Thursday, August 26, 2010
WPIX News Report: "Pilot Lies About Background,"
WPIX - April 2, 2010, 10:00 PM News Broadcast
Sunday, August 15, 2010
'Mature Beyond His Years,' By Jan W. Steenblik, Technical Editor
Link to the original .pdf:
Air Line Pilots Association
"Page 22 and the story have vanished."
(not apparent to me. Has the .pdf been reorganized?)
"Golden Bear" at was kind enough to transcribe the article.)
Scans of the missing original two-page glossy article,!/...3&id=213500296!/...d=520047385846)
'Mature Beyond His Years,'
By Jan W. Steenblik, Technical Editor
F/O Timothy Martins (American Eagle) personifies pilot professionalism and living by the ALPA Code of Ethics
Some men and women grace their world with a maturity uncommon for their age. One such is F/O Timothy Martins (American Eagle), a role model for the ALPA Code of Ethics.
“I met Tim 4 years ago on the Saab in DFW at Eagle,” says F/O Ray Nicoll (Delta). “He came to me fresh off IOE at the age of 21. When he came into the cockpit, he looked me straight in the eye and shook my hand as he introduced himself to me.”
The ALPA Code of Ethics declares, in part, that “[an airline pilot] will realize that he represents the airline to all who meet him, and will at all times keep his personal appearance and conduct above reproach.”
“His shoes were shined and his uniform and personal appearance were sharp,” Nicoll continues. “He looked like a real professional pilot. There was something about the way he carried himself that made him stand out from the other pilots.
“Tim is always at work early with a smile on his face,” Nicoll adds. “The way he looks through the paperwork and weather, you would think that he has been a pilot his whole life. He is a real treat to work with. Throughout the years that I’ve known him, he never ceases to amaze me.”
Falcons and Eagle(s)
Martins got an early start on his path to the cockpit.
“When I was 6 or 7 years old,” he recalls, “my family went on vacation. We flew from Islip to Miami on a B-727. I got to see the cockpit as we boarded, and I thought, ‘This looks pretty cool. This is what I want to do when I grow up.’”
At the age of 16, Martins started flying in September 2001—an inauspicious month, to be sure—as a freshman in the Dowling College School of Aviation, located at Brookhaven Airport on Long Island, N.Y. He graduated 3 years later, all of 19 years old, with a commercial certificate and multiengine, instrument, CFII, and single-engine sea ratings.
“I was in one of the last classes at Atlantic Coast Airlines,” Martins recalls, “but I was furloughed after 8 months, so I joined the New Jersey Air National Guard.” He flies F-16s as a member of the 177th Fighter Wing, which is based in Atlantic City, N.J.; F-15s might be next.
In August 2006, Martins joined EGL, flying as a Saab 340 copilot based at LAX. Since 2007, he’s flown Embraer 135/145s from New York’s JFK and LGA.
Community service and ALPA volunteerism
The ALPA Code of Ethics asserts that an airline pilot “will be a good citizen of his country, state, and community, taking an active part in their affairs….”
Martins lives up to that part of the Code in multiple ways.
In addition to flying for EGL, Martins, carrying on a family tradition, works as a firefighter and paramedic for New York City. “It’s an easy second job to hold,” he explains, “because I can work a flexible schedule that fits in with my flying.” Martins is a member of Ladder Company Two, located in midtown Manhattan.
“Tim is the type of guy who would give you the shirt off his back if you need it,” Nicoll points out. “He is always helping guys at work with things.”
In 2007, Martins took the ALPA training, hosted by the ExpressJet Master Executive Council in Houston, to become a volunteer serving in the Association’s Critical Incident Response Program (CIRP). He also is cross-trained in safety and accident investigation, having completed the ALPA Basic Safety School and the Accident Investigation Course.
With that background, he was well prepared to provide CIRP support for the ALPA accident investigators who participated in the field investigation of the Colgan Air Flight 3407 crash near Buffalo, N.Y., in February 2009. Martins spent 10 days at the Colgan field investigation.
Martins also provides CIRP support to EGL pilots when they encounter situations that might seem minor when compared to working on the field investigation of a major accident, but are stressful nonetheless—“a rough time at home, going through a divorce, experiencing smoke in the cockpit, stuff like that,” Martins explains. “I give ‘em a call and ask how they’re doing.”
As if his days aren’t full enough, Martins also volunteers in the food pantry at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Nesconset, N.Y., down the street from where he lives, and has helped build houses through the Habitat for Humanity program.
“I try to give back to my community,” he says. “It’s the way I was raised.”
A few years ago, during EGL’s big hiring push, Martins served as a volunteer in the EGL MEC’s new-hire mentor program. Some of the new hires he guided through their first year on the airline had as few as 500 hours total flight time, and were understandably overwhelmed by not only flying larger airplanes but also learning the myriad details—such as using the airline’s computerized bidding system—that more senior pilots had long since incorporated into their lives on the line.
Cockpit professional
Capt. Dave Michaud (EGL) describes Martins as “lots of fun to fly with—he’s very personable, but that doesn’t interfere with his professionalism. He’s not only flying the airplane, he’s having fun doing the job, and I think that takes a special talent. He has a great ability to get along with anyone—flight attendants, dispatchers, maintenance, everyone he comes into contact with.
“His knowledge of the airplane probably exceeds my own,” Michaud adds. “Tim does everything above and beyond the requirements of the job.
He does all the procedures by the book, following SOPS, and always uses the checklists. It makes it easier to do the job right, the way we’re supposed to do it.
“It’s the little things, like always saying, ‘My airplane’ or ‘your airplane’ when we transfer control, so there’s no doubt about who’s flying the airplane.”
“Tim, to me, shows the professionalism that every pilot should show,” Nicoll says. “He truly cares about his passengers and crew.” And that brings us back to the very first declaration in the ALPA Code of Ethics: “An Air Line Pilot will keep uppermost in his mind that the safety, comfort, and well-being of the passengers who entrust their lives to him are his first and greatest responsibility.”
Nicoll sums up Martins thusly: “He is what ALPA stands for. Tim is ALPA.”
World Trade Center Tragedy
World Trade Center Tragedy
11 September 2001
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Missing Persons
under construction
last updated Sept. 17, 2001 @ 8:00 a.m. EST
These are trying times for all of us. Many do not know if a friend or loved one is alive, injured, trapped or worse due to the devestation at Ground Zero. Here are some resources you can use to let people know you or a co-worker is okay, inquire as to the status of someone you know, or seek those you wish to find.
To have a missing loved one listed on this page or for corrections, please email
- World Trade Center Tragedy Missing Persons Message Board
- Safe Millenium: report that someone is safe, or find out if someone is safe.
- "I'm Okay" Message Center: add your name to the "I'm okay" list and find persons. Includes company notices to employees.
- Disaster Message Service: message board regarding the disaster, with "seek" and "okay" messages.
- NTAdmin: message board for survivors, and searches for loved ones.
- WTC People Locator: searchable database with status.
- WTC VScene: survivor list.
- The Survivor List: lists persons and their status.
- WTC Survivor Database: database of survivors, updated every 15 mins.
By the Numbers (reported missing)
- 40 employees of the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance
- 4 employees of the NYS Department of Transportation
- 112 civilian employees of the Port Authority
- 42 sworn officers of the Port Authority
- 2 Department of Environmental Conservation employees
- 16 Court of Claims employees
- Unknown number of employees of the NYS Comptroller's Office
- Unknown number of employees of the NYS Attorney General's Office
- 39 BC/BS employees
- 5 Harris Beach & Wilcox employees
- 600 employees of Marsh & McLennan
- 69 employees of Keefe Bruyette & Woods
- 730 employees of Cantor Fitzgerald
- Ladder companies 132 and 105
- Engine Company 33
By Name
Culled from various news articles and
- William Abrahamson, 58, Marsh McLennan. Please contact 914.737.1121 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 914.737.1121 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or 914.319.1067.
- Richard Anthony Aceto, 42, Marsh McLennan, 98th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.572.7625.
- Shannon Adams, 25, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 315.848.2333.
- Cone Adbulaye, Windows on the World, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Christy Addamo, 28, Marsh & McLennan, 98th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.358.7985 or 516.248.9096.
- Terrence "Ted" Adderley Jr., 22, Fred Alger, 93rd floor.
- David Agnes, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.427.6761.
- Joao Aguiar, 30, KMB Investments, 76th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 732.870.9060.
- Joan Ahladiotis, 27,Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.744.1363 or
- Gary Albero, last seen on 105th floor at AON. Please contact 201.634.9831
- Jon Albert, 46, Marsh McLennan, 96th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 845.353.0077 or 914.924.1078
- Edward Allegretto, 51, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.574.3839
- Janet Alonso, Marsh McLennan, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.345.6000
- Telmo Alvarado
- Christopher Amoroso, 29, Port Authority Officer, badge #2002, 1 WTC, contact 718.948.7974
- Mike Andrews, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.474.6804 or 732.744.8003
- Jean Andrucki, 42, Port Authority, 1 WTC, please contact 201.288.8304 or 201.538.0152
- Laura Angiletta, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.447.4340 or 718.447.1966.
- Patrick Aranyos, 26. Please contact 212.787.4354.
- Michael Arczynski
- Michael Armstrong, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, 102nd floor, 1 WTC
- Joshua Aron
- Richard Aronow, Port Authority lawyer, please contact 718.246.0788 or
- Joshua Aron, 29. Please contact 516.678.7157.
- Carl Asaro, firefighter. Please contact 718.353.9061.
- Michael Asciak, 47, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.945.3088.
- Janice M. Ashley, Fred Alger Management, 93rd floor, 1 WTC
- Wanda Astol, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact
- James Audiffred, 38, ABM, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.642.2346.
- Louis Aversano, AON, 92nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 732.308.4407 or 917.940.2836.
- Robert Baierwalter, 103rd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 516.248.8255.
- Andrew Bailey
- Michael Baksh, Marsh McLennan, 94th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.541.7055, 646.245.4985 or 646.234.4764.
- Sharon Balkcom, 43, Marsh McLennan, 95th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.831.0829, 914.667.9555 or
- Michael "Mike" Bane, Marsh McLennan, 1 WTC. Please contact 215.428.1535.
- Chief Gerard Barbara, NYC fire department supervisor, WTC
- Paul Barbaro, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Ivan Barbosa, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC
- Colleen Ann (Meehan) Barkow, 26, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact parents (732.969.1510,,, husband Daniel (609.490.1469), brother Daryl (732.969.9020).
