Former Utica and Ilion Man Underwent Terrifying Experience
Fireman James Dunn Disobeyed Orders and Saved President of Mercantile Deposit and Another from Death
New York, January 10, 1912 --- William Giblin, president of the Mercantile Safe Deposit Company, who underwent such a terrifying experience in the Equitable Building fire yesterday morning and whose rescue was one of the most marvelous pieces of work ever accomplished by firemen, was reported in good condition at the Hudson Street Hospital this morning.
The only danger to be feared is pneumonia. However, no symptoms had been discovered, and as Mr. Giblin is a vigourous young man, it is hoped that he may escape.
Equitable Assurance Building 1912 NYC
Waved White Handkerchief
The rescue of Mr. Giblin was dramatic. The patient, who had looked at death in the treasure vault, now realizes the whole extent of his luck. Further details of the discovery of the imprisoned men, the work to save them and the incidents following the rescue became known today.
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