But it is especially those images of hurt and shocked Israelis amid their damaged lives, which has me concerned, as I see Mr. Israel's web site as being purely a piece of political propaganda, but a very good one---with rich veins of narrative story to work with in many of these shots---photographs, call them what you will. Compositions would be a useful term from my point of view.
But it is also, to my trained eye, a mother load of damaging, inconsistent facts making illogical arguments amid anomalous details and strange conclusions. So much so, that the cognitive discord becomes extreme, until one is forced to examine an alternate version of history. That is the great leap forward, when it all begins to makes sense---a sense that, if I be insane, it is such a complete and perfect view, given the alternative, I'm staying put. That's why I have downloaded and saved all of these images and their commentary, so they not disappear from my sight.
Lest you think I had an established pattern of mistrusting Jews before now, or Israelis, or Zionists, or authority figures even, let me state, this all is an outgrowth of my focus and attention to the media events which were the master false-flag undertakings of all time: the attacks of September 11th, 2001, at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and at the World Trade Center in New York City.
Focusing originally on aspects at the Pentagon, I arrived at some conclusions which shocked me so much that I literally waited months if not years before I dared to share them with others. As I assembled a whole pattern of such formerly shocking viewpoints, a view began to come together, a holistic understanding towards who and what was responsible, along with many of the structural details of how too.
After years of paying little or no attention to the events in New York, when I finally did I found that those same structures toward understanding which I'd built up down south were translating effortlessly into the new templates of what had happened to the towers, further drenching me in dark side matter, by the way. But given all the kerfuffle in the community of 9/11 truth seekers and naysayers, all I can say is, for some reason, my work is never given a serious challenge---so much so, that from my perspective, I think I must occupy some sacred precinct. I don't think it is because I am just being ignored, but if I do get my comeuppance, you'll be the first ones to know. And if I am mad, then child, I am seriously, seriously, and deeply fried.
israelnewsphotos.com is apparently, a little known or visited site, which is very surprising to me. That it is rarely referenced on the web is something I would like to change.
I downloaded the 622 images, organized into 14 categories, that I'd found posted there, on January 23rd. The intent of the site is clearly to tell a story of the escalating battle within Israel to respond and defend itself against the Palestinian aggression of rocket attacks fired from across the border with Gaza, into the sparse but vulnerable population of surrounding Jewish settlers, and the military personnel stationed throughout.
In a couple of off-topic categories, a half-hearted attempt seems made to provide some sort of context---like in Personalities, with 15 shots, mostly of Israeli politicians, or Jewish Religious, also with 15 various images, or People, Daily Life, with 16; but compare that to 64 in Injurd, or the 112 in Destruction.
The motive here is clear, and it would be an excellent undertaking if the facts surrounding the individual events depicted within the photographs could withstand the scrutiny of outright skepticism, but they cannot. Apparently the Israeli population and those journalists who supply them with their local facts and analysis, never, if ever, express any doubt, or ask any questions, about even the most outrageous claims made in any of the attacks. It is all simply swept up into a neat and tidy collective narrative, one designed to tell the extremely powerful dark story that the Jews of Israel are are under a constant threat of attack, one which must be defended against at all costs in return. Unfortunately, in both its outline and in its details---in all its complete totality---it is a lie created to serve only specialized military interests, and those of the suppliers around the world who depend on them. It has in fact, created the very demon it claims to be fighting, causing a legitimate enemy instead of eradicating one.
Since the work involved in creating these images was often so poor and perfunctory, a result I'd imagine, of the free ride given their reception over time, I submit, that an entirely different conclusion can be reached after a quick but careful examination of this collection alone, with just a few additions.
Americans are also trained to accept the stories they are spoon fed, as supine as the best of them, but there is a different and more pronounced quality to it, I think, in Isreal. A negative result perhaps, of the more narrower focus in a theocracy.
This alternate story is the deeply unsettling view that Jewish leaders have consistently mislead their citizenry by telling them false stories of manufactured [Palestinian] atrocities, always exaggerating events, but inventing many others out of whole cloth, like self-generated, staged, false-flag "attack" events---especially in the most serious and well-publicized, like the recent group of four fatalities, which shook the collective consciousness of Israel apparently the most deeply, which led Israel into a preemptive attack on the infrastructure, and thereby inseparably, the citizenry of Gaza---killing well over 1000, including an estimated 400 children. This would perforce cause grave repercussions, even if fully grounded in the most moral facts, but when based upon a blind manipulation of the Jew's terror reflex by their very own leaders, the consequences of this misdeed are very, very serious.
