Jonestown's [half] basketball court, May 1979
What is the "Guyanese National" basketball team? It's not affiliated with a school or university. There are no professional basketball leagues in Guyana, or commercial sponsors. The closest I can come up with in my imagination would be the equivalent to an Olympic team.
February 4, 2008, San Francisco Magazine, My Name is Jim Jones, by Pamela Feinsilbe,
In their different ways, Jimmy and Lew remained loyal to the end. In September, Jones sent Jimmy to work with his dedicated agent in Georgetown, Sharon Amos, to help cultivate good relations with the government. For a time, Yvette was there, too. On October 1, Jimmy turned 18, and they married; he remembers thinking, "It doesn't get any better than this." Now pregnant, Yvette wanted to stay with him, but he sent her back to Jonestown to be with her sister. At the time, it seemed like what a committed socialist would do, putting his own happiness aside for the community.
Pamela Feinsilbe you FUVKING CUNT! You will burn in hell,
By then, the Concerned Relatives had interested liberal U.S. representative Leo Ryan in making a "fact-finding" visit to Guyana. Two months later, he was preparing to fly there with 14 of the relatives, two lawyers, a news crew, and two of his aides (one of them now state senator Jackie Speier) when Stephan, Tim, and six others left Jonestown to join Jimmy in Georgetown. The brothers had arranged a basketball tournament with Guyana's Olympic team. The first game took place on November 13, and, completely outmatched, the Jonestown team lost by 30 points. When Ryan arrived, on the 15th, Jones ordered the group to come back. Even Stephan and Tim failed to grasp how dangerously irrational their father had become. After their miserable showing, the team members had been training as hard as they could, and, speaking for the group, Stephan refused to leave.
The Jones sons met Ryan that evening in Georgetown. Jim says they were excited he was there. "We thought, ‘This will clear up all the issues if people want to leave.' Then we could go on with what we were trying to create." Later that night, [the 15th] the second basketball game took place, and this time, Jimmy's team lost by 20 points. Ryan and some of his group took a tiny chartered plane to Port Kaituma, six miles by boat from Jonestown, on the 17th. That night, as Ryan's group ate dinner in the open-sided pavilion, entertained by singers and the Jonestown band, the basketball team was playing its third game in Georgetown. Jimmy was the center, and his rebounding skills helped keep the game close. Eventually, the team lost, but this time, it was by only ten points. Exhilarated, they radioed their father about the game, but his mind was somewhere else.
The next day, November 18, when most of the players were at a movie, a radio transmission came in from Jonestown. Something was going to happen, Jones told Jimmy. He had sent his "avenging angels" after Ryan's group to make sure "the persecution" didn't continue. At the airstrip, Ryan, three members of the press, including Greg Robinson of the San Francisco Examiner, and the woman leaving with her family were shot and killed. At Jonestown, the colonists again heard Jones calling, "Alert! Alert! Alert!" over the public-address system. Once they had gathered at the pavilion, he told them, "They won't leave us alone. They're now going back to tell more lies, which means more congressmen, and there's no way, no way, we can survive."
Hello. yes, I'm calling to arrange a pickup game---no, on second thought, make that a full regulation tournament basketball game
---yes, and with extra cheerleaders on the side---We'd like to play the Guyanese National team, which is my shorthand way of saying your Olympic team, the one you'll be bringing to the London games in about 30 years....How do I know that? Well, "If you do not remember the past, then you are condemned.... ....yes, I'll hold....Oh shit
Yes, It will be me and my 3, 4, or 5 brothers, depending on how you count "brothers," and a couple of buddies..and....yes, well, we're all 18 and 19. about half of us are only 5'6" What? We're too young to even make your freshman team? What? My arrogant privledge oreo white ass?
Nylon shuttlecock? Do I play shuttlecock? Oh! Y o u w a n t t o l i e o n m y n i g g e r c o c k !!!
September 14, 2006, sdsu, Jonestown Security,
January 16, 2007, San Francisco Chronicle, Building His Own Legacy: The grandson of Jim Jones is one of the Bay Area's top prep athletes, by Will McCulloch,
October 2, 2007, aolsports, Grandson of Cult Leader Jim Jones Prepares for College Basketball Career, by Michael David Smith,
October 4, 2007, USA Today, ESPN examines Jones Jr.'s tale, by Michael Hiestand,
October 5, 2007, San Diego Union-Tribune, Rising above tragic legacy, by Hank Wesch,
October 6, 2007, St. Petersburg Times, Basketball saved him from the Jonestown massacre, by Tom Jones,
October 6, 2007, St. Petersburg Times, Behind the story, by Tom Jones,
October 6, 2007, San Francisco Chronicle, Jonestown nightmare, hoop dreams, by Steve Kroner,
November 22, 2007, The Los Angeles Times, Grandson attempts to rebuild family's name, by Robyn Norwood,
December 24, 2007, Sports Illustrated, Escape From Jonestown: How basketball gave life to a son and grandson of the infamous cult leader Jim Jones, by Gary Smith,
February 4, 2008, San Francisco Magazine, My Name is Jim Jones, by Pamela Feinsilbe,
May 16, 2008 [1st web capture] ESPN The Magazine, Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team by Wright Thompson,
What has become of my height and weight chart? Some of this guys are tall and athletic, but about half are 5'7" in hightops.John Raphael Cobb
18 B M Basketball team FBI document 89-4286-1207
Mark Nathan Cordell
19 W M Basketball team FBI document 89-4286-1207
Calvin Douglas
19 B M Basketball team FBI document 89-4286-1207
Marion Lee Ingram
1 33 B M Basketball team coach 2 FBI document 89-4286-1207
Jones Warren Jones, Jr.
1 18 B M Basketball team FBI document 89-4286-1207
Johnny Jones, aka Johnny Moss Brown Jr.
28 B M Basketball team FBI document 89-4286-1207
Lew Eric Jones 21 A M FBI document 89-4286-1207
Stephan Gandhi Jones
Timothy Glenn Tupper Jones
John Raphael Cobb
19 W M Basketball team FBI document 89-4286-1207
Timothy Borl Jones 19 B M FBI document 89-4286-1207
18 W M Basketball team FBI document 89-4286-1207
JONES, James Warren, Jr. (Jimmy) 18
[Jones, John Cobb, see COBB, John Raphael] 18
JONES, Stephan Gandhi 19
JONES, Timothy Glenn (Day) Tupper (aka Timothy Glenn Tupper) 19
BOGUE, Thomas James (Tommy) 17
CANNON, Henry, Jr. 18
WILSON, Burrell Dernardo 18
JONES, James Warren, Jr. (Jimmy) 18
COBB, John Raphael (aka John Cobb Jones) 18
Jones, John Cobb, see COBB, John Raphael
GIEG, Clifford 18
DOUGLAS, Calvin (aka Calvin Douglas Williams) 19
CORDELL, Mark Nathan 19
JONES, Stephan Gandhi 19
JONES, Timothy Glenn (Day) Tupper (aka Timothy Glenn Tupper) 19
CARTER, Michael Julien 20
NEWELL, Herbert 20
STROUD, Robert Homer (Bobby) 21
BEIKMAN, Thomas Charles (aka Thomas (Tom) Kutulas) 21
SMITH, Eugene Erskin 21
WILLIAMS, Walter L. 21
O'NEAL, Christopher Keith 21
BARNETT, Carl Henry 22
NEWELL, Cleveland, Jr. 23
WADE, Preston 23
SIMON, Michael Angelo 23
TOUCHETTE, Michael Jon (Mike) 25
MITCHELL, Guy Edgar 25
GOSNEY, Vernon Dean 25
BLAKEY, George Philip (Phil) 25
CLAYTON, Stanley Roy 25
McCANN, Paul 27
BROWN, Stephanie (aka Stefanie Morgan) 10
GARDFREY, Dawn Francine (aka Dawn Mitchell) 15
SCHEID, Dianne Elizabeth (aka Dianne Casanova) 15
MITCHELL, Linda (aka Yolanda Denice Mitchell) 18
BAGBY, Monica 18
WAGNER, Leslie (aka Leslie Monique Fortier Wilson) 21
WALKER, Andrea Yvette (aka Andrea Yvette Martin)21
TSCHETTER, Robin Faye (aka Robin Stahl) 21
BOGUE, Juanita Jane 21
BOGUE, Teena May (aka Teena Turner, Tina Turner) 22
TOUCHETTE, Deborah Ruth (Debbie) 23
LOUIE, Diane (aka Diane Clark, Diane Louie Lund, Diane Louie Rozynko) 26
ADAMS, Paula 29
The "Elites" Speakers Bureau,
Terri Buford was in Peoples Temple for seven years (1971-1978). She lived in Jonestown for the better part of a year in 1977 and 1978. She defected from the Temple three weeks before the massacre. [to go live with Mark Lane in Memphis. I bet she killed KENNEDY!] She can be reached through this website. Her writings on this website appear here.