- Matt Barnes, firefighter
- Sheila Barnes
- Barney Barrett. Please contact 203.744.0831.
- Diane Barry, AON, 102 floor, 2 WTC
- Guy Barzi, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact 917.912.0752, 516.353.5870 or 516.978.9843
- Paul Beatini, 40, last seen on 104th floor 2 WTC. Please contact 201.678.0798.
- Carl Bedigian, 35, firefighter, Engine Company #214. Please contact 888.311.4655 or
- Helen Bellilovsky, 93rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.262.2944 or
- Paul Benedetti, AON, 92nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.224.6011
- Bryan Bennett, 25, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 203.861.5829, 973.449.6169 or
- Marge Benson
- Michael Berkeley, 38, 79th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.335.8399 or 312.876.8825
- Donna Bernaerts, 44, Accenture, 90th or 94th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- William Berstein, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.373.5804
- David Berray, 30, Windows on the World, 1 WTC. Please contact 917.592.6126 or 917.432.5480
- Joseph J. Berry, co-CEO Keefe Bruyette & Woods, 89th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 201.934.8082.
- Anil Bharvaney, 41, Instinet. Please contact 609.443.1986 or 609.443.2587
- Joshua David Birnbaum, Cantor Fitzgerald, 102 th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.678.1714.
- George John Bishop, 52, AON, 101st floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 914.248.5244
- Sue Blair, AON
- Harry Blanding, AON, 2 WTC. Please contact 516.546.8861
- Craig Blass
- Richard "Rick" Blood. Please contact 201.444.9594.
- Michael Boccardi, Fred Alger, 93rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.665.4498, 914.961.8484 or
- Susan "Sue" Bochino, 36, AON, 92nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.351.3485 or
- Mary C. Boffa, Marsh Inc., Please contact 212.722.4024 (h) or 917.763.8355 (c).
- Darren Bohan, 34, AON, 102nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact Kelley 718.636.6341 or 917.364.2142
- Lawrence "Larry" Boisseau, 36, Deputy Fire Safety Director WTC. Please contact 516.946.0106, 732.496.6371, 732.845.0614 or 732.462.4516.
- Gannady Bojarksi, 31, American Express/Marsh McLennan, 94th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Brian Boldberg, 26, Fiduciary Trust, 90th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 908.851.9390, 917.270.6552 or
- Alan Bondarenko, 54, Washington Group, 91st floor, 2 WTC. Please contact
- Colin Bonnett
- Yvonne L. Bonomo, 30, American Express Travel/Marsh McLennan, 96th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.424.2412 or 718.639.8114.
- Sherry Bordeaux, Fiduciary Trust, 90th floor, 2 WTC.
- Martin Boryczewski, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.539.1369
- Tom Bowden, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Veronique Bowers, 28
- Kevin Bowser, 45, Marsh & McLennan, 97th floor
- Nick Brandemarti, 21, Keefe Bruyette & Woods, 89th floor, 2 WTC
- Michelle "Shelly" Bratton, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.695.2055.
- Lydia Bravo
- Paul Bristow, 27, Risk Waters Group, 106th floor, 1 WTC
- Mark Broderick
- Herman Broghammer, 60th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 516.867.7476 or 203.558.0964.
- Lloyd Brown, 28, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.237.3284, 800.533.2738 x233, 850.216.2515, 210.381.7620, 210.674.3169 or 210.381.7620.
- Richard Bruehert, 38, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.997.5227 or
- Brandon Buchanan, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.866.5959 or 646.522.6665
- Matthew Burke, 28, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- John E. Bulaga Jr., Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC
- Matthew Burke, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.480.0010.
- William F. Burke, 46, FDNY Captain, last seen in 1 WTC. please contact 718.892.6516 or
- Chief Donald Burns, NYC fire department supervisor, WTC
- Tim Burns, Sandler & O'Neill, 104th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 201.222.5494 or 917.655.7127
- Thomas Butler, 37, firefighter. Please contact 631.544.4947, 631.269.4358, 917.304.2563 or 516.486.6961
- Timothy Byrne, 36, Sandler O'Neill, 104th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 631.271.3866
- Jesus N. Cabezas, 60s, Windows of the World, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.386.5813, 201.689.9077, 718.720.6415, or
- Brian Cachia, 26, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.217.5554, 732.923.0701, or
- Michael Cahill, Marsh McClennan, 99th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.345.6000.
- Tommy Cahill, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.891.8035 or 201.847.7890.
- Sal Calabro, 38, firefighter, FDNY Ladder Company 101. Please contact 718.967.0090
- Edward Calderon, Port Authority Security, last seen on concord 1 WTC. Please contact 845.651.1242 or 845.258.0433
- Kenneth "Kenny" Caldwell, 30, Alliance Consulting, 102nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 402.730.8358, 718.625.1380 or
- Gino "Gene" Calvi
- Jill Campbell. Please contact 718.397.9376
- Robert Campbell, 25, was working on 2 WTC roof
- Lisa Cannava, Carr Futures, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Vincent Cangelosi, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.966.9783
- Stephen Cangialosi, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.671.0747, 973.886.7204 or
- Lisa Cannava, 30, Carr Futures, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.966.0706, 718.356.2650 or 718.605.7889.
- Michael Canty, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.541.3766 or 516.798.7656.
- Jon Cappello, 23, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC.
- James "Chris" Christopher Cappers, Marsh McLennan, 94th floor, 1 WTC
- Jose Cardona, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.861.6265 or 917.716.7702
- Michael Carlo, firefighter, Engine 230. Please contact
- Joyce Carpenter, General Telecom, 83rd floor, 1 WTC
- Dennis Carey, fireman
- Joyce Carpeneto, 40, General Telecom, 83rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.673.9550
- Jay Carson, 32
- Paul Cascio
- Leonard Castriano
- Sean Christopher Caton, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Jason "Jake" Cayne, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.536.2925 or
- Swarna Chalasani, 33, Fiduciary Trust, 94th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.793.1548, 718.793.2173, 917.797.4987 or 603.345.8794.
- William Chalcoff, Marsh & McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.601.7581 or
- Valerie Chambers, Morgan Stanley, 73rd floor, 2 WTC
- Mark Charette, 38, Marsh McLennan, 100th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.467.7839
- Pedro Checo
- Steven Chen, AON
- Rob Chin, 33, Xerox for Fiduciary Trust, 97th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.645.7322, or
- Steve Chucknick, Euro Brokers, 84th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 732.583.6063 or 732.213.7323
- Elaine Cillo, 40, 97th floor Marsh McLennan, 1 WTC
- Mannie Clark
- Christopher "Buddha" Robert Clarke, 34. Please contact 610.525.6319
- Donna Clarke, 40, Marsh McLennan, 98th floor. Please contact 718.792.2168
- Kevin Cleary, Euro Brokers, 84th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 914.779.5536
- Patricia Cody, 46, Marsh McLennan. Please contact 609.264.7557
- Kevin Cohen, 28, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please
contact 732.548.0776 or
- Mark Colaio
- Stephen Colaio
- Kevin Colbert, 25, 89th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 516.292.2747, 888.956.9709,, or
- Mike Colbert, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC
- Keith Coleman, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Scott Coleman, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Liam Colhoun. Please contact
- Thomas Joseph Collins, 36, Sandler O'Neill, 2 WTC. Please contact 631.549.5715
- Patricia Colodner, Marsh McLennan, 96th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact of
- Linda Migdalia Colon, 47, Marsh McLennan, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.446.2523
- John "Jack" Connolly Jr., 46, WTC Eurobrokers, 84th floor. Please contact 908.513.5519.
- Jaime Concepcion, 46, Windows on the World, 1 WTC. Please contact 646.796.1144, 917.873.5439, 212.567.1647, 917.206.8202 or
- John "Jack" Connolly Jr., 46, Euro Brokers, 84th floor. Please contact 908.513.5519
- Joe Conti, 110th floor
- John Cooper
- Joseph Albert Corbett, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101 or 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.277.9239
- Kevin M. Cosgrove, 46, AON. Please contact 631.254.0215
- Timothy Coughlin, Cantor/eSpeed, 1 WTC
- Anne Cramer, Fiduciary Trust, 90th floor, 2 WTC
- Christopher Cramer, Fiduciary Trust, 90th floor, 2 WTC
- Justin Cramera, 38, firefighter. Please contact
- James Crawford, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.408.9390.
- John Crowe, AON, 2 WTC
- Francisco "Frank" C. Cruz, Summit Security, last seen in 2 WTC lobby. Please contact 718.816.7061.
- John Cruz, 32, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.375.3937 or 917.597.0164
- Kenneth Cubas, 47, Fiduciary Trust, 97th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 716.433.2259
- Grace Alegre Cue, Mitsui Trust, 83rd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 201.612.9331, 856.863.9371 or
- Michael "Micky" J. Cunningham, Please contact 609.275.7436.
- Larry Curia, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.294.0572
- Paul Curioli, 53, was meeting at AON, 102nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 203.838.7084
- Carlos Dacosta, Port Authority. Please contact 973.624.6203 or 609.558.8332
- Patrick Danahy, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact 914.245.0938 or
- Mellisa Darmis, Morgan Stanley, 2 WTC
- Katherine Davidson-Shakoff, M&M Financial, 100th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.987.4530.
- Michael "Mike" Davidson, 27, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 908.654.5672.
- Clinton Davis, Port Authority Officer. Please contact 212.369.6730.
- William Billy Dean, 33, 102nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Donald Deapenha, Keefe Bruyette & Woods, 85th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 201.236.8965 or
- Tara Debek, Marsh, 98th floor. Please contact
- Anna DeBin, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.356.2631 or
- Jaceryll de Chavez. Please contact 732.969.2702, 732.713.1164, 631.680.9241 or
- John Defato, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Jason Defazio, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.273.4042.
- David DeFeo, Sandler O'Neill, 2 WTC. Please contact 201.567.7898, 201.707.0580 or 201.747.9050
- Nareida DeJesus, 30, AON, 100th floor
- Emerita "Emy" DeLaPena, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC
- Anthony Demas, AON
- Ana Maria de Miguel, 26. Please contact
- Robert Demotta, AON
- Jean Caviasco DePalma, 42, Marsh, 100th floor. Please contact 201.794.5390.
- Robert "Bobby" Derany, 106th floor at Risk waters conference, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.831.1426 or 201.396.2588.