It is not an option to turn away from any truth percieved because it is too difficult to bear. So, if I ask your indulgence in order to try and make a case, and then any glimmers of understanding poked their way through to consciousness, one would be thereby morally obligated to respond in only one way---the way that leads toward the truth and justice. If I fail to make my case, then it will be very much easier to label me as just another of a long line of destructive anti-Semites with which Judaism has had to contend with and endure over the centuries.
I began with a conclusion I'd reached that the four Israeli deaths---of two Jews, and two non-Jews; of one soldier, and three civilians; on December 27th and 29th, were items manufactured to a purpose in a collective Jewish authorship centered around militarized intelligence agencies; created in board rooms, or meeting rooms, or briefing rooms---but in the rooms of Israelis, completely without a connection to Gaza, Hamas, or any Palestinians. It is a measure of the manipulation of the Palestinians that they remain oblivious to what they are, or are not, really responsible for.
But in these images files I actually saw a bigger picture---in all the many smaller, mundane, but consistently nagging and disruptive attacks, or just thoughts of attacks, or misinterpreted reports, or dreams of attacks, which harmed the equipoise of all those subject to them. Indeed, the overall pattern and certain authorship ia quite clear. How the Palestinians act in tandem or not behind this dominant paradygm is not relevant for me here now. It is in seeking the ultimate authoriies in the unfoldment and emergence of this creation that I address. It is arriving at the heart of malicious intent which poisons everyone who comes anywhere in contact with it. These are the individuals who operate the levers, and the wheels, and the gears of power, in both Israel and the United States and elsewhere. For all they've gathered unto themselves in that way, simply to see them is to utterly disarm them.
The official story could be determined to be impossible merely through a scientific statistical analysis of the terror records. For instance, how could so many Palestinian suicide bombers be so stupid and ineffective in their desired results, this being their final effort? You might think a certain elan would inspire them at this stage to more disasterous effects on Isrealis, but that is rarely seen. Count up the number who wind up killing or wounding no one but themselves as their intended result. And the number who get only a minor or disadventagous result.
is evidence that the many Israelis said to have been killed and wounded by rocket attacks
The web page contains files in these photographic categories:
Qassam rocket
Red alert
Archive items
Israeli army
People daily life
Israel Palestinians
Grad rocket-ashkelon
Jewish religious
The compilation there defeats its intended psy-op or propaganda purpose, since in a clear defeat for Israel's warfare by information management, these images instead serve my purpose: to prove that the entirety of Hamas' rocket attacks, at least through the major period of escalation in 2008 leading up to war, was a completely contrived Israeli affair, having little or nothing to do with any Palestinian terrorists. The effort was false-flag, in other words. Why bother at all with an opponent when it could be handled in-house more efficiently?
israelnewsphotos.com will make this point by itself, although I'll list at least 1001 points of evidence to the doubting Thomas's. Given such power to take baskets off lamp steads and sties out of eyes, I've had to laboriously download every last photograph and caption on the site to several disks and various hard drives, lest in pointing out these things, they disappear. This promises to be a long project, but the journey is already underway. Please bare with me, as I experiment with presenting such large volumes of information most succinctly.
In important ways, Edi Israel fleshes out what we can know about four important deaths---three of civilians, which occurred, first one on December 27, with the remainder on December 29th---all after the IAF had started its blitzkrieg on all the professional Hamas infrastructure they could possibly target.
That is the context in which Hamas is said to have begun using a radically more efficient and far reaching rocket, but still in the same hand-held, 122-mm caliper, which now, miraculously could reach twice the distance it had before. No longer would only the 20,000 settlers of Sderot, along with the scattered sites known variously to the world as either kibbutzim or military bases, be the only ones to have their teeth chatter while they frustrate their method-acting coaches. Now, in the blink of an eye, one million Israelites could share in the terrible state of exposure!