I can't decide if I want to hear the killer speak or the slut speak? Oh pearls of wisdom---choke my windpipe and help me decide! I know! I'll fuck the killer and I'll decide what to do with Bufart later!
Tim Carter lived in Jonestown and escaped on the final day. Several articles by Mr. Carter appear here. He can be reached
John Cobb lived in Jonestown but was with the basketball team in Georgetown on the final day. He can be reached at
Laura (Johnston) Kohl was a member of Peoples Temple in California and in Guyana. She lived in Jonestown but was working in Georgetown on 18 November. She can be reached at A short biographical video clip appears here. Information about her bookJonestown Survivor appears here. Her articles on this website appear here.
Jordan Vilchez became a member of Peoples Temple as a teenager when her family joined. She was in Georgetown, Guyana on November 18, 1978, but her sisters and nephews died in Jonestown. She was on the Planning Commission and is familiar with many inner workings of the organization. She can be reached at Her articles on this website appear here.
Mike Touchette was among the original pioneers who built Jonestown. He and his wife were in Georgetown on November 18, but several family members died in Jonestown:
Eugene Smith joined Peoples Temple in 1973 and lived in the Temple's San Francisco commune before leaving for Jonestown in fall 1977. He was in Georgetown on November 18 clearing items from customs. Numerous members of his family – including his mother, wife, and infant son – died in Jonestown. He can be reached at His articles on this website appear here.
Basketball as a Life-Saver and Inspiration by Jon Fish,
May 16, 2008 [1st web capture] ESPN The Magazine, Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team by Wright Thompson,
(ed. note: In early October, ESPN aired a documentary piece about Rob Jones, the eldest son of Jim Jones Jr. and his wife Erin. Rob now attends the University of San Diego, where he has a basketball scholarship. Jon Fish is the producer of the ESPN piece.)
Sports are often overlooked as part of a story especially one of this magnitude. For ESPN it was very important to keep the story on sports and the role it played in Jonestown and now in Rob Jones’ life. For us the story became clear: basketball saved one generation and is making a star out of the next.
We were very lucky that Jim Jones Jr., Stephan Jones, and John Cobb opened up their stories for us. You can see now when Rob soars on the basketball court, it means so much to his family and friends.
As Rob goes forward in his collegiate basketball career, it is nice that Jim Jones Jr. can move forward in life as the father of Rob Jones.
A longer story written by Jon Fish and Chris Connelly on appears here.
A story about an ESPN writer's feature article on the entire Jonestown basketball team appears
Other stories about Rob Jones include:
Let's be real. All of you certainly know what next year is. A Significant Anniversary. You’re familiar with the routine, I’m sure. The phone will ring one day soon, and it will be the first in a legion of reporters, asking the same questions many of you have heard in 1983, and in 1988, and in 1993, and in 1998, and again in 2003. I'd also like to apologize in advance for any of the people in my industry who might treat you like a story and not a person. That’s wrong. Always has been. Always will be.
Because so many people are going to call, I’d like to explain why the story I’m doing is different than any other that’s been done.
We all know that there have a million words written about Jonestown. But there has never been a story written solely about the basketball team. I’d like to change that. I’d like to write a story about the men who played on the team, about the games and the days in between, about starting the team, about the importance of rebelling – even just a little bit – and about what the game has meant since leaving Guyana.
It’s a story about the importance and power of sports.
My name is Wright Thompson. I’m a senior writer for and ESPN The Magazine. I was born in Clarksdale, Mississippi. I’m putting together a story about the Jonestown basketball team, and I would like to talk to as many people who are familiar with the team – especially players and coaches – as possible.
Some of you might be familiar with a story that my colleague Jon Fish produced for ESPN TV about the basketball career of Rob Jones, the son of Jim Jones, Jr., who himself played on the Jonestown basketball team. Jon and I were in contact the entire time he worked on his piece. It was an excellent story, but for me, it serves as a point of departure to what I want to do. Instead of focusing on one player, mine will tell the stories of all the team members. It will examine who they were, what their role in Jonestown was, what they’ve done with their lives since, and what they took away with them, both as former members of Peoples Temple and as members of the basketball team. I plan to travel to Guyana sometime after the rainy season ends in January 2008. My piece will be an E-Ticket (the name we’ve given to our long form narrative non-fiction) and will run in November on
I was drawn to this story after listening and reading as so many of you shared your experiences, about your desire that people not forget your friends and family members who did not make it home. Those words touched me and, since I work for a sports publication, I was drawn to this particular aspect of the story. It’s an important and under-told aspect.
My questions? Most will revolve around two broad themes: what it was like to play basketball there and what it's been like since you left. I don't want to cause anyone any pain or disrupt any lives. If you don't talk about that part of your past to your family and friends, I can preserve your anonymity, if that makes you more comfortable sharing your story. I want this to be a positive experience for anyone who chooses to speak with me.
Over the next few months, I will be reaching out to those of you who were on the team. If any of you would like to ask me any questions about this story, or about anything else, please e-mail me at or call me at 816-260-0305.
If anyone who wasn't on the team has memories or stories they’d like to share, please contact me as well. That would be incredibly helpful.
(Wright Thompson is a Senior Writer for The Magazine.)
January 1981, McGraw-Hill, The children of Jonestown, by Kenneth Wooden, Pages: 238
Speakers Bureau - Jonestown
John Cobb lived in Jonestown but was with the basketball team in Georgetown on the final day. He can be reached at Vernon Gosney left ...
"Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team" by Wright Thompson
But there has never been a story written solely about the basketball team. I'd like to change that. I'd like to write a story about the men who played on the team, ...
Jonestown Security - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
that the basketball team was considered by other Jonestown residents to be ... Nevertheless, we have noted the members of the basketball team here as well.
"Basketball as a Life-Saver and Inspiration" by Jon Fish - Jonestown
A story about an ESPN writer's feature article on the entire Jonestown basketball team appears here. Other stories about Rob Jones include: Building His Own ...
What Messages are Behind Today’s Cults?, by Philip Zimbardo, PhD diigo
Summary : Q 161
Jones talks about his past as a basketball player, and gives the team various ... (It should be noted that the members of the basketball team survived the deaths ...