- Cindy Deuel, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 570.722.2909.
- David DeRubbio, 38, firefighter, Engine Company #226, shield # 12697. Please contact 917.648.4634, 718.833.8681 or 718.369.4050
- Cindy Deuel, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 570.722.2909
- Judith "Judy" Diaz-Sierra, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact
- Patrick Lawrence Dickinson, 35, last seen at Windows on the World, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.617.8695
- Don Difranco, 43, ABC, 110th floor. Please contact
- Vito Dileo
- Marisa DiNardo, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.761.2840 or 914.428.7822.
- Jeff Dingle, 32, last seen on 106th floor. Please contact 718.549.6567, 877.327.2292 or 516.867.8491
- Joseph Dipilato, last seen at Morgan Stanley offices. Please contact 718.356.3519 or 718.948.5370
- Edward DiSimone, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.872.7977, 732.809.8734, 917.856.0207 or
- Douglas DiStefano, Tradespark, 105th floor, 1 WTC
- Melissa Doi, 32, IQ Financial, 83rd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.239.9586, 917.570.3463 or 917.716.3848.
- Carl Dominguez, 35, Marsh McLennan, 95th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Jennifer Dorsey, AON
- Yolanda Dowling, AON
- Raymond Downey, New York firefighter, chief of special operations command, 1 WTC
- Joey Doyle, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.948.2538.
- Thomas Duffy, Marsh McLennan, 99th floor. Please contact
- Antoinette Duger, First Union, 45th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Constantine "Gus" Economos, 41, Sandler O'Neill, 104th floor
- Ed Emery, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC
- Ruben Esquilin, 34, Fiduciary Trust. Please contact 212.353.0224.
- Eric Evans, AON
- Meredith Ewart, AON, 2 WTC. Please contact 800.878.7654 or
- Pat Fagan, 55, AON, 93rd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 732.914.2008 or 732.432.6542
- Nancy Farley, 45, Guy Carpenter, 90th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 973.644.9125 or 201.963.4913
- Douglas Farnum, Marsh McLennan, 98th floor. Please contact 917.501.4335.
- Syed Abdul Fatha, Pitney Bowes. Please contact 973.482.8081 or 973.350.1256.
- Wendy Faulkner, AON
- Bernard Favuzza, Cantor Fitzgerald, 102nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.417.8943 or 646.872.3160.
- Francis Feely, Marsh McLennan, 98th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Rosa Feliciano, Marsh McLennan, 96th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.439.1453
- Judy Hazel Fernandez, 27, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 908.686.5969, 917.991.6449, 908.451.4701, 732.721.8858, 908.377.8585 or 732.236.5465
- Robert Ferris
- Peter Feidelberg, AON, 2 WTC. Please contact 800.878.7654 or
- Michael Ferugio, 37, last seen on 101st floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.834.8736
- Paul Fiori
- John Fiorito, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Thomas James Fisher, 36, Fiduciary Trust, 97th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.967.8440 or
- Lucy Fishman, AON, 105th floor, 2 WTC.
- Ryan Fitzgerald, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact 908.273.3923.
- Sal Fiumefreddo, 45, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.761.1451 or
- Eileen Flecha, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact 757.867.7510 or
- David Fodor, Fiduciary Trust, 90th floor, 2 WTC
- Steve Fogel, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact 908.789.2966, or
- Gary Frank, AON
- Peter "Pete" Christopher Frank, 30, Fred Alger, 1 WTC. Please contact 917.359.5936 or
- Kevin Frawley, 34, Euro Brokers, 84th floor,2 WTC. Please contact 914.237.9494 or 917.363.9322
- Tamatha Freeman, AON, 86th floor. Please contact 718.257.8632 or 718.399.7473
- Brett Freiman, staying on 14th floor of 3 WTC (Marriott Vista Hotel). Please contact 516.621.4095 or
- James Neill Frogel, 46, Battery Park City
- James Gadiel, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Deanna Micciulli Galante, 32, 106th floor, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Ervin Gailliard, 42, Summit Security. Please contact 718.583.0049.
- Vincent "Vince" Gallucci, 36, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.345.6000 or 732.656.0429
- Giann Gamboa, 26, Observation Deck, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.899.9991, 718.507.5034, 212.692.9494 or 516.773.2879
- Louise Garafolo, AON
- Cesar Garcia
- David Garcia, 40, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC.
- Juan Garcia, 50. Please contact 718.492.2414 or 718.726.0495.
- Marlyn del Carmen Garcia (aka Marlyn C. Garcia), 21, Marsh McLennan, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.680.2585 or 646.258.9075.
- Harvey Gardner, General Telecom, 83rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.259.9118.
- Julie Geis, 44, AON, 2 WTC. Please contact 402.532.2975 or 402.532.7105
- Steve Genovese, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 609.989.9892, or
- Alayne Gentul, Fiduciary Trust, 90th floor, 2 WTC
- Suzanne Geraty, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.238.4896, 609.443.6715 or 917.992.2831.
- Joseph "Joe" Giaccone, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.521.5903, 609.731.7694 or 347.386.2200.
- Debra Gibbon, AON
- Craig Neil Gibson, 37, Guy Carpenter/Marsh McLennan, 94th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.246.9698
- Laura Gilly, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.372.4223.
- Donna Giordano, AON
- Martin Giovinazzo. Please contact 718.448.4662.
- Harry Glenn, 36, computer analyst, 96th floor
- Barry Glick, 56, Port Authority, 64th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.616.9268
- John T. Gnazzo, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.966.7645 or 718.236.8945
- Brian Goldberg, 26, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact 908.851.9390 or 917.270.6552
- Michelle Goldstein (Herman), 31, AON, 98th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 212.987.2637 or 917.841.6731.
- Monica Goldstein
- Steve Goldstein, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 102nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 609.252.0102, 732.370.7131 or
- Harry Golf, May Davis Group, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.484.8982, 973.809.7767 or 908.964.3910
- Mike Gorgliomella, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.401.2772 or
- Chris Grady, 39, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 908.272.7777, 718.833.4773 or 201.795.5991.
- Linda Mair Grayling, Marsh McLennan, 100th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 845.562.1888 or 718.933.2821.
- James "Jim" Greenleaf, 32, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.228.8772 or
- Wade Green, 42, last seen at Windows on the World, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.807.5313
- Pedro Grehan, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 203.698.0563, 201.218.6876, 201.914.4632, 917.742.3870 or 212.889.8584
- John M. Griffin, Director of WTC Operations, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.445.2746.
- Joan Donna Griffith, Fiduciary Trust, 97th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 609.835.4137
- Matt Gryzmalski, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.737.6345 or 516.741.4357
- Cindy Y. Guan, 25, NYS Department of Taxation and Finance, 86th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.266.9191 or 718.266.1618
- Babita Guman, Fiduciary Trust, 97th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.823.5585 or 917.747.6540
- Andrea Haberman, 25, last seen Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 847.878.4001 or 262.675.2106
- Steven "Steve" Hagis, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.967.1244, 718.967.1244 or
- Mary Lou Hague, 27, Keefe Bruyette & Woods, 89th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 763.717.3518
- Maile Rachel Hale, 26, attending conference at Windows on the World, 1 WTC. Please contact 617.547.0570, 212.580.2883 or
- Kevin Hannaford, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Vassili Haramis, 56, Washington Group, 91st floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.987.0517 or 917.225.0616
- Timothy "Tim" "TJ" J. Hargrave, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 908.236.0746
- Frances Haros, Keefe Bruyette & Woods, 86th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact
- Aisha Harris, 22, computer specialist, 83rd floor
- Rick Harvey, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Parmar Hasmukh, 47, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.469.0627.
- Tim Haviland. Please contact
- Donald Havlish Jr., 2 WTC. Please contact 540.953.2254 [web site]
- Scott Hazelcorn, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- John Heffernan, fireman
- Mark Hemshoot, AON, 105th floor, 2 WTC
- Michelle Henrique, Fiduciary Trust, 97th floor. Please contact 718.227.7082 or 718.967.1865.
- Lindsay Herkness, 73rd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 212.879.7010.
- Todd Hill, 34, staying at Marriott (2 WTC). Please contact 917.679.4993 or 646.314.9410
- Mark Hindy, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.639.6935, 201.997.6491, 973.228.9322, 973.801.0047, 718.238.1798 or
- Tara Yvette Hobbs, 31, AON, 98th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 646.523.0571 or 718.237.0709
- Ronald Hoerner, 58, Summitt Securities, 2 WTC. Please contact 631.273.9289, 631.952.7289, 631.756.3317, 631.756.3346, 631.786.3558 or 516.458.6326
- Stephen Hoffman, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Monty Hord, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Robert Horohoe, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC
- Michael C. Howell, 60, Alger Management, 93rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.468.1919, 609.799.7465 or 516.950.1485
- Steven Howell, 36, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC
- Jennifer Howley (aka Jennifer Dorsey), AON, 92nd floor. Please contact 516.354.6740.
- Marty Hrycak. Please contact 516.528.2674
- Robert "Bobby" Hughes, 2WTC. Please contact 732.257.3140.
- Tom Hughes
- William Hunt, 84th floor.
- Joe Hunter, firefighter, FDNY #288. Please contact 516.225.3769 or 455.5274
- Chris Ingrassio, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Brooke Jackman, 23, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.972.8980 or 646.207.4248
- Michael Jacob, Fiduciary Trust, 90th floor, 2 WTC
- Aaron Jacobs
- Jason Jacobs, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact 973.927.9998.
- Michael Grady Jacobs, Fiduciary Trust, 90th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 203.790.5908
- Jake Jagoda, 24, Tradesparks/Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.423.8827 or 516.524.5838.
- Ernest James, Marsh McLennan, 95th floor. Please contact 212.662.1012 or 212.345.6000
- Alan K. Jensen. Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact 201.848.1709, 208.523.9877, or
- Farah Jeudy, AON
- Luis Jimenez, Marsh McLennan, 98th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.565.6879, 917.488.2674, 646.526.7559,,,
- Murray John
- Allison Jones, Sander & O'Neill, 104th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 917.923.0729 or 908.766.1176.