40 Photographs in category Shock&anxiety

35 Photographs in Grad rocket-ashkelon
was added 23 Days Ago and viewed 45 times
At around 10 this morning, December 31 2008, rockets fired from Gaza landed in Ashkelon, lightly injuring two people. Another rocket landed outside the city. A number of people were treated for shock. Photo by Edi ISrael
was added 18 Days Ago and viewed 32 times
Rescue workers take care of a rocket which hit an open area in Ashkelon. Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip on Monday fired a barrage of 30 Qassam and Katyusha rockets at southern Israel, after a night of relative calm. Photo by Edi Israel
was added 11 Days Ago and viewed 22 times
Rescue workers take care of a rocket which hit an open area in Ashkelon. Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip on Monday fired a barrage of 30 Qassam and Katyusha rockets at southern Israel, after a night of relative calm. Photo by Edi Israel
was added 25 Days Ago and viewed 29 times
Grad missile hits construction site in Ashkelon, killing one and wounding 16, five of them moderately. The worker killed has been identified as Hani al-Mahdi, 27, of Aroar, a Beduin settlement in the Negev. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack At least 40 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday morning. One home in Sderot suffered a direct hit. photo by:edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 25 Days Ago and viewed 47 times
Grad missile hits construction site in Ashkelon, killing one and wounding 16, five of them moderately. The worker killed has been identified as Hani al-Mahdi, 27, of Aroar, a Beduin settlement in the Negev. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack At least 40 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday morning. One home in Sderot suffered a direct hit. photo by:edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 23 Days Ago and viewed 36 times
At around 10 this morning, December 31 2008, rockets fired from Gaza landed in Ashkelon, lightly injuring two people. Another rocket landed outside the city. A number of people were treated for shock. Photo by Edi ISrael
was added 30 Days Ago and viewed 26 times
Palestinian terrorists bombard Ashkelon with over 20 Kassam and Grad rockets from the Gaza Strip at Ashkelon and the western Negev, leavinging Israel to choice but to hold up a shipment of aid scheduled to pass through to the Strip on Wednesday. December 24 2008, Photo by Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 26 Days Ago and viewed 23 times
Israeli sappers collect the remains of a rocket fired by Gaza Strip militants in the southern city of Ashkelon, neighboring the Hamas-rules territory on December 28, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 26 Days Ago and viewed 23 times
Israeli sappers collect the remains of a rocket fired by Gaza Strip militants in the southern city of Ashkelon, neighboring the Hamas-rules territory on December 28, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 69 Days Ago and viewed 57 times
A Grad rocket hit the Israeli town of Ashkelon. Nov 14, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 69 Days Ago and viewed 42 times
A Grad rocket hit the Israeli town of Ashkelon. Nov 14, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 30 Days Ago and viewed 30 times
Palestinian terrorists bombard Ashkelon with over 20 Kassam and Grad rockets from the Gaza Strip at Ashkelon and the western Negev, leavinging Israel to choice but to hold up a shipment of aid scheduled to pass through to the Strip on Wednesday. December 24 2008, Photo by Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 156 times
A seriously wounded Israeli woman waves as she is brought out from a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon, Israel on 14 May 2008 after a rocket fired by Palestinianmilitants slammed through the roof of the building, wounding dozens of Israelis, many seriously.Photo by:Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 128 times
A seriously wounded Israeli woman waves as she is brought out from a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon, Israel on 14 May 2008 after a rocket fired by Palestinianmilitants slammed through the roof of the building, wounding dozens of Israelis, many seriously.Photo by:Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 150 times
A seriously wounded Israeli woman waves as she is brought out from a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon, Israel on 14 May 2008 after a rocket fired by Palestinianmilitants slammed through the roof of the building, wounding dozens of Israelis, many seriously.Photo by:Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 92 times
Israeli emergency evacuated a littel baby and Israeli woman with a seriously injured , after a millisle,slammed into an exploded in a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on 14 May 2008. The rocket, a Katyusha was fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, and injured dcozens of Israelis, many seriously.Photo by:Edi Israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 88 times
Israeli emergency evacuated a littel baby and Israeli woman with a seriously injured , after a millisle,slammed into an exploded in a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on 14 May 2008. The rocket, a Katyusha was fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, and injured dcozens of Israelis, many seriously. Photo by:Edi Israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 169 times
A child's bloodied shoe inside the shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon after a missile, fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, exploded on a mall on 14 May 2008 serverly injuring several israelis, including one child and a woman, and wounding dozens of other civilians. Photo By Edi Israel/ IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 74 times