Looking Back At Some Of The 1977 Opportunity High ... - Jonestown
Wes also played on the Jonestown basketball team, but did not go to the tournament in Georgetown with the team that day in November 1978. Mark Sly. Mark at ...
856-915 - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
And Then They Were Gone Nears Completion - Jonestown
Tim and Jim were on the baseball team I coached – although Jim didn't play in ... all three brothers were on the Jonestown basketball team that saved their lives.
by Raul Kohl - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples ...
As reports were created concerning all aspects of community life, the Jonestown basketball team left to face a Guyanese team in their first tournament. Although ...
Excerpts from A Sympathetic History of Jonestown by Rebecca Moore
Jim ordered the Jonestown basketball team back to the community. The team had gone to Georgetown to play the Guyana National Team. But the young men ...
And Then They Were Gone Portrays Lives of Temple ... - Jonestown
Ron was the baseball coach for the team the Peoples Temple kids played on, with some of those players going on to become part of the Jonestown basketball ...
"Murder vs. Suicide: Individuals and the Collective" by ... - Jonestown
I don't know how much we talked about this, but you know it started with the guys on the [basketball] team. Whether or not people liked me, they knew they could ...
Peoples Temple in the News - Jonestown
The University of San Diego Toreros men's basketball team upset the heavily- favored University of Connecticut Huskies in the opening round of the NCAA ...
Jonestown Tragedy Touches 'Normal' Family - Alternative ...
Many high-level members and even his basketball team/security squad were ... With the basketball team in Georgetown to play in a tournament that fateful ...
The Courage of Dissent - Jonestown
For example, Stephan built a basketball court in Jonestown against his father's ... his son and the rest of the basketball team to return to Jonestown post-haste.
Timeline: And Then They Were Gone - Jonestown
November 6, 1978: The 14-man Jonestown basketball team, cheered on, ... November 12, 1978: The first basketball game between the Jonestown team and the ...
The Architecture Of Jonestown and How It Both - Alternative ...
In early November 1978, the basketball team went into Georgetown, Guyana to participate in a basketball championship. On November 15, 1978, Congressman ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Oprah! - Jonestown
... Jonestown and believes he might have been able to stop the deaths on November 18, had he been there instead of with the basketball team in Georgetown.
Was Jonestown an armed camp?
The members of the Jonestown basketball team who were in Georgetown the weekend of the deaths were all assumed to be part of security. The members of ...
Summary Q381
Joseph “Reds” Perreira, who is “in charge of all sports activities for Guyana,” is expected as a Jonestown guest the next day, and the basketball team is expected ...
Back to the Arts Section - Jonestown
Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team by Wright Thompson. C. Music. 1. Jonestown “Home Movie” Footage Leads to Creating Audio Based on Death ...
"30 Years of Silence" by Kimberly Dutra Arvold - Jonestown
Finally, word came that my husband, who was on the basketball team, had survived and was coming home. There was hope. Sadly, after about four years of ...
"Remembering Bobby Stroud" by Phyllis Marley - Jonestown
Bob agreed, knowing he'd have plenty of company, because Stephan and Jim Jr. were already there as part of Jonestown's basketball team to play in a national ...
Transcript Q050
We don't, we didn't, we didn't uh, seek his- I said that, I said that, that he's coming in, he's coming in. He said he met our basketball team, he said he could see ...
Transcript Q210
“Reds” Perreira will be however, getting clearance either this week or the first of next so the basketball team want– be sure to know and be sure to realize that he ...
Peoples Temple in the News - Jonestown
An article by Jon Fish, the producer of the ESPN piece, as well as links to other coverage of Rob Jones, his parents, and the Jonestown basketball team, ...
Who Could Have Stopped The Deaths In Jonestown? - Alternative ...
The basketball team – with Stephan, Jimmy, Johnny and others – was in Georgetown for a previously-scheduled tournament. Joyce Parks was in Venezuela ...
"Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team" by Wright Thompson
But there has never been a story written solely about the basketball team. I'd like to change that. I'd like to write a story about the men who played on the team, ...
Jonestown Security - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
that the basketball team was considered by other Jonestown residents to be ... Nevertheless, we have noted the members of the basketball team here as well.
"Basketball as a Life-Saver and Inspiration" by Jon Fish - Jonestown
A story about an ESPN writer's feature article on the entire Jonestown basketball team appears here. Other stories about Rob Jones include: Building His Own ...
What Messages are Behind Today’s Cults?, by Philip Zimbardo, PhD diigo
Summary : Q 161
Jones talks about his past as a basketball player, and gives the team various ... (It should be noted that the members of the basketball team survived the deaths ...
Looking Back At Some Of The 1977 Opportunity High ... - Jonestown
Wes also played on the Jonestown basketball team, but did not go to the tournament in Georgetown with the team that day in November 1978. Mark Sly. Mark at ...
856-915 - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
And Then They Were Gone Nears Completion - Jonestown
Tim and Jim were on the baseball team I coached – although Jim didn't play in ... all three brothers were on the Jonestown basketball team that saved their lives.
by Raul Kohl - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples ...
As reports were created concerning all aspects of community life, the Jonestown basketball team left to face a Guyanese team in their first tournament. Although ...
Excerpts from A Sympathetic History of Jonestown by Rebecca Moore
Jim ordered the Jonestown basketball team back to the community. The team had gone to Georgetown to play the Guyana National Team. But the young men ...
And Then They Were Gone Portrays Lives of Temple ... - Jonestown
Ron was the baseball coach for the team the Peoples Temple kids played on, with some of those players going on to become part of the Jonestown basketball ...
"Murder vs. Suicide: Individuals and the Collective" by ... - Jonestown
I don't know how much we talked about this, but you know it started with the guys on the [basketball] team. Whether or not people liked me, they knew they could ...
Peoples Temple in the News - Jonestown
The University of San Diego Toreros men's basketball team upset the heavily- favored University of Connecticut Huskies in the opening round of the NCAA ...
Jonestown Tragedy Touches 'Normal' Family - Alternative ...
Many high-level members and even his basketball team/security squad were ... With the basketball team in Georgetown to play in a tournament that fateful ...
The Courage of Dissent - Jonestown
For example, Stephan built a basketball court in Jonestown against his father's ... his son and the rest of the basketball team to return to Jonestown post-haste.
Timeline: And Then They Were Gone - Jonestown
November 6, 1978: The 14-man Jonestown basketball team, cheered on, ... November 12, 1978: The first basketball game between the Jonestown team and the ...
The Architecture Of Jonestown and How It Both - Alternative ...
In early November 1978, the basketball team went into Georgetown, Guyana to participate in a basketball championship. On November 15, 1978, Congressman ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Oprah! - Jonestown
... Jonestown and believes he might have been able to stop the deaths on November 18, had he been there instead of with the basketball team in Georgetown.
Was Jonestown an armed camp?
The members of the Jonestown basketball team who were in Georgetown the weekend of the deaths were all assumed to be part of security. The members of ...
Summary Q381
Joseph “Reds” Perreira, who is “in charge of all sports activities for Guyana,” is expected as a Jonestown guest the next day, and the basketball team is expected ...
Back to the Arts Section - Jonestown
Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team by Wright Thompson. C. Music. 1. Jonestown “Home Movie” Footage Leads to Creating Audio Based on Death ...
"30 Years of Silence" by Kimberly Dutra Arvold - Jonestown
Finally, word came that my husband, who was on the basketball team, had survived and was coming home. There was hope. Sadly, after about four years of ...
