JP Morgan Chase
Peter Braus
Lee & Associates NYC
Harry Bridgwood
New Water Street Corporation
Mark E. Brooks
American International Group, Inc.
Hon. Margaret S. Chin
City Councilmember
Betty Cohen
Century 21 Department Stores
John V. Connorton, Jr.
Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
Charles C. Dorego
Glenwood Management Corporation
K. Thomas Elghanayan
TF Cornerstone
David Fowler
Bank of New York Mellon
Rachelle Friedman
J&R Music and Computer World
Stephen Friedman
Pace University
Timur Galen
Goldman Sachs & Company
Robert J. Giuffra Jr.
Sullivan & Cromwell
Stanley E. Grayson
M.R. Beal & Company
Francis J. Greenburger
Time Equities, Inc.
Catherine McVay Hughes
Community Board 1
Thomas Hughes
Resident Representative
Richard T. Kennedy
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
Stephen Lefkowitz
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP
Janno Lieber
World Trade Center Properties LLC
Hon. John C. Liu
Comptroller, City of New York
Canon Anne Mallonee
Parish of Trinity Church
Ross F. Moskowitz
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
Cherrie Nanninga
CBRE, Inc.
Dr. Antonio Perez
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Peter Poulakakos
Harry's Steak and Cafe
Mitchell Rudin
Brookfield Office Properties Corporation
William C. Rudin
Rudin Management Company, Inc.
Frank Sciame
F.J. Sciame Construction Company, Inc.
Alan Scott
Deutsche Bank
Michael Skidmore
Skidmore Associates, Inc.
Allan Sperling
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP
Hon. Scott Stringer
Manhattan Borough President
Kent M. Swig
SwigEquities LLC
Philippe Visser
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Commissioner Robert W. Walsh
Department of Small Business Services
Elizabeth H. Berger
President, Alliance for Downtown New York, Inc.
Carnegie Hall
Board of Trustees
Sanford I. Weill, Chairman
Mercedes T. Bass, Vice Chairman
Clarissa Alcock Bronfman, Vice Chairman
Klaus Jacobs, Vice Chairman
Peter W. May, Vice Chairman
Ronald O. Perelman, Vice Chairman
Burton P. Resnick, Vice Chairman
Kenneth J. Bialkin, Secretary
Edward C. Forst, Treasurer
Clive Gillinson, Executive and Artistic Director
Richard A. Debs
James D. Wolfensohn
Earle S. Altman
Martina Arroyo
Emanuel Ax
Mercedes T. Bass
Norton Belknap
Kenneth J. Bialkin
Ronald E. Blaylock
Clarissa Alcock Bronfman
Nicola Bulgari
Yoko Nagae Ceschina
Richard A. Debs
Gregory T. Durant
Judith W. Evnin
Anne M. Finucane
Renée Fleming
Edward C. Forst
Marina K. French
Clive Gillinson
The Honorable Roy M. Goodman
Marilyn Horne
Stephen R. Howe Jr.
Frederick J. Iseman
Klaus Jacobs
Robert W. Jones
Gilbert Kaplan
Mark E. Kingdon
Robert K. Kraft
Sallie L. Krawcheck
Lang Lang
Robert I. Lipp
Terry J. Lundgren
Yo-Yo Ma
Thomas G. Maheras
Peter W. May
Audra McDonald
Harold McGraw III
Lester S. Morse Jr.
Dennis M. Nally
Joshua L. Nash
Frank N. Newman
Jessye Norman
William G. Parrett
Ronald O. Perelman
Laura H. Pomerantz
Oscar de la Renta
Burton P. Resnick
Judith Rodin
William D. Rondina
Susan W. Rose
Charles M. Rosenthal
Sana H. Sabbagh
Suki Sandler
Mrs. Julio Mario Santo Domingo
Thomas P. Sculco M.D.
Henry T. Segerstrom
Stanley S. Shuman
A. J. C. Smith
Sir Howard Stringer
Kurt G. Strovink
S. Donald Sussman
James Taylor
Linda J. Wachner
Sanford I. Weill
James D. Wolfensohn
Judy Francis Zankel
John W. Zick
Ann Ziff
Robert F. Arning
Dame Vivien Duffield
Sherry Liu
Ralph M. Baruch
Pierre Boulez
Bella L. Linden
Roberta Peters
The Honorable Felix G. Rohatyn
George Wein
Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor of the City of New York
Christine C. Quinn, Speaker, New York City Council
Scott M. Stringer, Manhattan Borough President
Kate D. Levin, Commissioner, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
Carnegie Hall is owned by the City of New York and its operation is made possible, in part, by public funds provided through the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.
Alliance for Downtown New York Inc. offers physical and economic environment services for businesses and property owners, workers, residents, and visitors. The company offers design, streetscape, and transportation services; economic development and incentives, including business assistance, research and data collection, and technology services; supplemental security and sanitation services; and neighborhood services, including public safety, downtown connection, environmental improvements and beautification, and social services. It also provides marketing and tourism services, including advertising campaigns, events and promotions, visitor services, maps and guides, brochures and publications, and tourism programming services. The company was incorporated in 1994 and is based in New York, New York.
Downtown Alliance Board of Directors
Robert R. Douglass
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Chairman, Alliance for Downtown New York, Inc.
Hon. Michael Bloomberg
Mayor, City of New York
David J. Arena
JP Morgan Chase
Peter Braus
Lee & Associates NYC
Harry Bridgwood
New Water Street Corporation
Mark E. Brooks
American International Group, Inc.
Hon. Margaret S. Chin
City Councilmember
Betty Cohen
Century 21 Department Stores
John V. Connorton, Jr.
Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
Charles C. Dorego
Glenwood Management Corporation
K. Thomas Elghanayan
TF Cornerstone
David Fowler
Bank of New York Mellon
Rachelle Friedman
J&R Music and Computer World
Stephen Friedman
Pace University
Timur Galen
Goldman Sachs & Company
Robert J. Giuffra Jr.
Sullivan & Cromwell
Stanley E. Grayson
M.R. Beal & Company
Francis J. Greenburger
Time Equities, Inc.
Catherine McVay Hughes
Community Board 1
Thomas Hughes
Resident Representative
Richard T. Kennedy
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
Stephen Lefkowitz
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP
Janno Lieber
World Trade Center Properties LLC
Hon. John C. Liu
Comptroller, City of New York
Canon Anne Mallonee
Parish of Trinity Church
Ross F. Moskowitz
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
Cherrie Nanninga
CBRE, Inc.
Dr. Antonio Perez
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Peter Poulakakos
Harry's Steak and Cafe
Mitchell Rudin
Brookfield Office Properties Corporation
William C. Rudin
Rudin Management Company, Inc.
Frank Sciame
F.J. Sciame Construction Company, Inc.
Alan Scott
Deutsche Bank
Michael Skidmore
Skidmore Associates, Inc.
Allan Sperling
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP
Hon. Scott Stringer
Manhattan Borough President
Kent M. Swig
SwigEquities LLC
Philippe Visser
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Commissioner Robert W. Walsh
Department of Small Business Services
Elizabeth H. Berger
President, Alliance for Downtown New York, Inc.
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