Popular Resistance Commitees claims responsibility for launching of Grad rocket against Israeli shopping center in Ashkelon. Paramedics confirm 100 wounded, three in serious condition, infant girl evacuated to hospital with moderate wounds. May 14, 2008. Photo By Edi Israel/ IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 82 times
Popular Resistance Commitees claims responsibility for launching of Grad rocket against Israeli shopping center in Ashkelon. Paramedics confirm 100 wounded, three in serious condition, infant girl evacuated to hospital with moderate wounds. May 14, 2008. Photo By Edi Israel/ IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 81 times
Popular Resistance Commitees claims responsibility for launching of Grad rocket against Israeli shopping center in Ashkelon. Paramedics confirm 100 wounded, three in serious condition, infant girl evacuated to hospital with moderate wounds. May 14, 2008. Photo By Edi Israel/ IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 83 times
A little young girl in shock inside the shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon after a missile, fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, exploded on a mall on 14 May 2008 serverly injuring several israelis, including one child and a woman, and wounding dozens of other civilians. Photo by:Edi Israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 81 times
A little young girl in shock inside the shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon after a missile, fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, exploded on a mall on 14 May 2008 serverly injuring several israelis, including one child and a woman, and wounding dozens of other civilians. Photo by:Edi Israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 253 Days Ago and viewed 82 times
Popular Resistance Commitees claims responsibility for launching of Grad rocket against Israeli shopping center in Ashkelon. Paramedics confirm 100 wounded, three in serious condition, infant girl evacuated to hospital with moderate wounds. May 14, 2008. Photo By Edi Israel/ IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 79 times
Israeli emergency personnel inside a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon after a katusha rocket, fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, slammed through the roof, injuring dozens of people, many seriously in Ashkelon, Israel on 14 May 2008. Ashkelon is 12 kilometers from the northern Gaza Strip. Photo by:Edi Israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 70 times
Popular Resistance Commitees claims responsibility for launching of Grad rocket against Israeli shopping center in Ashkelon. Paramedics confirm 100 wounded, three in serious condition, infant girl evacuated to hospital with moderate wounds. May 14, 2008. Photo By Edi Israel/ IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 97 times
A child's bloodied shoe inside the shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon after a missile, fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, exploded on a mall on 14 May 2008 serverly injuring several israelis, including one child and a woman, and wounding dozens of other civilians. Photo By Edi Israel/ IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 67 times
Israeli emergency run out with a seriously injured Israeli woman after a millisle,slammed into an exploded in a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on 14 May 2008. The rocket, a Katyusha was fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, and injured dcozens of Israelis, many seriously. Photo By Edi Israel / IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 77 times
Israeli emergency run out with a seriously injured Israeli woman after a millisle,slammed into an exploded in a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on 14 May 2008. The rocket, a Katyusha was fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, and injured dcozens of Israelis, many seriously. Photo By Edi Israel / IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 86 times
Israeli emergency run out with a seriously injured Israeli woman after a millisle,slammed into an exploded in a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on 14 May 2008. The rocket, a Katyusha was fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, and injured dcozens of Israelis, many seriously. Photo By Edi Israel / IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 78 times
Israeli emergency run out with a seriously injured Israeli woman after a millisle,slammed into an exploded in a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on 14 May 2008. The rocket, a Katyusha was fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, and injured dcozens of Israelis, many seriously. Photo By Edi Israel / IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 73 times
Israeli emergency run out with a seriously injured Israeli woman after a millisle,slammed into an exploded in a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on 14 May 2008. The rocket, a Katyusha was fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, and injured dcozens of Israelis, many seriously. Photo By Edi Israel / IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 72 times
Israeli emergency run out with a seriously injured Israeli woman after a millisle,slammed into an exploded in a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on 14 May 2008. The rocket, a Katyusha was fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, and injured dcozens of Israelis, many seriously. Photo By Edi Israel / IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 71 times