"Remembering Bobby Stroud" by Phyllis Marley - Jonestown
Bob agreed, knowing he'd have plenty of company, because Stephan and Jim Jr. were already there as part of Jonestown's basketball team to play in a national ...
Transcript Q050
We don't, we didn't, we didn't uh, seek his- I said that, I said that, that he's coming in, he's coming in. He said he met our basketball team, he said he could see ...
Transcript Q210
“Reds” Perreira will be however, getting clearance either this week or the first of next so the basketball team want– be sure to know and be sure to realize that he ...
Peoples Temple in the News - Jonestown
An article by Jon Fish, the producer of the ESPN piece, as well as links to other coverage of Rob Jones, his parents, and the Jonestown basketball team, ...
Who Could Have Stopped The Deaths In Jonestown? - Alternative ...
The basketball team – with Stephan, Jimmy, Johnny and others – was in Georgetown for a previously-scheduled tournament. Joyce Parks was in Venezuela ...
PROKES, Jim Jon (Kimo)
If only you had been older maybe you would have been able to tag along with the basketball team on that day. Who knows what your legacy may have been.
Irises - Jonestown
They had crushes on the boys on the basketball team. Yes, they were fictional, but from all the research I did on Jonestown I knew it was based on nuggets of ...
"The Demographics of Jonestown" by Rebecca Moore - Alternative ...
Dec 17, 1978 ... About one-quarter of the survivors were black males, several of whom were members of the community's basketball team, in Georgetown that ...
Transcript Q381
The basketball team should do their very best to be in good shape. That will be the schedule. Then, after the– you're on your full Russian classes and– uh, the ...
“The Path to Forgiveness” by John V Moore - Jonestown
Stephan and the basketball team had been in Georgetown, Guyana when men from Jonestown assassinated Congressman Ryan and the mass murder/suicide ...
The Deaths of Two Daughters: Grieving and ... - Jonestown
There was evidence of play and education, as well as hard work: Jonestown boasted a basketball team, a rock band, and evenings of laughter and song, ...
Summary Q212
He points out that the visitors will be looking at the basketball team and the Jonestown band – he adds the karate team to the list later on in the tape – and says ...
Drinking the Kool-Aid - Jonestown
On the contrary, they describe the positive qualities of corporate loyalty or team spirit. For example, when Michael Jordan, a former Chicago Bulls basketball ...
For The People - Jonestown
Although he did try: running to the American Embassy in search of aid, enlisting the help of his basketball team members, and returning to the camp- just in time ...
If only you had been older maybe you would have been able to tag along with the basketball team on that day. Who knows what your legacy may have been.
Irises - Jonestown
They had crushes on the boys on the basketball team. Yes, they were fictional, but from all the research I did on Jonestown I knew it was based on nuggets of ...
"The Demographics of Jonestown" by Rebecca Moore - Alternative ...
Dec 17, 1978 ... About one-quarter of the survivors were black males, several of whom were members of the community's basketball team, in Georgetown that ...
Transcript Q381
The basketball team should do their very best to be in good shape. That will be the schedule. Then, after the– you're on your full Russian classes and– uh, the ...
“The Path to Forgiveness” by John V Moore - Jonestown
Stephan and the basketball team had been in Georgetown, Guyana when men from Jonestown assassinated Congressman Ryan and the mass murder/suicide ...
The Deaths of Two Daughters: Grieving and ... - Jonestown
There was evidence of play and education, as well as hard work: Jonestown boasted a basketball team, a rock band, and evenings of laughter and song, ...
Summary Q212
He points out that the visitors will be looking at the basketball team and the Jonestown band – he adds the karate team to the list later on in the tape – and says ...
Drinking the Kool-Aid - Jonestown
On the contrary, they describe the positive qualities of corporate loyalty or team spirit. For example, when Michael Jordan, a former Chicago Bulls basketball ...
For The People - Jonestown
Although he did try: running to the American Embassy in search of aid, enlisting the help of his basketball team members, and returning to the camp- just in time ...
Summary Q050
He has menaced one woman with hints of his knowledge of her personal life, Jones says, but his meeting with the Jonestown basketball team o?
Places, Activities, Structure mentioned in Journal
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Albatross (large trawler). Port Kaituma. Sports Teams. Tractor & trailor. Mathews Ridge. Basketball. 2 old army trucks. Georgetown karate team.
Jonestown As a Reflection of American Society - Alternative ...
Despite the impending visit, Jonestown continued to look into the future; the " basketball team was looking forward to its scheduled match in Georgetown" and the ...
He has menaced one woman with hints of his knowledge of her personal life, Jones says, but his meeting with the Jonestown basketball team o?
Places, Activities, Structure mentioned in Journal
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Albatross (large trawler). Port Kaituma. Sports Teams. Tractor & trailor. Mathews Ridge. Basketball. 2 old army trucks. Georgetown karate team.
Jonestown As a Reflection of American Society - Alternative ...
Despite the impending visit, Jonestown continued to look into the future; the " basketball team was looking forward to its scheduled match in Georgetown" and the ...
1912-1979 - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Role in PT: Basketball Team, Security Force. Reason for being considered dangerous: Two people interviewed describe BARNETT as being dangerous. (W ...
"Jim Jones and the History of Peoples Temple" by ... - Jonestown
The Peoples Temple basketball team, including Jones' sons Jim Jones Jr. and Stephan Jones, was playing a game away from Jonestown on the day of the ...
... Bob was in Guyana's capital city Georgetown with Stephan and his brother, Jim , Jr., who were on the Jonestown basketball team playing in a tournament.
Rave Reviews
We have a basketball team now and we're forming a soccer team. An official saw Cordell Neal and told dad that he looked like he could be the next lightweight ...
A Temple Member's Odyssey - Jonestown
She sent me to get the basketball team to come back to the house because she had to speak to them – primarily Stephan, as I recall her saying. I went out to the ...
Transcript Q400
I can't emphasize– over-emphasize that the karate team, the basketball team, the musical renditions and the Marxist-Leninism that you could do amongst ...
1912-1979 - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Role in PT: Basketball Team, Security Force. Reason for being considered dangerous: Two people interviewed describe BARNETT as being dangerous. (W ...
"Jim Jones and the History of Peoples Temple" by ... - Jonestown
The Peoples Temple basketball team, including Jones' sons Jim Jones Jr. and Stephan Jones, was playing a game away from Jonestown on the day of the ...
... Bob was in Guyana's capital city Georgetown with Stephan and his brother, Jim , Jr., who were on the Jonestown basketball team playing in a tournament.
Rave Reviews
We have a basketball team now and we're forming a soccer team. An official saw Cordell Neal and told dad that he looked like he could be the next lightweight ...
A Temple Member's Odyssey - Jonestown
She sent me to get the basketball team to come back to the house because she had to speak to them – primarily Stephan, as I recall her saying. I went out to the ...
Transcript Q400
I can't emphasize– over-emphasize that the karate team, the basketball team, the musical renditions and the Marxist-Leninism that you could do amongst ...
Eyewitness Identifications? - Jonestown
In fact, the only two that tall were Stephan Jones, in Georgetown with the whole not-even-as-tall basketball team at the time of the tragedy; and Jim McElvane, ...
Transcript Q217
And it's a definite thing, it's a door we should keep open, that's why the band that must work hard, the basketball team also, we're giving them the alternative of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
In fact, the only two that tall were Stephan Jones, in Georgetown with the whole not-even-as-tall basketball team at the time of the tragedy; and Jim McElvane, ...