- Brian Jones, 44, IBM Global, 95th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.422.5287
- Robert "Rob" Jordan, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Jane Josiah, Fiduciary Trust, 90th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact
- Angel Juarbe, firefighter
- Thomas Jurgens, rescue volunteer
- Shashi Kiran L. Kadaba, 27, on 97th floor Marsh McLennan, 1 WTC. Please contact 919820184647 (Bombay) [photo]
- Shari Kandell, 27, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC
- Jennifer Kane, 26, Marsh McLennan, 100th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 508.746.5064 or 508.733.6475
- Joon Koo Kang, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 215.715.6838 or
- Debbie Kaplan. Please contact 201.634.9297
- Al Kappelman, AON, 2 WTC. Please contact 732.752.6484.
- Charles "Chuck" H. Karczewski, 34, AON, 102nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 908.810.8593 or
- John Katsimatides, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.726.5615 or 917.770.7004
- Richard Keane, insurance consultant, Hartford, Conn., 1 WTC
- Joseph John Keller, Marriott, 3 WTC. Please contact 201.666.2383 or 201.945.0793 if you have more information.
- Joe Kellett, 90th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.548.8336.
- Joseph Kelly, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.922.2651.
- Maurice Patrick Kelly, 41, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.885.1860, 301.392.3305 or
- William "Billy" Hill Kelly Jr., Bloomberg, 106th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 609.494.3680.
- Robert "Bob" Kennedy, 55, Marsh & McLennan, 100th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact or
- Boris Khalif, 30, Marsh & McLennan, 95th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.648.3584.
- Rajesh Khandelwal, 32. Please contact
- Lisa King (aka Lisa King-Johnson, Lisa Johnson), 34. Please contact 718.474.5557
- Lucille King, AON. Please contact 973.983.9834.
- Richard J. Klares Sr., 59, Marsh McLennan, last seen on 105th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 703.405.1466 or 703.815.7753.
- Peter Anton Klein, Marsh & McLennan, 96th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.864.1353.
- Thomas "Tommy" "Tom" Patrick Knox, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.792.2388, 201.446.8566 or
- Rebecca Koberie, 48, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Suzan Kondratenko, 27, Keane Consulting, 78th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 312.787.6777
- Dorota Kopiczko, Marsh McClennan, 100th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.259.7798
- Bojan Kostic, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 908.713.9872
- Danielle Kousoulis, 104th floor. Please contact 856.478.0002.
- Frederick "Fred" Kuo Jr., 43, Washington Group, 91st floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 201.435.8250 or 516.487.1702
- Alan Laderman
- Michael LaForte, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.946.1090.
- Juan LaFuente, Citibank on Wall Street. Please contact 845.471.3115
- Vincent Laieta, AON, 100th floor, 2 WTC
- Amy Lamonsoff, 29, Risk Waters, last seen at Windows on the World, 1 WTC. [web site]
- Vanessa Langer, 29, Regus Business Center, 93rd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 973.357.1425.
- Mary Lou Langley, AON, 100th floor. Please contact
- Ruth Lapin, 53, Baseline Financial, 77th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 908.419.8490
- Chris Larrabee, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact 310.375.1463.
- Denis Lavelle, SYNCORP, 94th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.879.6528
- Jeannine LaVerde, 89th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.761.9824.
- Alan Jay Lederman, 43, AON, 90th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 732.249.1921
- Gary Lee, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.957.5649.
- Rich Y.C. Lee, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Yang Der "Robert" Lee, 64, Windows on the World, 106th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.849.5059 or 917.208.6464.
- Adriana Legro, 32, Carr Futures, 96th floor. Please contact 718.565.0462
- Eric Andrew Lehrfeld, 32, last seen at conference at Windows on the World, 106 or 107th floors, 1 WTC. Please contact 917.532.1408.
- Turk Leone, 32, 55th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 646.739.1032.
- Michael Lepore, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.441.4196, 201.747.9059 or 914.423.2398
- Alisha Levin, 80th floor, 2 WTC
- Neil Levin, Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
- Bob Levine, 66. Please contact 212.807.5313
- Orasri Liangthanasarn, 26, Window on the World, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.436.1688 or 201.417.6946
- Craig Lilore, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.935.2208.
- Arnold Lim, Fiduciary Trust Company International. Please contact 917.902.8633 or email [Web Site]
- Darya Lin, 32, Keane Consulting, 78th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 312.787.6777
- Alan Linton, 25, Sandler O'Neill, 104th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 301.694.9548, 800.200.9885 or
- Kenny Lira, 110th floor
- Francisco Liriano, 33, Citibank, 10th floor but had meeting on 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 917.876.7638 or
- Craig Lilore, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.635.0305.
- Diane Lipari
- Francisco Liriano, 33, Citibank, 10th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 917.876.7638 or
- Lorraine Lisi, Fiduciary Trust, 97th floor, 2 WTC
- Vincent Litto, Canter Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.967.4571
- Ming Hao Liu, 40, Washington Group, 91st floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 973.535.6026 or 917.445.3103
- Nancy Liz, AON
- Harold Lizcano, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.585.1376 or 718.781.4311.
- Martin Lizzul, Kestrel Technologies last seen at Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.867.2264.
- Jerome Lohez, 30, Empire BC/BS, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.222.5406
- Daniel Lopez, 39, 78th floor. Please contact 718.963.2166, 718.349.7089, 718.599.1811 or 646.235.4679.
- George Lopez, Fiduciary Trust, 97th floor. Please contact 718.789.3047.
- Manuel "Manny" Lopez, 53, Marsh McLennan, 98th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.333.5596.
- Joseph Lostrangio, 48, Devonshire Group, 77th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 215.968.3684 or
- Michael Lowe, 38, Liberty Electric Company, was last seen working in 1 WTC basement. Please contact 718.444.0884.
- Charles Lucania, last seen on 92nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.445.8243.
- Lee Ludwig, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact
- Sean Lugano, Keene Bruyette & Woods, 88th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 212.260.8317, 917.407.2545, 917.864.2901 or 917.941.7616
- Michael Lunden, Cantor Trade Spark
- Anthony Luparello, 101st floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.699.8579 or 212.297.0200
- Alexander Lygin, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 646.662.9979, 347.922.4545 or 718.853.3484
- Michael Lynch, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 917.885.0019, 917.304.0913 or 917.689.1503
- Sean Lynch, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Robert Mace, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.340.1630, 917.817.4304, 412.835.2584, 412.498.7241, or
- Catherine "Cat" Fairfax MacRae, Fred Alger Management, 93rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.734.2109.
- Rob Maguire, firefighter
- Joe Maio, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Christian Maltby, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Sara Manley, Fred Alger Management, 93rd floor, 1 WTC
- Jose Marrero, 32. Please contact 732.251.5725.
- Michael Bane Marsh, 100th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Brian Martineau, AON, 101st floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 732.494.8499, 732.763.6744 or
- Paul Martini, firefighter, Engine Company #201
- Stephen F. Masi, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC
- Nick Massa, AON, 105th floor, 2 WTC
- Philip Masandrea Jr., Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC
- Michael Massaroli, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.984.4948 or 732.308.1185.
- Margaret Mattick, 83rd floor, 1 WTC
- Charles Mauro, AON. Please contact 718.356.3188.
- Jennifer Mazzotta. Please contact 718.429.3253.
- Thomas McCann, firefighter. Please contact 718.784.3986.
- John McDowel, 33, Sandler & O'Neill, 104th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 212.439.1546, 845.298.1424 or
- Larry McDowell. Please contact 704.824.4567.
- Mark Ryan McGinly, 26, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 703.281.7341, 917.929.2932 or 917.204.5384.
- Scott McGovern, 35, Euro Brokers, 85th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 201.652.6775.
- Francis "Frank" McGuinn, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Tom McHale, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.698.1695 or 631.467.3855.
- Keith McHeffey, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC
- Denis J. McHugh. Please contact
- Donald James McIntyre
- Barry McKeon, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact 914.245.8719 or
- George Patrick McLaughlin, 36, Carr Futures, 92nd floor. Please contact 732.566.8117.
- Edmund McNally, Fiduciary Trust, 92nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 202.359.4344.
- Sean McNulty, Cantor Fitzgerald, 102nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.628.8128 or 708.763.0244.
- George Merkouris, 35. Please contact 718.680.3399 or 917.769.8595.
- Jill Metzler. Please contact 631.661.8623.
- William Micciulli, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.765.0404.
- Peter Tague Milano, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.957.9098.
- Greg Milanowycz, AON
- Lukasz Milewski, 22, 1 WTC. Please contact 491723882023 (Germany), 917.402.6088, 718.793.3614 or
- Robert Miller, 46, 86th floor
- Carl Molinaro, Ladder Company #2 firefighter. Please contact 718.227.7303, 917.568.0965 or 718.948.4522.
- Joseph Mistrulli, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.826.0629, 631.926.6868, 917.247.0562, 516.729.3035, 718.209.0072 or
- Franklin Monahan, 45, Cantor Fitzgerald. Please contact 718.945.4419.
- Steven Morello, 52, facilities manager, Marsh & McLennan, 93rd floor, 1 WTC
- Yvette Moreno, Carr Futures, 90th floor, 1 WTC
- Steven Mulderry, Keefe Bruyette & Woods. Please contact 212.737.7543.
- Michael Mullin, 27, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.585.1597 or 516.459.7387.
- Cesar Murillo, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.375.0106.
- Marc Murolo, 105th floor, 1 WTC
- James Murphy, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.539.9840.
- Patrick S. Murphy, VP Technology Global Broking Division, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.258.0325 (h) or 973.818.3065 (c).
- Donna Pfluger Murray, AON
- John Murray, 32, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 203.438.6863.
- Cathy Nardella, AON
- Manika Narula, 22, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.435.2681 or 646.594.5224.
- Larry Nedell, AON, 92nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 631.957.6984.
- Troy Nilsen
- John Niven. Please contact 212.535.5518.
- Scott O'Brien, Slam-dunk Networks, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.638.9698 or 917.783.4582.
- Andrea Olavarria, AON
- Linda Oliva
- Edward Oliver, 31, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 908.791.9815 [photo]
- Matthew O'Mahony, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 518.672.4138.
- Seamus O'Neal, 52, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.923.5771.
- John P. O'Neill, head of security for the World Trade Center and a former FBI expert on terrorism
- Mike Opperman, AON
- Emilio "Pete" Ortiz, Cantor Futures, 92nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.389.5649 or 718.592.6703.
- Paul Ortiz
- Sonia Ortiz, Windows on the World, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.539.2701 or 347.489.1147.
- Angel Pabon
- Deepa Pakkala, Marsh McLennan, 99th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 908.859.8163.