Popular Resistance Commitees claims responsibility for launching of Grad rocket against Israeli shopping center in Ashkelon. Paramedics confirm 100 wounded, three in serious condition, infant girl evacuated to hospital with moderate wounds. May 14, 2008. Photo By Edi Israel/ IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 254 Days Ago and viewed 90 times
Israeli emergency run out with a seriously injured Israeli woman after a millisle,slammed into an exploded in a shopping mall in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on 14 May 2008. The rocket, a Katyusha was fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip, and injured dcozens of Israelis, many seriously. Photo By Edi Israel / IsraelNewsPhotos.com
30 Photographs out of the 106 Photographs in the category of Destruction
was added 25 Days Ago and viewed 12 times
Grad missile hits construction site in Ashkelon, killing one and wounding 16, five of them moderately. The worker killed has been identified as Hani al-Mahdi, 27, of Aroar, a Beduin settlement in the Negev. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack At least 40 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday morning. One home in Sderot suffered a direct hit. photo by:edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 25 Days Ago and viewed 14 times
Grad missile hits construction site in Ashkelon, killing one and wounding 16, five of them moderately. The worker killed has been identified as Hani al-Mahdi, 27, of Aroar, a Beduin settlement in the Negev. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack At least 40 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday morning. One home in Sderot suffered a direct hit. photo by:edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 25 Days Ago and viewed 18 times
Grad missile hits construction site in Ashkelon, killing one and wounding 16, five of them moderately. The worker killed has been identified as Hani al-Mahdi, 27, of Aroar, a Beduin settlement in the Negev. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack At least 40 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday morning. One home in Sderot suffered a direct hit. photo by:edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 25 Days Ago and viewed 16 times
Grad missile hits construction site in Ashkelon, killing one and wounding 16, five of them moderately. The worker killed has been identified as Hani al-Mahdi, 27, of Aroar, a Beduin settlement in the Negev. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack At least 40 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday morning. One home in Sderot suffered a direct hit. photo by:edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 25 Days Ago and viewed 11 times
Grad missile hits construction site in Ashkelon, killing one and wounding 16, five of them moderately. The worker killed has been identified as Hani al-Mahdi, 27, of Aroar, a Beduin settlement in the Negev. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack At least 40 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday morning. One home in Sderot suffered a direct hit. photo by:edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 24 Days Ago and viewed 14 times
a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza landed in the Southern city of Ashdod, 30 km (18 miles) from Gaza. A rocket fired by Palestinian militants in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, killed an Israeli The rocket attack on Ashdod earlier Monday claimed the life of one woman irit shitrit ,39 .photo by:edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 25 Days Ago and viewed 15 times
Grad missile hits construction site in Ashkelon, killing one and wounding 16, five of them moderately. The worker killed has been identified as Hani al-Mahdi, 27, of Aroar, a Beduin settlement in the Negev. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack At least 40 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday morning. One home in Sderot suffered a direct hit. photo by:edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 22 Days Ago and viewed 13 times
A house in the southern Israeli town of Ashdod which was destroyed when it was hit by a Grad missile fired by Palestinians from the Gaza strip . January 01, 2009 . Photo by Edi Israel/ Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 257 Days Ago and viewed 78 times
Israelis boy, Nitsan cohen survey the damage in his room after a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza landed in a house in the southern town of Sderot May 10, 2008.the boy was sleep in the room when the rocket hit the house. Photo by:Edi israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 259 Days Ago and viewed 68 times
Damage to a house as the body of a man killed by a mortar fired by Palestinian militants, in the small community of Kfar Aza just outside the Gaza Strip, Friday, May 9, 2008. Palestinian militants fired four mortars at Israel from the Gaza Strip late Friday, killing the 40-year-old Israeli man jimi kadosim and wounding three other people, police and rescue officials said. The radio of Gaza's ruling Hamas movement said the group was responsible for the mortar fire on the southern Israeli community of Kfar Aza.Photo by:Edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 259 Days Ago and viewed 67 times
An Israeli soldier walks in the yard of a house where a civilian jimi kadoshim was killed in the small community of Kfar Aza, along the border with the Gaza Strip, on 09 May 2008. A mortar fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip exploded on the lawn (lower L) killing the man, wounding moderately one other Israeli and peppering the house with schrapnel. In Gaza Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. Photo by:Edi israel / israelnewsphotos.com