Transcript Q217
And it's a definite thing, it's a door we should keep open, that's why the band that must work hard, the basketball team also, we're giving them the alternative of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
“The Many Meanings of 'Revolutionary Suicide'” by ... - Jonestown
His son, Stephen Jones – who was in Georgetown with the Jonestown basketball team during Ryan's visit – believes that if the mass suicide had not occurred, ...
And Then They Were Gone: Children of Peoples - Jonestown
What follows is another excerpt about the formation of the team.) ... She comes to our games, football or basketball or track or whatever, and she roots for us, ...
Art and popular culture notes - Jonestown
... in Georgetown for a basketball tournament, appeared on Oprah in early May. ... The Jonestown Massacre has also loaned its name to an inline hockey team ...
Transcript : Q 161
Um— Anything we can endear ourselves with a team like archery, for instance. ... good class, and a cooperative class, or you're not going in for basketball.
Q 384 – Jones Speaking
But it looks very, very positive, and we will let you know the moment on the ( stumbles over words)— the musicians or the basketball team, they prove to be ...
Pieces of Jonestown - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown ...
... crafts at local markets and competed in basketball tournaments in Georgetown. ... I spoke with this 75-year-old man who had led the team that cleared the land ...
Letter to President Carter from Jonestown - Alternative ...
... fishing, swimming, soccer, basketball courts and teams and all kinds of musical opportunities in singing and dancing. With a constructive life to lead, alienation ...
Chapter Eleven - Jonestown
They left the fallen trees to dry for months, then ran through in teams of two, ... is giving you a hard time in the classroom, try “giving the bad kid the basketball.
Drinking the Kool-Aid: A (Partial) 2012 Directory - Jonestown
In the course of a conversation with basketball player Lee Lark, the ... This means for the team to play hard every practice and every game, in order to get ...
Drinking the Kool-Aid -- A (Partial) 2007 Directory - Jonestown
[New Jersey Nets basketball star Vince Carter] is 13 for 34 (.302) in this series. ... For a team that won just three games in 2006, this squad certainly doesn't ...
Agricultural Mission: Jonestown, Guyana 1978
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Sports Teams. Basketball. Karate. Programs/Groups. Soul Stepper. Misfits. Apostolic Choir. Diane Wilkinson. Coordinator: Bob Christian. Drafting &. Engineering ...
M-1 Letters from PT - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
at building good will -- every night the mission team is on the band ...... winds, where there is abundant wild life, fishing, swimming, soccer, basketball courts ...
Index by Authors
Thompson, Wright, Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team, JTR 2007 v9, 8. Arts Section, B. Books & Articles. Tomas, Joel, Q 875, The "No More Mystery" ...
Index by Titles
Basketball as a Life-Saver and Inspiration, Fish, Jon, JTR 2007 v9, 03. ...... Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team, Thompson, Wright, JTR 2007 v9, 8.
May 14, 2012, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple
Who Survived the Jonestown Tragedy?
The following is a list of Peoples Temple members who were in Guyana on 18 November 1978 and who survived the deaths in Jonestown, Georgetown, and the Port Kaituma airstrip.
There are 87 individuals on this list. Those who are known to have died or who are presumed to be dead – because of their age at the time – are listed in red type. (These names also appear at, along with obituaries and remembrances for many of them.) Other names by which the survivors were known appear in lower case. Nicknames – often the names by which they were known in Jonestown – appear in parentheses after the given names.
Most of the people on this list were on survivors’ lists printed in newspapers and/or prepared by the FBI and State Department in the weeks following the mass deaths. Other names appeared on lists prepared at the time by Laura Johnston and Jim Randolph. Since then, numerous people in addition to Jim and Laura have provided us with more information. We are especially grateful for the assistance of Don Beck, Tim Carter, and Denice Stephenson.
If you know of any changes that need to be made, either of additional survivors or of people known to have died, please contact us by email at, or by mail to Fielding McGehee, 3553 Eugene Place, San Diego, CA 92116.
This list was prepared by Fielding M. McGehee III. The complete list of survivors was first uploaded on 10 February 2008. If you use this source, please credit the following: Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple, Thank you.
ADAMS, Paula 29
BAGBY, Monica 18
BARNETT, Carl Henry 22
BEIKMAN, Charles Edward (Chuck) 43
BEIKMAN, Thomas Charles (aka Thomas (Tom) Kutulas) 21
BLAKEY, George Philip (Phil) 25
BOGUE, Edith Elizyabeth 39
Bogue, Harold, see CORDELL, Harold
BOGUE, James Ernest (Jim) (aka Jim Morrel, Jim Murrel) 46
BOGUE, Juanita Jane 21
BOGUE, Teena May (aka Teena Turner, Tina Turner) 22
BOGUE, Thomas James (Tommy) 17
BROOKS, Madeleine 73
BROWN, Stephanie (aka Stefanie Morgan) 10
CAMPBELL, Marion Anthony 61
CANNON, Henry, Jr. 18
CARTER, Michael Julien 20
CARTER, Timothy James 30
Casanova, Dianne, see SCHEID, Dianne
CASANOVA, Mary Ann Scheid 37
CLARK, Richard 41
Clark, Diane, see LOUIE, Diane
CLAYTON, Stanley Roy 25
COBB, John Raphael (aka John Cobb Jones) 18
CONNESERO, Versie Lee (aka Versie Perkins) 32
CORDELL, Harold (aka Harold Bogue) 41
CORDELL, Mark Nathan 19
DAVIS, Grover Cleveland 78
DE PINA, Miguel 84
DOUGLAS, Calvin (aka Calvin Douglas Williams) 19
EVANS, Julius Lee 30
EVANS, Sandra 30
EVANS, Sharla 7
EVANS, Shirelle 5
EVANS, Sonya 11
FRANKLIN, Johnny, Sr. 33
GARDFREY, Dawn Francine (aka Dawn Mitchell) 15
GIEG, Clifford 18
GODSCHALK, Raymond O., Jr. 62
GOSNEY, Vernon Dean 25
Grubbs, Bea, see ORSOT, Bea
INGRAM, Marion Lee (Mickey) 33
JANARO, Claire Elaine 39
JANARO, Richard Mario 51
JOHNSON, Ruby Neal Williams Johnson 56
JOHNSTON, Laura Reid 31
JONES, James Warren, Jr. (Jimmy) 18
Jones, John Cobb, see COBB, John Raphael
JONES, Stephan Gandhi 19
JONES, Timothy Glenn (Day) Tupper (aka Timothy Glenn Tupper) 19
Kutulas, Thomas (Tom), see BEIKMAN, Thomas Charles
LAYTON, Laurence (Larry) 32
LOUIE, Diane (aka Diane Clark, Diane Louie Lund, Diane Louie Rozynko) 26
Lund, Diane, see LOUIE, Diane
Martin, Andrea Yvette, see WALKER, Andrea Yvette
McCANN, Paul 27
Mitchell, Dawn, see Dawn GARDFREY
MITCHELL, Guy Edgar 25
MITCHELL, Linda (aka Yolanda Denice Mitchell) 18
Mitchell, Yolanda Denice, see Linda MITCHELL
Morgan, Stefanie, see BROWN, Stephanie
Morrel, Jim, see BOGUE, James Ernest
Morton, Beatrice Alethia, see ORSOT, Bea
Murrel, Jim, see BOGUE, James Ernest
NEWELL, Cleveland, Jr. 23
NEWELL, Herbert 20
O’NEAL, Christopher Keith 21
ORSOT, Bea (aka Bea Grubbs, Beatrice Alethia Morton) 52
PARKS, Brenda 18
PARKS, Dale 27
PARKS, Edith 64
PARKS, Gerald 45