- Jeff Palazzo. Please contact 718.980.5835.
- Alan Palumbo, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Dominique Pandolfo, Marsh & McLennan
- Vinod Parakat, Cantor Fitzgerald, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.967.0663.
- Hardai "Casey" Parbhu, late 30s, AON, 100th floor. Please contact 718.994.5817.
- Michael Parkes, Marsh & McLennan, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.284.3687, 706.548.4496 or 706.380.4066.
- Robert Parks, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 908.490.0966.
- Avnish Patel, Fred Alger
- Steven Paterson, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 203.966.5987 or
- James Patrick, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Thomas Pedicini
- Sal Pepe, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.424.8621, 718.424.2103 or 917.861.1274.
- Carlos Peralta, Cantor Fitzgerald. Please contact 908.686.5969
- Angela Susan Perez, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.803.1040 or 914.260.5446.
- Anthony Perez, 33, Cantor/eSpeed, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.897.4631.
- Nancy Perez, Port Authority EZ Pass Division, 64th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.865.2673 or 201.447.4273.
- Larry D. Perry. Please contact 661.945.9948.
- Michael Pescherine, Keefe Bruyette & Woods, 89th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 225.273.5974 or
- Joseph Pick, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC
- John Pocher
- Steve Polus, AON
- Michael Pogue
- David Pruim. Please contact 973.744.0888 or
- Edward Pullis, AON
- Hemant Puttur, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 817.832.9464 or 972.691.1084 [photo]
- Joseph Quinn, 33
- Chris Racaniello, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.225.6941.
- Shreyas Ranganath, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 817.832.9464 or 972.691.1084 [photo]
- Harry Ramos
- Michelle Reed, AON, 100th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 607.336.9541, 607.336.5909 or 607.336.3150.
- Timothy Reilly, 40, Marsh McLennan, 100th floor, 1 WTC.
- Joe Reina, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.227.6458 or 917.656.5166.
- John Resta, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.634.2121 or
- Sylvia Resta, 27, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.634.2121 or
- Carmen Rivera, Fiduciary Trust, 94th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.545.4149.
- Carmen Rivera, 33, 96th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.589.1151, 646.996.0333 or 201.876.0542.
- Paul Rizza, 100th floor. Please contact 201.505.1752 or 917.282.7128.
- Michelle Robotham, AON
- Richard Rodriguez, Port Authority Police. Please contact 732.826.2514, 732.803.1229, 800.945.8530 x 3015/3010 or 732.583.7185.
- Scott Rohner, 22, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Mark Rosenberg, 96th floor, 1 WTC
- Josh Rosenblum, 28,Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.610.0947.
- Norman Rossinow, AON, 105th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 973.857.6979.
- Nicholas Rossomando, firefighter, Rescue #5, badge #12211. Please contact 718.982.1383, 718.370.7860 or
- Donna Rothenburg, 53. Please contact 201.346.6546.
- Nick Rowe, 106th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.974.1843.
- Eric Ruback, AON
- Jason Sabbag, Fiduciary Trust, 94th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 514.488.5406 or
- Joseph Sacerdote, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor. Please contact 732.294.0884.
- Jude Safi, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.833.5590.
- Ed Saiya, 110th floor
- John Salamone, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- George Salanco. Please contact
- Sam Salvo, AON, 2 WTC
- Hugo Sanay, 41, Wood Dining Service, 84th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.782.3263 or 973.790.6232.
- Ayleen Santiago, 40, Empire BC/BS, 30th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.625.1682.
- Maritess Santillian, Cantor Fitzgerald. Please contact 908.686.5969
- Christopher Santora, fireman, Engine #54/Ladder Company #4. Please contact 718.626.4215.
- Deepika Sattaluri, Marsh McLennan, 97th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 817.832.9464 or 972.691.1084
- Anthony Savas, 72, Port Authority. Please contact 718.777.2941 or 917.763.5865.
- John Sbarboro, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.546.7301.
- Robert Scandole, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 914.738.7971.
- Michelle Scarpitta, 26, Euro Brokers, 84th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.745.4291 or 917.318.7126.
- Steven Francis Schlag, 41. Please contact 201.848.9719, 732.671.7995 or 908.618.1776.
- Susan Schuler, Sandler O'Neill, 104th floor. Please contact 609.259.5776 or 609.259.4120.
- Edward Schunk, 54. Please contact 516.764.6367.
- Alan Schwartstein, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald. Please contact 516.938.9050 or
- Arthur Warren Scullin, Marsh & McLennan, 98th floor. Please contact 516.326.8611 or
- Jason Sekzer, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th, floor 1 WTC. Please contact 718.392.1272.
- Margaret Seelinger, 34, AON, 100th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 212.249.2834.
- Frankie Serrano, 110th floor
- Adele Sessa, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Jayesh Shah, Cantor/eSpeed, 103rd floor, 1 WTC
- Neil Shastri, 105th floor, 1 WTC
- Robert Shay, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.981.6258, 718.981.8632 or
- John Sherry. Please contact 516.536.8549.
- Mark Shulman
- Paul Skrzypek, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.402.5129 or 973.426.0366.
- Valerie Silver (Ellis), Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Christopher Slattery, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.922.7562, 516.922.2120 or
- Rochelle Snell, 24, Regus, 93rd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 914.665.4850.
- Dan Song, Cantor Fitzgerald, 105th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 917.930.4621.
- Robert Spear, firefighter
- Mary "Mitzi" Sperando, Encompys, 106th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.661.8714 or 516.429.9345.
- William Spitz
- Saranya Srinuan, bond trader, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.866.5688.
- Capt. Timothy Stackpole, NYC fire captain
- Matthew Stairs Jr., Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC
- Craig Staub, 30, Keefe Bruyette & Woods, 89th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 212.628.4991 or 917.513.0903.
- William Steckman, 56, WNBC, 102nd or 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.664.2903.
- Sanford "Sandy" Stoller, Accenture, 94th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.265.5467, 917.991.3668 or
- George Strauch, 53, AON, 2 WTC. Please contact 201.991.0295.
- Steve Strauss, 52, 2 WTC. Please contact 516.781.8498.
- Benjamin Suarez, firefighter. Please contact 718.302.3457, 646.765.8251 or
- Tommy Sullivan, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Colleen Supinski, Sandler & O'Neill, 104th floor
- Maurita Tam, AON, 99th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 516.869.5514 or
- Raquel Tamares, 30, worked for Aon Financial Services, 100 floor 2 WTC
- Michael Tamuccio, 37, Fred Alger, Suite 9333, 93rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 212.787.9795 or 917.733.5043.
- Dennis Taormina
- Kenny Tarrantino, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Billy Testista, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Brian Thompson, Fuji Bank, 82nd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 631.667.5916.
- Mary Ellen Tiesi [photo]
- Michael Tinley, Marsh McLennan, 100th floor, 1 WTC
- Michelle Titolo, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.646.0208.
- Richard Todisco, Sandler O'Neill, 104th floor, 2 WTC.. Please contact 201.891.9118.
- Stephen Tompsett, 39, Instinet Corporation, 107th floor. Please contact 856.952.9642 or 212.310.4206.
- Thomas Tong, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC
- Luis "Eddie" Eduardo Torres, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Karomo "Karamel" Trerra, Fiduciary Trust, 97th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 212.865.3365.
- Lisa Tretatola, Port Authority, 64th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact
- Gregory Trost, 86th floor 2 WTC. regarding the whereabouts of Gregory, please email
- Lance Tumulty, 32. Please contact 917.834.9967.
- Jennifer Lynn Tzemis, Fred Alger Management, 93rd floor, 1 WTC
- Myra Valdez, AON
- Ed Vanacore, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC. Please contact
- Jon Vandevander, Carr Futures, 1 WTC.
- Jeorge Velazquez, 47, Morgan Stanley, 44th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 646.591.7694 or 718.231.4644.
- David Vera, 84th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.282.0362, 212.926.2063, 917.774.8941 or
- Chris Vialonga, Carr Futures, 92nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.768.2828 or 201.768.2812.
- Joanna Vidal
- Melissa Renee Vincent, 29, Alliance Consulting, 102nd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 716.671.0688.
- Fran Virgilio, 98th floor, 2 WTC
- Joshua Vitale, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- Glen Wall, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1 WTC
- JeanMarie "Jamie" Wallendorf, 23, Keefe Bruyette & Woods. Please contact 561.341.2532.
- John Wallice, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Barbara Walsh, 59, Marsh McLennan, 96th floor, 1 WTC
- James Waring, Cantor Fitzgerald, 101st floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 718.279.1824.
- Brian Warner, 33, Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed, 103rd floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 732.951.1399 or 732.236.5906.
- Capt. Pat Waters, firefighter. Please contact 718.894.9249.
- Meredith Whalen, 23, 93rd floor, 1 WTC
- Kevin Williams, 24
- William Eben Wilson, AON, 93rd floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 212.787.7764.
- Mike Wittenstein, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 516.826.9499.
- Siucheung "Steve" Wong, Marsh McLennan, 99th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 201.985.3965 or
- Winnie Yuk Ping Wong, NYS Department of Taxation and Finance, 86th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 212.352.3366 or 917.767.3201.
- Brent Woodall
- James Woods, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 845.735.7869 or 845.620.0527.
- Jim Woods, 26, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 631.751.8252 or 516.238.1191.
- Sandra Wright
- Dale Wyatt. Please contact 203.938.9009.
- Olabisi Yee, International Office Centers, 79th floor, 1 WTC
- Ed York. Please contact 203.671.7822.
- Suzzane Youmans, AON
- Mike Zinzi, Marsh McLennan, 100th floor, 1 WTC. Please contact 973.697.1492.
- Charles "Chuck" Allen Zion, 54, Cantor Fitzgerald, 104th floor, 1 WTC
- Sal Zisa. Please contact 973.427.2129 or 201.390.5181.
- Andrew Steven Zucker, Harris Beach, 85th floor, 2 WTC. Please contact 718.432.5982.
- Igor Zukelman, Fiduciary Trust, 2 WTC
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'Police, reporters find holes in tales of ground-zero 'hero,'
Article from:
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Police, reporters find holes in tales of ground-zero 'hero'
Ex-officer is accused of scams netting thousands of dollars
Sunday, June 9, 2002
Philadelphia -- To hear Bill Bresnahan tell it, he was a hero at ground zero.