was added 269 Days Ago and viewed 66 times
An Israeli looks up at the hole in his bathroom ceiling caused by a rockets fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip which struck this home in the southern Israeli town of Sderot on 29 April 2008, causing damage but no injuries.Photo by:Edi Israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 258 Days Ago and viewed 61 times
An Israeli soldier examines the damage to a house as the body of a man killed by a mortar fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza lays on the ground outside his house in Kfar Aza, southern Israel, just outside the Gaza Strip, Friday, May 9, 2008. Palestinian militants fired four mortars at Israel from the Gaza Strip late Friday, killing the 40-year-old Israeli man and wounding three other people, police and rescue officials said. The radio of Gaza's ruling Hamas movement said the group was responsible for the mortar fire on the southern Israeli community of Kfar Aza. Photo by:Edi Israel / IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 273 Days Ago and viewed 79 times
An Israeli man looks at the damage in the cemetery in Ashkelon, southern Israel, 25 April 2008, after it was hit by a missile fired by Palestinian militants inside the northern Gaza Strip. Some twenty graves were damaged in the attack meant to hit Israeli civilians.Photo by:Edi israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 270 Days Ago and viewed 64 times
Policemen inspect the Qassam rocket that hit Sderot on April 28, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 272 Days Ago and viewed 65 times
An Israeli man looks at the damage in the cemetery in Ashkelon, southern Israel, 25 April 2008, after it was hit by a missile fired by Palestinian militants inside the northern Gaza Strip. Some twenty graves were damaged in the attack meant to hit Israeli civilians.Photo by:Edi israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 272 Days Ago and viewed 72 times
An Israeli woman looks at the damage in the cemetery in Ashkelon, southern Israel, 25 April 2008, after it was hit by a missile fired by Palestinian militants inside the northern Gaza Strip. Some twenty graves were damaged in the attack meant to hit Israeli civilians.Photo by:Edi israel/Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 297 Days Ago and viewed 64 times
Israeli man stand next to a damaged house wall caused by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza landed in in moshav Netiv Haasara, on April 1, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 297 Days Ago and viewed 64 times
Israeli man look at a damaged house wall caused by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza landed in moshav Netiv Haasara, on April 1, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 297 Days Ago and viewed 66 times
Israeli man and his dog look at a damaged house wall caused by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza landed in moshav Netiv Haasara, on April 1, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 301 Days Ago and viewed 70 times
Two women stand in the damaged storefront of a shop after rocked fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza, landed in the southern town of Sderot Wednesday, March 26, 2008. Photo by Tsafrir Abayov / Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 297 Days Ago and viewed 61 times
Israeli man look at a damaged house wall caused by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza landed in moshav Netiv Haasara, on April 1, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 302 Days Ago and viewed 58 times
Israelis inspect the damage of qassam rocket hit an apartment in the southern city of Ashkelon March 3, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel / Israelnewsphotos.com
was added 302 Days Ago and viewed 83 times
An Israeli baby is playing in his damaged bad at the kibutz Mefalsim caused by rocket fired from the Gaza Strip on , March 26, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel
was added 315 Days Ago and viewed 65 times
The Gigi Family pack their house on 26. 2006. After that a Kassam rocket hit and destroyed the house the family decided to move out from Sderot Photo by:Edi Israel/IsraeNewsPhotos
was added 315 Days Ago and viewed 71 times
Israeli firemen inspect a hole in the ceiling of an apartment that was damaged in the city of Ashkelon from a Katyusha rocket that was fired from the Gaza Strip on Saturday, March 01, 2008. Photo by:Edi Israel/IsraeNewsPhotos
was added 317 Days Ago and viewed 68 times
An Israeli policeman in a house that was hit by a Katyusha rocket in the Israeli town of Ashkelon. March 02, 2008. Photo by:Edi Israel/IsraeNewsPhotos
was added 320 Days Ago and viewed 79 times
An Israeli woman watches an apartment that was damaged in the city of Ashkelon from a Katyusha rocket that had been fired from the Gaza Strip on Saturday, March 01, 2008 Photo by:Edi Israel/IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 320 Days Ago and viewed 94 times
An Israeli emergency worker passes a wall in Ashkelon whish is peppered with shrapnels after a rocket fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip exploded in a residential area of the southern port city of Askelon, Israel on 02 March 2008 Photo by:Edi Israel/IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 320 Days Ago and viewed 123 times
An Israeli looks at the damage to a residence in the port city of Ashkelon that was hit by a Katyusha rocket fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip on 03 March 2008.PHOTO BY:EDI ISRAEL/israelnewsphotos.com