PARKS, Joyce 32
PARKS, Tracy 12
PAUL, Robert 33
Perkins, Versie, see CONNESERO, Versie
PROKES, Mike 31 (Shot himself in March 1979)
PURSLEY, Joan 21
RHODES, Odell 36
RODRIQUEZ, Aurora 53
Rozynko, Diane Louie, see LOUIE, Diane
SCHEID, Dianne Elizabeth (aka Dianne Casanova) 15
SIMON, Michael Angelo 23
SMITH, Eugene Erskin 21
Stahl, Robin see TSCHETTER, Robin Faye
STROUD, Robert Homer (Bobby) 21
SWINNEY, Helen Beatrice 65
THRASH, Hyacinth 76
TOUCHETTE, Charles E. (Charlie) 48
TOUCHETTE, Deborah Ruth (Debbie) 23
TOUCHETTE, Michael Jon (Mike) 25
TOWNES, LeFlora 56
TSCHETTER, Robin Faye (aka Robin Stahl) 21
Tupper, Timothy Glenn, see Timothy Glenn (Day) Tupper JONES
Turner, Teena, see Teena May BOGUE
Turner, Tina, see Teena May BOGUE
WADE, Preston 23
WAGNER, Leslie (aka Leslie Monique Fortier Wilson) 21
WALKER, Andrea Yvette (aka Andrea Yvette Martin) 21
Williams, Calvin Douglas, see DOUGLAS, Calvin
WILLIAMS, Walter L. 21
WILSON, Burrell Dernardo 18
WILSON, Jakari Lafayette 2
Wilson, Leslie Monique Fortier, see Wagner, Leslie
YATES, Johnnie Mae (Nedra) 54
Young, Carol Ann see YOUNG, Carolyn
YOUNG, Carolyn (aka Carol Ann Young) 78
May 14, 2012, Address by Jim Cobb, diigo,
November 7, 2011, Jonestown Apologist Alert, Bracing For A Grim Anniversary And, Now, With A Mass Murderer On The Memorial, diigo,
November 18, 1978, Jonestown Community, "Suicide Tape Transcript", by Mary McCormick Maaga,
May 10, 2011, Oakland Tribune, Jonestown memorial finally installed in Oakland's Evergreen Cemetery, by Angela Hill, diigo,
Jonestown memorial dedication allowed to proceed - SFGate
May 26, 2011 – Jim Jones Jr., the adopted son of Jim Jones (R) and John Cobb, who lost ten relatives in the Jonestown tragedy, look over the Jonestown
Judge Denies Bid to Stop Jonestown Memorial - San Leandro Patch
May 12, 2011 – John Cobb, a member of the Jonestown Memorial Fund who lost 10 family members, including his mother, in the mass suicide, said he ...

(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, file)
In this May 12, 2011 file photo, Jim Jones Jr., the adopted son of Jim Jones (left) and John Cobb, who lost 10 relatives in the Jonestown tragedy, stand near a Jonestown memorial at Evergreen Cemetery in Oakland, Calif. Jones Jr. says the inclusion of his father's name among the others is about representing the truth of what happened on Nov. 18, 1978. "Our memorial removes individual opinions and makes it factual," Jones Jr. said
Sandy Yvette Cobb
“The Many Meanings of 'Revolutionary Suicide'” by ... - Jonestown
His son, Stephen Jones – who was in Georgetown with the Jonestown basketball team during Ryan's visit – believes that if the mass suicide had not occurred, ...
And Then They Were Gone: Children of Peoples - Jonestown
What follows is another excerpt about the formation of the team.) ... She comes to our games, football or basketball or track or whatever, and she roots for us, ...
Art and popular culture notes - Jonestown
... in Georgetown for a basketball tournament, appeared on Oprah in early May. ... The Jonestown Massacre has also loaned its name to an inline hockey team ...
Transcript : Q 161
Um— Anything we can endear ourselves with a team like archery, for instance. ... good class, and a cooperative class, or you're not going in for basketball.
Q 384 – Jones Speaking
But it looks very, very positive, and we will let you know the moment on the ( stumbles over words)— the musicians or the basketball team, they prove to be ...
Pieces of Jonestown - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown ...
... crafts at local markets and competed in basketball tournaments in Georgetown. ... I spoke with this 75-year-old man who had led the team that cleared the land ...
Letter to President Carter from Jonestown - Alternative ...
... fishing, swimming, soccer, basketball courts and teams and all kinds of musical opportunities in singing and dancing. With a constructive life to lead, alienation ...
Chapter Eleven - Jonestown
They left the fallen trees to dry for months, then ran through in teams of two, ... is giving you a hard time in the classroom, try “giving the bad kid the basketball.
Drinking the Kool-Aid: A (Partial) 2012 Directory - Jonestown
In the course of a conversation with basketball player Lee Lark, the ... This means for the team to play hard every practice and every game, in order to get ...
Drinking the Kool-Aid -- A (Partial) 2007 Directory - Jonestown
[New Jersey Nets basketball star Vince Carter] is 13 for 34 (.302) in this series. ... For a team that won just three games in 2006, this squad certainly doesn't ...
Agricultural Mission: Jonestown, Guyana 1978
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Sports Teams. Basketball. Karate. Programs/Groups. Soul Stepper. Misfits. Apostolic Choir. Diane Wilkinson. Coordinator: Bob Christian. Drafting &. Engineering ...
M-1 Letters from PT - Alternative Considerations of Jonestown ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
at building good will -- every night the mission team is on the band ...... winds, where there is abundant wild life, fishing, swimming, soccer, basketball courts ...
Index by Authors
Thompson, Wright, Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team, JTR 2007 v9, 8. Arts Section, B. Books & Articles. Tomas, Joel, Q 875, The "No More Mystery" ...
Index by Titles
Basketball as a Life-Saver and Inspiration, Fish, Jon, JTR 2007 v9, 03. ...... Writing about the Jonestown Basketball Team, Thompson, Wright, JTR 2007 v9, 8.
May 14, 2012, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple
Who Survived the Jonestown Tragedy?
The following is a list of Peoples Temple members who were in Guyana on 18 November 1978 and who survived the deaths in Jonestown, Georgetown, and the Port Kaituma airstrip.
There are 87 individuals on this list. Those who are known to have died or who are presumed to be dead – because of their age at the time – are listed in red type. (These names also appear at, along with obituaries and remembrances for many of them.) Other names by which the survivors were known appear in lower case. Nicknames – often the names by which they were known in Jonestown – appear in parentheses after the given names.
Most of the people on this list were on survivors’ lists printed in newspapers and/or prepared by the FBI and State Department in the weeks following the mass deaths. Other names appeared on lists prepared at the time by Laura Johnston and Jim Randolph. Since then, numerous people in addition to Jim and Laura have provided us with more information. We are especially grateful for the assistance of Don Beck, Tim Carter, and Denice Stephenson.
If you know of any changes that need to be made, either of additional survivors or of people known to have died, please contact us by email at, or by mail to Fielding McGehee, 3553 Eugene Place, San Diego, CA 92116.
This list was prepared by Fielding M. McGehee III. The complete list of survivors was first uploaded on 10 February 2008. If you use this source, please credit the following: Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple, Thank you.