When the jets plowed into the World Trade Center towers, the retired Philadelphia police officer sped from Chester County, near Philadelphia, to New York -- more than 120 miles -- in 55 minutes.
There, he pulled body parts from the rubble. He conferred with Father Mychal Judge, the beloved New York Fire Department chaplain. He roped himself to firefighters in a hunt for survivors.
Amid the chaos, Bresnahan saw a mob beating a Muslim hot dog vendor named Achmed. Bresnahan fended off the attackers, then converted the victim to Christianity, right there on the spot.
With tales such as these, Bresnahan has wowed audiences across the nation. Tearful churchgoers and students have opened their hearts -- and wallets.
Police in Illinois say that was the intention.
They say Bresnahan, 54, is no hero, but a man who went to "extreme lengths of deception" to wring emotion and money from his listeners.
In March, he was arrested in Decatur, Ill., and charged with theft by deception, a felony, after church appearances there netted him nearly $3,200. If convicted, Bresnahan would face up to three years in prison.
He was at ground zero
This much is true: Bresnahan was at ground zero. He is shown in photographs at the scene. He was treated at a hospital in Brooklyn, apparently for an injury suffered in the aftermath. And a $26.95 book he's hawking about his exploits, "9-11: Terror in America," has sold at least 7,800 copies so far.
Though Bresnahan wears a police badge in the disaster photos and at some presentations, he hasn't been an officer since 1976.
Since then, Bresnahan has said, he has invented a pair of fold-up cardboard binoculars, an ergonomic rocking chair and a pretzel- flavored hot dog.
His effort to market the binoculars and hot dog have spurred resentment and lawsuits among some backers.
And earlier this month, state officials charged Bresnahan with 94 violations of Pennsylvania's charity law.
In 1998, Bresnahan founded Rise and Shine Inc. in West Chester, Pa., as a Christian charity. A year later, he told the IRS it had ballooned to an operation donating $29 million worth of food, clothes and medical supplies around the world a year.
In January 2001, Bresnahan told a Chester County reporter that Rise and Shine had donated $5 million worth of medical supplies and toys to Albania and Montenegro. Two months later, in a deposition, he acknowledged that those goods had not been delivered.
Pennsylvania officials recently charged Bresnahan with violating state charity laws by using Rise and Shine to fuel for-profit enterprises. If convicted, he would face up to $94,000 in fines and an additional $3,000 for each month violations continued.
"These are very serious allegations," said Karl Emerson, director of the state's Bureau of Charitable Organizations.
The complaint says that Bresnahan in 1999 diverted $98,000 from the charity to one of his for-profit corporations.
Investigators allege Bresnahan took 18,000 pairs of shorts from the Pennsylvania United Medical Association, then transferred the clothes -- worth $270,000 -- to one of his for-profit corporations.
He also is accused of selling $88,000 worth of donated food, water, skin-care and other products, including some he received from the Newport Assembly of God in Western Pennsylvania.
That shocked Newport's pastor, Gary Bellis, who said in a statement that he'd found Bresnahan to be "a well-spoken and charismatic man."
Visited at home in West Chester, Bresnahan declined to be interviewed. His attorney did not return phone calls last week.
Unsubstantiated claims
The Sept. 11 book, as well as a 2001 deposition and three hours of videotaped speaking engagements obtained by The Inquirer, offer a window to Bresnahan's activities.
He claims to be the second-most-decorated member of the Philadelphia Police Department's SWAT team, saying he retired after 10 years with disabilities suffered on the job from being run over by a truck and thrown out a seventh-story window.
Bresnahan was an officer for seven years, from 1969 to 1976, but there are no records that could confirm his commendations, a police spokesman said.
In his book and in promotional biographies, Bresnahan claims to have been awarded the "President's National Leadership Award" and says he was appointed by President George W. Bush to represent Pennsylvania on the "President's Advisory Council for Businesses."
White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said that Bresnahan received neither honor.
Chaplain story
The chapter in "9-11: Terror in America" devoted to Bill Bresnahan describes an encounter with Father Judge in which the priest told a Bible-carrying Bresnahan that they needed to "split up" so they could offer "encouragement and prayer" to the most people.
"There's just us here," Judge is quoted as saying.
The book says Bresnahan reached ground zero after the second tower fell at 10:28 a.m. Judge died before the towers collapsed, so Bresnahan could not have met him then.
The Decatur police also disputed Bresnahan's arrival-time claim. He would have had to have driven faster than 125 mph to get from West Chester to New York in the 55 minutes he claimed.
Freelance writer David Bresnahan, who wrote the book with Bill Bresnahan, said he learned of the discrepancy involving the chaplain after submitting a draft of the book. CNN, which was planning to interview Bill Bresnahan, found the hole in his story. (David Bresnahan says the men are not related; Bill Bresnahan and the book describe them as cousins.)
In a letter to Decatur police, David Bresnahan wrote that he was told by Dwight Wallington, owner of book publisher Windsor House: "We figured out how to handle this. Bill is just going to say he met an angel. He had a vision."
Wallington denied that contention. He said it was too late to change the book, which had been printed by that time. "I was so frustrated about that I didn't know what to do," Wallington said in an interview.
'Bravest Battle Grief As They Sort through rubble 'Heart & Soul of the department' feared lost,'
By Patrice O'Shaughnessy, Daily News Staff Writer
Thursday, September 13th 2001, 2:23AM
There were fathers digging for their sons, sons for their fathers, brothers digging for brothers, and they were firefighters all, searching the overwhelming rubble of the World Trade Center, which held the bodies of as many as 350 of their brethren.
The heap of debris was nothing compared with the insurmountable grief that was settling yesterday on the members of the FDNY as thickly as the ashes on their helmets and turnout coats.
Entire rescue units and specialized squads, the second and third in command of the Fire Department, firefighters from houses across the city, and the FDNY's disaster response expert were among those lost in the first hour and 40 minutes after the terrorist attack.
Those dead or unaccounted for include heroes who had made daring rescues or had pulled people from other disasters, people with irreplaceable experience.
"They've destroyed the heart and soul of the department," said firefighter Kevin Svenning as he sifted through the debris.
For a department of 11,500 members, a department that turns out by the thousands when just one member dies in the line of duty, it is a sacrifice too large and terrible to comprehend.
Never in its storied history has it seen a catastrophe of this magnitude.
Keeping their hopes up
As is their way, they refused to give up hope, not speaking of their colleagues as dead.
"We have hundreds of guys missing," said Lt. Tom Fleming, squinting and swallowing his tears. "All you can do is pray."
"There ain't no 'death toll,' " said a department spokesman. "They're unaccounted for."
But sources say about 40 entire units were wiped out.
Fire Commissioner Thomas von Essen, face flushed, appeared shell-shocked and cried often as he spoke softly of how "dozens and dozens of people were in the stairwells of both buildings when the towers collapsed."
Legendary figures in the FDNY are dead or among the missing. People like the Rev. Mychal Judge, a Franciscan priest and beloved Fire Department chaplain, who was giving last rites to a firefighter killed by a woman who fell from one of the towers. He was in turn killed by a large piece of debris from the tower's collapse.
Capt. Timothy Stackpole, who recovered after falling into a flaming Brooklyn basement that killed two colleagues three years ago, was lost, and Von Essen wept as he said, "I almost feel guilty about putting him back to work."
Daily News Hero of the Month Capt. Fred Ill, of Ladder 2 on W. 51st St., who had crawled under a Manhattan subway train to save Edgar Rivera, whose legs were severed, has not been found.
"His son, Fred Jr., just became a fireman, and he was down there searching," said Rivera, his voice choking. "He saw the twisted metal, and he said there are pockets. . . . They are keeping strong and keeping up hope."
Losses close to home
First Deputy Fire Commissioner William Feehan, a four-decade institution, and Chief of Department Peter Ganci, a personable, 30-year hands-on pro with a son on the job, were killed when one of the towers collapsed.
Chief Ray Downey, who had assisted in the Oklahoma City bombing and other terrorist and natural disasters, could not be found, despite the efforts of his son, Capt. Ray Downey.
Fire Chief John Viggiano searched for his two sons - one a firefighter and the other an Emergency Service cop.
"I lost six members of my company," said Lt. Tom Beirne of Ladder 132, who was searching at the scene, "and three of my brothers-in-law are in there. I'm retiring. . . . This is unimaginable."
The attack had come right as the firefighters changed shifts, so double the number jumped on trucks and engines to speed to the twin towers.
Messages for our heroes
At Ladder 24, Engine 1 on W. 31st St., the ladder truck parked outside was covered with gray ash, its windows broken, and papers and chunks of plaster were on top. The ladder was raised, with an American flag atop it, and neighbors had attached bouquets of flowers to the front fender. Messages were scrawled in the dust covering the truck - "God bless you" and "You're heroes."
The house lost Capt. Daniel Brethel, Lt. Andrew Desperito and Firefighter Michael Weinberg. "After the second collapse, we found them," said Fleming.
The firehouse is across from St. Francis of Assisi Church, where Judge was based. Firefighters brought his body back to the station, where Franciscans joined them in a farewell prayer for a man who was as big a symbol to them as the twin towers.
"It was terribly emotional," said Brother Edward Coughlin, his brown monk's robe standing out among the blue-clad firemen.
"We dug for hours, and we couldn't find anybody," said Firefighter Joe Boneillo of Ladder 24. His eyes glistened with tears, and he put his hand over his mouth as he added, "All we found were helmets."
At Rescue 4 in Queens, which lost two firemen in the Father's Day blaze, Lt. Tim Kelly said nine firefighters are missing from the unit.
At about noon yesterday, Kelly said he just got word that two of the men were accounted for. "I don't know what that means. I don't know if that means they were located or anything . . . "
All the families of the missing firefighters were brought to Fort Totten in Bayside, Queens, where they were receiving counseling.
Waiting for the worst
Rescue 5 in Staten Island - a borough where many cops and firefighters reside - likely lost as many as 12 firefighters. In a nearby church, people signed a condolence book.
"We've heard a lot of stories about people who got out with their lives," the Rev. Stephen Ryan said. "But we know that is soon going to change."
There is a structured protocol when a firefighter dies, the funeral is a pageant of tears and tradition, kilts and bagpipes and slowly rolling fire rigs used as caissons for the coffin.
But there is no ceremony for this tragedy.
"We will probably just bury them one by one as they are found and later have one big memorial service," said a department spokesman.