ADAMS, Paula 29
BAGBY, Monica 18
BARNETT, Carl Henry 22
BEIKMAN, Charles Edward (Chuck) 43
BEIKMAN, Thomas Charles (aka Thomas (Tom) Kutulas) 21
BLAKEY, George Philip (Phil) 25
BOGUE, Edith Elizyabeth 39
Bogue, Harold, see CORDELL, Harold
BOGUE, James Ernest (Jim) (aka Jim Morrel, Jim Murrel) 46
BOGUE, Juanita Jane 21
BOGUE, Teena May (aka Teena Turner, Tina Turner) 22
BOGUE, Thomas James (Tommy) 17
BROOKS, Madeleine 73
BROWN, Stephanie (aka Stefanie Morgan) 10
CAMPBELL, Marion Anthony 61
CANNON, Henry, Jr. 18
CARTER, Michael Julien 20
CARTER, Timothy James 30
Casanova, Dianne, see SCHEID, Dianne
CASANOVA, Mary Ann Scheid 37
CLARK, Richard 41
Clark, Diane, see LOUIE, Diane
CLAYTON, Stanley Roy 25
COBB, John Raphael (aka John Cobb Jones) 18
CONNESERO, Versie Lee (aka Versie Perkins) 32
CORDELL, Harold (aka Harold Bogue) 41
CORDELL, Mark Nathan 19
DAVIS, Grover Cleveland 78
DE PINA, Miguel 84
DOUGLAS, Calvin (aka Calvin Douglas Williams) 19
EVANS, Julius Lee 30
EVANS, Sandra 30
EVANS, Sharla 7
EVANS, Shirelle 5
EVANS, Sonya 11
FRANKLIN, Johnny, Sr. 33
GARDFREY, Dawn Francine (aka Dawn Mitchell) 15
GIEG, Clifford 18
GODSCHALK, Raymond O., Jr. 62
GOSNEY, Vernon Dean 25
Grubbs, Bea, see ORSOT, Bea
INGRAM, Marion Lee (Mickey) 33
JANARO, Claire Elaine 39
JANARO, Richard Mario 51
JOHNSON, Ruby Neal Williams Johnson 56
JOHNSTON, Laura Reid 31
JONES, James Warren, Jr. (Jimmy) 18
Jones, John Cobb, see COBB, John Raphael
JONES, Stephan Gandhi 19
JONES, Timothy Glenn (Day) Tupper (aka Timothy Glenn Tupper) 19
Kutulas, Thomas (Tom), see BEIKMAN, Thomas Charles
LAYTON, Laurence (Larry) 32
LOUIE, Diane (aka Diane Clark, Diane Louie Lund, Diane Louie Rozynko) 26
Lund, Diane, see LOUIE, Diane
Martin, Andrea Yvette, see WALKER, Andrea Yvette
McCANN, Paul 27
Mitchell, Dawn, see Dawn GARDFREY
MITCHELL, Guy Edgar 25
MITCHELL, Linda (aka Yolanda Denice Mitchell) 18
Mitchell, Yolanda Denice, see Linda MITCHELL
Morgan, Stefanie, see BROWN, Stephanie
Morrel, Jim, see BOGUE, James Ernest
Morton, Beatrice Alethia, see ORSOT, Bea
Murrel, Jim, see BOGUE, James Ernest
NEWELL, Cleveland, Jr. 23
NEWELL, Herbert 20
O’NEAL, Christopher Keith 21
ORSOT, Bea (aka Bea Grubbs, Beatrice Alethia Morton) 52
PARKS, Brenda 18
PARKS, Dale 27
PARKS, Edith 64
PARKS, Gerald 45
PARKS, Joyce 32
PARKS, Tracy 12
PAUL, Robert 33
Perkins, Versie, see CONNESERO, Versie
PROKES, Mike 31 (Shot himself in March 1979)
PURSLEY, Joan 21
RHODES, Odell 36
RODRIQUEZ, Aurora 53
Rozynko, Diane Louie, see LOUIE, Diane
SCHEID, Dianne Elizabeth (aka Dianne Casanova) 15
SIMON, Michael Angelo 23
SMITH, Eugene Erskin 21
Stahl, Robin see TSCHETTER, Robin Faye
STROUD, Robert Homer (Bobby) 21
SWINNEY, Helen Beatrice 65
THRASH, Hyacinth 76
TOUCHETTE, Charles E. (Charlie) 48
TOUCHETTE, Deborah Ruth (Debbie) 23
TOUCHETTE, Michael Jon (Mike) 25
TOWNES, LeFlora 56
TSCHETTER, Robin Faye (aka Robin Stahl) 21
Tupper, Timothy Glenn, see Timothy Glenn (Day) Tupper JONES
Turner, Teena, see Teena May BOGUE
Turner, Tina, see Teena May BOGUE
WADE, Preston 23
WAGNER, Leslie (aka Leslie Monique Fortier Wilson) 21
WALKER, Andrea Yvette (aka Andrea Yvette Martin) 21
Williams, Calvin Douglas, see DOUGLAS, Calvin
WILLIAMS, Walter L. 21
WILSON, Burrell Dernardo 18
WILSON, Jakari Lafayette 2
Wilson, Leslie Monique Fortier, see Wagner, Leslie
YATES, Johnnie Mae (Nedra) 54
Young, Carol Ann see YOUNG, Carolyn
YOUNG, Carolyn (aka Carol Ann Young) 78
May 14, 2012, Address by Jim Cobb, diigo,
November 7, 2011, Jonestown Apologist Alert, Bracing For A Grim Anniversary And, Now, With A Mass Murderer On The Memorial, diigo,
November 18, 1978, Jonestown Community, "Suicide Tape Transcript", by Mary McCormick Maaga,
May 10, 2011, Oakland Tribune, Jonestown memorial finally installed in Oakland's Evergreen Cemetery, by Angela Hill, diigo,
Jonestown memorial dedication allowed to proceed - SFGate
May 26, 2011 – Jim Jones Jr., the adopted son of Jim Jones (R) and John Cobb, who lost ten relatives in the Jonestown tragedy, look over the Jonestown
Judge Denies Bid to Stop Jonestown Memorial - San Leandro Patch
May 12, 2011 – John Cobb, a member of the Jonestown Memorial Fund who lost 10 family members, including his mother, in the mass suicide, said he ...
(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, file)
In this May 12, 2011 file photo, Jim Jones Jr., the adopted son of Jim Jones (left) and John Cobb, who lost 10 relatives in the Jonestown tragedy, stand near a Jonestown memorial at Evergreen Cemetery in Oakland, Calif. Jones Jr. says the inclusion of his father's name among the others is about representing the truth of what happened on Nov. 18, 1978. "Our memorial removes individual opinions and makes it factual," Jones Jr. said
Sandy Yvette Cobb
Birth: Nov. 16, 1956
Marion County
Indiana, USA
Death: Nov. 18, 1978
Jonestown, Guyana

Marion County
Indiana, USA
Death: Nov. 18, 1978
Jonestown, Guyana
Also known as Sandy Cobbs, Sandra Yvette Cobb, Sandra Yvette Cobb Jones, and Sandy Jones. She lived in San Francisco, California 94107 before moving to Jonestown, Guyana where she lived in Cottage 29. She was employed as a Lab technician and had Secretarial skills. She entered Guyana on March 29, 1977. She was on the Jonestown Planning Commission; Medical staff; and Radio room. Daughter of Christine Cobb aka Elois Christine Young, and Elois Christine Cobb. Daughter of Jim Cobb, Sr.; Stepdaughter of Guy Young; Sister of Ava Brown aka Ava Phenice Jones, Ava Cobb; Brenda Carole Cobb, Joel Raymond Cobb, Johnny Cobb aka John Raphael Cobb, John Cobb Jones, Mona Young aka Ramona Lamotha, Mona Cobb; Jim Cobb; and Terri Cobb. Partner of Timothy Tupper aka Timothy Glenn Tupper Jones, and Tim "Day" Jones. She adopted Monyelle Maylene Jones. Records lists birthdate as 11/15/1956 while PT records say birthdate is 12/16/1956.
Family links:
Christine Cobb (1928 - 1978)
Monyelle Maylene Jones (1978 - 1978)*
*Calculated relationship
Evergreen Cemetery
Alameda County
California, USA
Plot: Jonestown Memorial
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Oct 26, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 30887095
March 19, 2013, Associated Press / Art Daily, Nearly 200 Gather to Dedicate Jonestown Memorial,

Jim Jones Jr., the adopted son of Jim Jones, left, and John Cobb, who lost ten relatives in the Jonestown tragedy, stand near a Jonestown memorial at Evergreen Cemetery in Oakland, Calif., Thursday, May 12, 2011. A woman who lost 27 relatives in the 1978 Jonestown tragedy is waging a legal battle against a California cemetery over a memorial to the 918 victims that includes the name of Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones. The Rev. Jynona Norwood appeared Thursday in court in an attempt to block further construction and use of the memorial at Evergreen Cemetery in Oakland. AP Photo/Jeff Chiu. OAKLAND, CA (AP)
Nearly 200 people gathered at Oakland's Evergreen Cemetery on Sunday to dedicate a newly completed memorial to the victims of the 1978 mass murder and suicide at Jonestown, Guyana, organizers said. The afternoon ceremony came after a judge last week denied a motion seeking to block further use of the monument at the cemetery, where more than 400 unidentified and unclaimed victims are buried in a mass grave. The $45,000 monument, which consists of four large granite slabs embedded in the ground and etched with the names of the dead, has sparked controversy because it includes the name of Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones among the 917 other people who died. "People from around the country came to be here," said Fielding McGehee, who edits the online Jonestown Report and who lost in-laws in the violence. "It was a beautiful day and everything that we hope for all came together," he said. Jones' adopted son, Jim Jones Jr., has said the memorial represents the truth of what happened on Nov. 18, 1978, in Guyana. "It was a great moment to sit back and see it all come together and come to fruition," Jones told The Associated Press by phone after attending the ceremony. "What I really appreciated and felt real joy in that everybody talked about healing. The theme was healing, and that excited me." Jynona Norwood, a Los Angeles minister who lost 27 relatives at Jonestown, filed a lawsuit May 12 against Evergreen Cemetery, its president, Buck Kamphausen, and its director, Ron Haulman, accusing them of violating an agreement with her for an alternative memorial that would not include Jim Jones' name. In ruling against a preliminary injunction, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Robert McGuiness said Thursday that denying access to the memorial would cause substantial harm to those who wish to gather there to honor the victims. After more than 32 years of waiting for a proper memorial, any further delay "would continue to expose the victims and families of Jonestown to a continuing paralytic state of inaction," the judge wrote. Norwood has said previously that the new memorial, built at a cost of $45,000, sends a message that "it is OK to honor a mass murderer." She compared including the name of Jones to having the name Osama bin Laden on a Sept. 11 memorial. "Where does it end when you talk about Jim Jones, a mass murderer," she said by phone Sunday. "What are people coming to when he is honored? U.S. Rep. Leo Ryan of California, three newsmen and a church defector were ambushed and killed on a remote jungle airstrip by temple gunmen while visiting Jonestown on a fact-finding mission to investigate reports of abuses of members. Jones then orchestrated a ritual of mass murder and suicide at the temple's nearby agricultural commune. The ruling Thursday settles only part of Norwood's legal challenge. Her lawsuit also seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages. Attorneys for both sides are scheduled to confer with McGuiness by phone Tuesday to set a settlement conference date. Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.
Family links:
Christine Cobb (1928 - 1978)
Monyelle Maylene Jones (1978 - 1978)*
*Calculated relationship
Evergreen Cemetery
Alameda County
California, USA
Plot: Jonestown Memorial
Created by: Natalia Danesi
Record added: Oct 26, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 30887095
March 19, 2013, Associated Press / Art Daily, Nearly 200 Gather to Dedicate Jonestown Memorial,
Jim Jones Jr., the adopted son of Jim Jones, left, and John Cobb, who lost ten relatives in the Jonestown tragedy, stand near a Jonestown memorial at Evergreen Cemetery in Oakland, Calif., Thursday, May 12, 2011. A woman who lost 27 relatives in the 1978 Jonestown tragedy is waging a legal battle against a California cemetery over a memorial to the 918 victims that includes the name of Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones. The Rev. Jynona Norwood appeared Thursday in court in an attempt to block further construction and use of the memorial at Evergreen Cemetery in Oakland. AP Photo/Jeff Chiu. OAKLAND, CA (AP)
Nearly 200 people gathered at Oakland's Evergreen Cemetery on Sunday to dedicate a newly completed memorial to the victims of the 1978 mass murder and suicide at Jonestown, Guyana, organizers said. The afternoon ceremony came after a judge last week denied a motion seeking to block further use of the monument at the cemetery, where more than 400 unidentified and unclaimed victims are buried in a mass grave. The $45,000 monument, which consists of four large granite slabs embedded in the ground and etched with the names of the dead, has sparked controversy because it includes the name of Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones among the 917 other people who died. "People from around the country came to be here," said Fielding McGehee, who edits the online Jonestown Report and who lost in-laws in the violence. "It was a beautiful day and everything that we hope for all came together," he said. Jones' adopted son, Jim Jones Jr., has said the memorial represents the truth of what happened on Nov. 18, 1978, in Guyana. "It was a great moment to sit back and see it all come together and come to fruition," Jones told The Associated Press by phone after attending the ceremony. "What I really appreciated and felt real joy in that everybody talked about healing. The theme was healing, and that excited me." Jynona Norwood, a Los Angeles minister who lost 27 relatives at Jonestown, filed a lawsuit May 12 against Evergreen Cemetery, its president, Buck Kamphausen, and its director, Ron Haulman, accusing them of violating an agreement with her for an alternative memorial that would not include Jim Jones' name. In ruling against a preliminary injunction, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Robert McGuiness said Thursday that denying access to the memorial would cause substantial harm to those who wish to gather there to honor the victims. After more than 32 years of waiting for a proper memorial, any further delay "would continue to expose the victims and families of Jonestown to a continuing paralytic state of inaction," the judge wrote. Norwood has said previously that the new memorial, built at a cost of $45,000, sends a message that "it is OK to honor a mass murderer." She compared including the name of Jones to having the name Osama bin Laden on a Sept. 11 memorial. "Where does it end when you talk about Jim Jones, a mass murderer," she said by phone Sunday. "What are people coming to when he is honored? U.S. Rep. Leo Ryan of California, three newsmen and a church defector were ambushed and killed on a remote jungle airstrip by temple gunmen while visiting Jonestown on a fact-finding mission to investigate reports of abuses of members. Jones then orchestrated a ritual of mass murder and suicide at the temple's nearby agricultural commune. The ruling Thursday settles only part of Norwood's legal challenge. Her lawsuit also seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages. Attorneys for both sides are scheduled to confer with McGuiness by phone Tuesday to set a settlement conference date. Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.
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