"We don't know how to recover," said Lt. Ed Brown. "We'll try to make it through, but we're writing the rules as we go along."
Friday, August 13, 2010
Cantor: 'Getting between the wall and the wallpaper'
By Thomas Jaffe,
October 20, 1997
At 36, Howard Lutnick is the youngest chief executive of a major Wall Street firm. From his lofty perch on the 105th floor of New York's One World Trade Center, the managing general partner of Cantor Fitzgerald, L.P., can peer down on the lesser skyscrapers that house far bigger and better-known brokerages. Though it dominates the brokering of U.S. government bonds, Cantor is no Merrill Lynch or Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter Discover or Goldman, Sachs. But never mind; Lutnick has ambitions as towering as the aerie he occupies.
Cantor has come up as a niche player. In a single day, on average, $100 billion in U.S. government debt is traded through brokers like Cantor, which reigns supreme in brokering long bonds; 30-year maturities. It also is a major broker for other segments of the Treasury market. Not least, it supplies the Treasury bond pricing data that are the bread and butter of Dow Jones & Co.'s electronic information service.
Though the Cantor partnership's capital of $185 million is only a pittance compared with Morgan's $13 billion or Goldman's $5.8 billion or, soon, the $9 billion of Travelers' Salomon Smith Barney, Lutnick is expanding Cantor into a supermarket of wholesale brokerage services in all kinds of fixed-income paper, foreign exchange, derivatives, futures and interest rate swaps. And it is in equities with institutional sales and trading. Cantor already employs over 2,300 people; more than half of them at its New York headquarters, about 675 in London.
A nondescript man of average height with thinning black hair, Howard Lutnick has come a long way from the modest home on Long Island, where he grew up as one of three children of a college professor. With his 40th birthday still nearly four years away, Lutnick already boasts membership on the executive board of the Nasdaq stock market and sits on the board of managers of his alma mater, Haverford College. Lutnick, his lawyer wife and their 18-month-old son live in Manhattan's showy Trump Palace, where they are served by an English butler.
His social ambitions match his business ambitions. This summer the Lutnicks vacationed at the ritzy Grand Hôtel du Cap Ferrat on the French Riviera, in a $42,000-a-week villa.
His mentor
Lutnick bootstrapped himself from obscurity by being useful to now-legendary Wall Streeter B. Gerald Cantor. When Bernie Cantor died last summer, at 79, he was buried in the small Los Angeles cemetery in which Marilyn Monroe lies. His fortune was estimated at $500 million, and his art collection was world-famous for its hundreds of Rodin sculptures.
Cantor's was a classic rags-to-riches tale. As a poor teenager in the Bronx he hawked hot dogs at Yankee Stadium. He quit New York University to become a broker, served as a paratrooper during World War II and in 1945 founded his own securities firm in New York. But it was in Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, that he made his mark, numbering Kirk Douglas and Zsa Zsa Gabor among the clients of his Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. (Fitzgerald, long gone, was an early associate.)
Long term wasn't Cantor's style. He kept moving around, looking for an edge. Arbitrage was his real love; small, quick profits with little or no risk. Cantor knew his way around the convoluted tax code, and his interpretation of its finer points made him a master of tax shelters, straddles and other such schemes. Besides collecting Rodins, Cantor collected politicians. He and his wife, Iris, were among those to rent a room for the night at the Clinton White House.
Many in the securities industry are like Bernie Cantor, prowling about for an edge, but Cantor broke from the pack of edge-seekers in 1972. The equities business was crowded, and, save for the Nifty Fifty, equities were drooping. The government bond market was less crowded and; handily; less tightly regulated.
Sensing opportunity, Cantor invested about $3 million in Telerate, an electronic data service that disseminated commercial paper interest-rate information. He also opened Cantor Fitzgerald Securities Corp., a wholesale broker-dealer of government securities now registered separately from his Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.
The way the government securities market had worked until that point was that wholesale brokers like Cantor arranged trades between primary dealers. The primary dealers dealt with retail customers; retail being in this case not the general public but big institutions, financial houses, large hedge funds and the like.
There are currently around 35 primary dealers, mostly huge firms like Salomon, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers. Why do they need wholesale brokers? To cover their tracks. The lion's share of the volume in government securities comes from the primary dealers trading amongst themselves. If a primary dealer is liquidating a huge position, it doesn't want that fact known, lest others, smelling a huge sell order, try to crowd ahead of it. By going through a wholesale broker, the primary dealer expects anonymity.
Enter Cantor. As a wholesale broker, Bernie did what his rivals hadn't thought of: He made the market more efficient by putting the bids and offers from primary dealers on Telerate's screen network. This made the market more transparent but preserved anonymity.
Today there are plenty of other bond quot screens. But when Cantor first got into it, Telerate was an innovation. It filled a gap. Through the Telerate network of screens everyone could see; more or less in real time; what was going on in the Treasury market, though they couldn't see the names of the players. Cantor's timing was exquisite. Stocks were soon to turn dull, and they were to remain so for a decade. But as the federal deficit swelled, the government bond market boomed. Cantor moved in deeper, soon doing business directly with larger retail customers as well. He sold his controlling stake in Telerate for a huge profit in the early 1980s, but continued to milk it by charging it for the data Cantor supplied. Though the operation turned into a disaster for Dow Jones, it was one of the best things that ever happened to Cantor.
Bernie's boy
Into this lucrative setup stepped young Howard Lutnick in 1983. Whereas Bernie had dropped out of college, Lutnick had a degree in economics from prestigious Haverford. But just a bit underneath the patina the young man and the old man were much alike. Cantor liked the kid. When he was just 24, an age when many young people are still in graduate school, Lutnick was trading for some of Cantor's personal clients. That was in 1985.
That same year Cantor let Lutnick start the Investment Strategies Group division of Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. Cantor was moving further down the distribution chain in the Treasury market, now dealing directly with retail customers such as regional banks, medium-size businesses, wealthy individuals and others.
In December 1990, when Lutnick was only 29, Cantor named him his second-in-command and designated successor. "Bernie wouldn't hear a bad word about the kid," says an ex-Cantor executive. "If you presented him with evidence that Howard had crossed the line, he'd say, 'Don't worry. He's young. He'll learn.'"
If he himself had not been the victim, Bernie Cantor might well have admired the way Lutnick grabbed control of Cantor Fitzgerald as his mentor lay dying.
In 1990 Cantor, in his 70s, went on dialysis. By 1994 he had been declared legally blind. Lutnick convinced him to change the firm from a corporation into a partnership, to avoid double taxation. The deal closed in September 1992.
Cantor had started with a 73% stake, but he and his stylish wife, Iris, took out profits to finance their high living. (By the time Cantor died, he owned just 47%.) The partnership structure still gave him absolute power; though Bernie's days were numbered, Lutnick apparently was getting antsy. He made an ally of Stuart Fraser, Iris Cantor's nephew, naming him head of the firm's government securities brokerage. In 1995 Lutnick, Fraser and a third partner tried to buy out the Cantors, but Bernie was still able to say no.
But on Jan. 2, 1996, when Bernie Cantor had been put on life support, Lutnick made his move. He activated the five-member incapacity committee provided for in the partnership agreement. Three members voted to take the reins from Cantor's failing hands; Iris Cantor and the fifth member abstained. Howard Lutnick, though he held just 14% of the partnership, was now the boss.
Iris Cantor, newly in charge of the holding company through which Bernie owned his partnership units, was furious. Lutnick has claimed she wanted to sell the firm. Iris claimed that she merely wanted a say in operating it. In May 1996 they went to Chancery Court in Delaware to have it out. After two days they settled. Lutnick won: Iris Cantor would get a lot of money but have no voice in running the firm. When Bernie was buried two months later, Iris barred Lutnick from the cemetery.
A master of the universe
If Lutnick grieved, it wasn't for long. The weekend after his mentor's death, Lutnick and a crowd of guests celebrated his 35th birthday by gambling for charity at New York's Metropolitan Club.
Lutnick was by now; in novelist Tom Wolfe's felicitous phrase; a master of the universe.
What gives Lutnick and the firm clout in an investment world dominated by far bigger and more respected firms? Certainly not prestige. Its clout derives from its highly specialized position. This is a business in which margins are so thin that it takes real expertise to make money on them. Lutnick likes to refer to it as "getting between the wall and the wallpaper."
The wholesale market in government securities operates in price increments as small as 1/256 of a point, which translates to $39.06 on $1 million worth of bonds. In the retail market, increments typically are in 1/32 of a point, translating to $312.50 per million. Commissions? A primary dealer that trades through Cantor's wholesale government securities brokerage operation normally pays a commission of $30 per $1 million. The customers of Cantor's retail arm would pay a minimum commission on their trades of $39 per million. There's not a lot of paste between that wallpaper and that wall.
There is, however, a hell of a lot of wall and wallpaper. These tiny margins are worth pursuing because the market is so huge. In a market where $100 billion a day is traded, even $30 per $1 million comes to $3 million.
If you can wring a few extra pennies on a business in the billions, you've got real money. Think of it as highly sophisticated coin-clipping; a clip here, a clip there, often so tiny as to be unnoticed across trillions of coins.
Lutnick's critics say he has not always been scrupulous in getting between the wall and the wallpaper. Here's one episode about which Forbes has seen the relevant documents: In the late 1980s a U.S./German outfit, International Participation Corp., was running investment money for 6,000 European investors, mainly Germans. Indianapolis-based Vancorp Financial Services took on the management of $29 million of the capital. Vancorp opened an account at, among others, Cantor Fitzgerald & Co., trading mostly in Treasury bonds and over-the-counter options on Treasurys.
From late May to September 1989 the Cantor account lost $3.1 million and, elsewhere, futures accounts lost $1.1 million, yet Vancorp collected over $4 million in commissions and fees. When Vancorp returned the IPC funds to Germany that fall, only about $17 million of the $29 million was left.
So complex was the bookkeeping; and so convoluted the trail; that it took until May 1994 for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to file a complaint. In January 1997 Cantor agreed to pay a $500,000 fine to settle CFTC charges that it had assisted in fraud.
But the German investors are still suing Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. for fraud and asking for more than $7 million in damages, plus three times that in punitive damages. The case is scheduled to go to trial Nov. 18 in federal district court in Los Angeles.
Extracurricular gains?
Where was the alleged fraud? The suit alleges Cantor agreed to broker Vancorp's trades for $156.25 per $1 million face value of Treasury bonds but in most cases collected almost three times that. It also alleges that Cantor acted not as a broker but as a dealer, without disclosing it to the client. Cantor denies the charges.
Howard Lutnick personally executed Vancorp's orders. His trading was conducted through three inventories; H, W and L; the initials for Howard William Lutnick.
FORBES has reviewed trading records relevant to the case. On Aug. 4, 1989 for instance, Cantor made a $150,000 profit (before commission) on a trade involving $20 million of long bonds that it purchased from Vancorp on the same day. In a trade this size the straight brokerage commission due Cantor at the agreed-upon $156.25-per-million rate would have been just $3,125. Did Vancorp's customers get full value for their bonds?
FORBES examined hundreds of transactions in which securities were traded between Vancorp and Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.'s Investment Strategies Group, and between ISG and other entities, most typically Cantor Fitzgerald Securities' government securities brokerage. They involved some $4.75 billion worth of positions and included over 80% of Vancorp's trades with Cantor.
Cantor defends its outsized gains on these transactions as simple reward-for-risk. But in the transactions reviewed by FORBES Lutnick lost money only about one time in ten. Cantor's take from the trades we examined was around $2.8 million. Close to half of that was rung up in four house inventories, almost all of it by H, W and L. Lutnick has admitted to a 30%-to-40% interest in the trading profits of those inventories. The other $1.5 million or so was credited as gross commissions to the salesman who covered the Vancorp account. After the salesman took his cut of that $l.5 million, Lutnick got a big chunk of what was left over.
The Vancorp account yielded profits in other ways. Cantor collected over $1.2 million of net interest. There were foreign exchange consulting fees. Commissions were rung up when house inventories sold positions acquired from Vancorp. Getting between the wallpaper and the wall? Cantor seems to have made quite a bit of space for itself in these transactions.
There are many, many ways to play the Treasury bond market. Howard Lutnick was well-versed in "rolls." What are rolls? A roll trade takes place between the day the Treasury announces it will auction off a new issue of a government security and the day the auction occurs.
Bond traders thrive on playing the spreads between existing securities of comparable yield and maturity and the forthcoming issues. Lutnick needed to figure out how to use Cantor's edge. According to a number of ex-Cantorites, for a time Lutnick and his Investment Strategies Group traders had access to the internal screens that the wholesale brokers used in Cantor's government securities brokerage rooms. At the bottom of those screens is a data crawl known as a waterfall that shows, by account number, which customers have been the buyers and sellers in the last few trades in a given security.
The brokers use the waterfall to keep track of the order flow. But knowing who is doing the trading is a clue to how big or well-informed the buying may be. Is it a primary dealer like Lehman? Is it a smart hedge fund like George Soros' Quantum? Or just a large company investing surplus cash? The customers are not supposed to have this information.
Cantor denies that the traders in Investment Strategies Group ever had access to the waterfall, but that is flatly contradicted by several former Cantorites. James Avena is now the president of New York-based Tullett & Tokyo Securities, but from 1982 to 1990 he ran Cantor Fitzgerald Securities. Avena says he told Bernie Cantor that Lutnick and his crew were peeking at the waterfall while trading. Cantor put a stop to it, Avena says.
First Nevada first
Howard Lutnick kept looking for other ways to leverage the franchise. In the late 1980s Bernie Cantor did not want to use his firm's scarce capital for trading, but he was willing to let Lutnick trade on his own. So Lutnick set up Solomon Partners, a private trading partnership named for his father. It was open from 1988 to 1990. He must have done well, because Cantor soon wanted a bigger piece of the action. In 1990 Lutnick created a better-capitalized private partnership, First Nevada Associates, with most of the capital coming from Bernie Cantor.
Though in theory First Nevada was a separate entity, it functioned like a house inventory for Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.'s Investment Strategies Group. When it was inconvenient for Cantor Fitzgerald to carry a position on Cantor's books, it might be carried on First Nevada's. Or First Nevada might be used to process a transaction or book a profit. First Nevada was active from October 1990 through December 1992. Between its founding and mid-March 1992, the account generated over 1,000 pages of transactions, nearly all of them in U.S. government securities.
Was First Nevada a sham account, a way for the house at times to covertly trade for itself against customers? Cantor Fitzgerald has always maintained that First Nevada was an independent customer of the firm. Yet several times in January and February 1992 First Nevada's profit-and-loss position was noted in the margin of Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. blotters exactly the same way that such notations were regularly made for the house's alphabetical inventories. On many days First Nevada's trading easily made it Investment Strategies Group's biggest customer.
On Mar. 11, 1992 the Wall Street Journal broke the story that the Securities & Exchange Commission was investigating Cantor. A month earlier the brokerage statement covering First Nevada's trading was a record 191 pages long. The day after the story broke, First Nevada abruptly stopped trading on margin. Over the rest of 1992 the account was wound down.
In 1994 the SEC made Cantor Fitzgerald & Co. cough up $90,000 in profits and interest and fined it $100,000 for poor record-keeping in connection with a complex scheme to accumulate risk-free positions at Treasury bond auctions.
Gary Lutnick, 32, Howard's younger brother, joined the firm in 1991. He has run the trading team of Cantor's Global Trading Strategies group, the renamed Investment Strategies Group. According to people who worked with him over the years, Gary developed a clever way of squeezing a bit extra for the franchise. A retail customer would make an offer to buy long bonds. If there was a flurry of buying in the bond, Gary would sometimes grab bonds on the screen in front of the customer and then sell the customer his newly purchased bonds at a slightly higher price; again getting between the wall and the wallpaper. He could do that because customers see the trading screen, but don't see who bought the bonds ahead of them.
Anxious to dispel rumors that Cantor's government securities brokerage was giving Gary Lutnick better execution for his trading than it gave to its other wholesale customers, the firm this year hired Richard Breeden, a former chairman of the SEC, to investigate. Breeden told FORBES that the electronic trade-matching system Cantor installed in its government securities brokerage rooms last year made the possibility of such preferential treatment remote.
But Breeden admits his inquiry was "fairly narrowly focused." He says: "We came in and looked at the way things run today. We did not go back and look at the last two years, five years, ten years, to inquire."
All that Breeden's "fairly narrowly focused" probing proves is that nothing fishy was going on while he was looking. A half-dozen former staffers of Cantor's renamed Global Trading Strategies Group have told Forbes that over the years the firm frequently traded ahead of its retail customers.
A Japanese bank gets a hosing
Howard Lutnick's efforts to win respect for Cantor Fitzgerald keep hitting the wall. In early 1996 there was the case of Cantor and Tokyo-based Norinchukin Bank, Japan's leading financial institution for agricultural cooperatives. The Japanese bank took a real hosing on some overnight orders it left with Cantor to fill. Did Gary Lutnick wield the hose? Sources tell us he did.
In its trading of U.S. Treasurys, Norinchukin favored what is called a scale trade. This means you buy a bit at a time, hoping that the market will be temporarily weak and let you lower your average cost. You can do this by putting in an overnight buy order on a descending scale. That can be dangerous on a volatile day.
Apr. 5, 1996 was such a day. It was Good Friday, when the market was open only half a day, and unemployment numbers were due out that morning. As it turned out, unemployment had dropped, which was bad for bonds. The long bond slumped sharply, losing around two points.
Gary Lutnick, our source says, had an order to buy nearly $1 billion worth of long bonds for Norinchukin on scale-down. Instead of filling the order as the price fell, the source says, Gary waited until the bond had dropped considerably, then bought bonds and sold them to Norinchukin at the higher prices specified in the scale order. Our source says he made the house roughly $800,000 in a matter of hours.
The Norinchukin Bank won't say much about the April 5th episode, but in mid-1996 it quit trading Treasurys in limit orders; and sharply cut back its business with Cantor.
Cantor Fitzgerald won't comment on the Norinchukin trading, but it did provide Forbes with a copy of an interoffice memo on its trade execution policy for customer level/limit orders. It was dated May 9, 1996, just a month after the alleged Good Friday incident. Personnel of the then Investment Strategies Group were instructed to explain the policy to their customers.
In the letter, after the usual boilerplate Cantor clearly warned: ". . . while holding your unexecuted order, we may trade for our own account at prices that are equal to, or better than, your level/limit." Isn't that a frank admission that it reserved the right to front-run customers? Front-running is of course illegal in stocks: In Treasury bonds it's a gray area.
Has Cantor Fitzgerald cleaned up its act, as Richard Breeden's findings would suggest? In a June 24, 1997 letter to FORBES, Cantor said that its policies and procedures forbid brokers in its government securities brokerage to take positions. Yet on June 6 of this year, according to sources, Timothy Coughlin, a star Cantor broker of ten-year notes, took a large position on which Cantor wound up losing an estimated $1.5 million.
We could go on and on with examples of transgressions and alleged transgressions we have uncovered in more than a year of research on Cantor Fitzgerald.
Since Lutnick took over Cantor's daily management in 1991, its revenues have tripled, to nearly $600 million last year, due in part to all the new businesses he's gone into. Keep this in mind, however: The growth was financed from profits from government bond brokerage, the equities business and income received from the sale of pricing data (a revenue flow the firm shares with an outfit now controlled by Iris Cantor). Many of those new businesses lose money or don't make much. European operations, led by the huge London office, gush red ink.
In short, Lutnick has yet to prove that he can turn Bernie Cantor's specialized money machine into a profitable full-service Wall Street house.
Skating on thin equity
Net profits rose during Lutnick's first years in charge, but from 1994 to 1996 they dropped from around $80 million to under $60 million. This year so far has seen another drop in profits, in part because of Lutnick's breakneck expansion.
Howard Lutnick's ambitions are huge but thinly capitalized. As of Mar. 27, 1997, there were $7.9 billion of assets but only $185 million of partners' capital.
The equity base looks even thinner when you realize that much of it is borrowed money. Last year the partnership retired a big chunk of Iris Cantor's partnership units and then it reoffered units to Lutnick and other partners; Lutnick's share is now 25%. Financing for the deal was provided by a Chase Manhattan-led syndicate. Thus Lutnick's partnership units; as well as those belonging to many other partners; are pledged as security for the loan.
Just as we were preparing to go to press, after months of reporting on the story, we received a press release from Cantor Fitzgerald. It announced the firm was, among other changes, shutting its fixed-income trading unit, Global Trading Strategies, Howard Lutnick's old stamping ground and more recently Gary Lutnick's. The announcement said the firm would concentrate on executing trades for customers. We note the irony without comment.