20 Photographs from the category of Israel Palestinians that contains a total of 36 Photographs.
was added 289 Days Ago and viewed 90 times
A motar fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip explodes next to a fuel tanker in a gas terminal in the Karni Crossing near Nahal Oz on 09 April 2008 during an attack by Palestinians, which has killed two Israeli civilians. The Israeli army spokesman's office said four Palestinians had infiltrated into the filling depot and two were killed by Israeli soldiers while the other two escaped back into the Gaza Strip after the Israelis were killed. Photo by:Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 293 Days Ago and viewed 75 times
A truck carrying fuel is seen at a gas terminal near Kibbutz Nahal Oz, just outside the Gaza Strip, Sunday, Aug. 19, 2007
was added 289 Days Ago and viewed 81 times An Israeli tank maneuvers outside the Nahal Oz Fuel depot between Israel and the Gaza Strip, Wednesday, April 9, 2008. Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip burst into southern Israel on Wednesday and attacked the fuel depot, killing two Israeli civilians in a daring daylight raid that threatened to set off a new round of fighting. Two attackers were killed as troops returned fire, but two others fled back into Gaza, the military said Photo by:Edi israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 289 Days Ago and viewed 79 times A motar fired by Palestinian militants inside the Gaza Strip explodes next to a fuel tanker in a gas terminal in the Karni Crossing near Nahal Oz on 09 April 2008 during an attack by Palestinians, which has killed two Israeli civilians. The Israeli army spokesman's office said four Palestinians had infiltrated into the filling depot and two were killed by Israeli soldiers while the other two escaped back into the Gaza Strip after the Israelis were killed. Photo by:Edi Israel/israelnewsphotos.com
was added 315 Days Ago and viewed 77 times
A truck carrying fuel at a gas terminal near Kibbutz Nahal Oz, just outside the Gaza Strip, Sunday, Aug. 19, 2007
Another incredibly stupid Palestinian chooses to suicide his young life, but without getting the slightest satisfaction of any Israel damage---let alone, maybe one or two "lightly" wounded casualties, and FORGET about a fatality! That comes straight out of central casting and only Mr. Meyer's office.
was added 246 Days Ago and viewed 68 times
A man looks at the damage caused by a Palestinian bomber who blew up an explosives-laden truck on the Palestinian side of the Erez crossing on the Israel-Gaza Strip border early Thursday morning. The driver was the only casualty in the attempted attack. May 22, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel/IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 246 Days Ago and viewed 79 times
Palestinian bomber blew up an explosives-laden truck on the Palestinian side of the Erez crossing on the Israel-Gaza Strip border early Thursday morning. The driver was the only casualty in the attempted attack. May 22, 2008. Photo by Edi Israel/IsraelNewsPhotos.com
There are so many other likely scenarios, I'm ashamed at Israel's going with this plot device.
was added 293 Days Ago and viewed 94 times
A Palestinian little girl look at her big brother that stand with his weapon in gaza street on January 22 2007. Photo by:Edi Israel/IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 316 Days Ago and viewed 90 times
An Israeli guard stands aside as Palestinian medics push two stretchers with Palestinian infants through the Erez Crossing from the northern Gaza Strip into Israel on 03 January 2008 as the children are allowed into Israel, and transferred to waiting Israeli ambulances that will bring them to Israeli hospitals for surgeries. It is not known what the children suffer from, but Israel does allow children into Israel through the Save A Child's Heart program for heart surgeries
was added 316 Days Ago and viewed 82 times
An Israeli guard stands aside as Palestinian medics push two stretchers with Palestinian infants through the Erez Crossing from the northern Gaza Strip into Israel on 03 January 2008 as the children are allowed into Israel, and transferred to waiting Israeli ambulances that will bring them to Israeli hospitals for surgeries. It is not known what the children suffer from, but Israel does allow children into Israel through the Save A Child's Heart program for heart surgeries.Photo by:Edi Israel/IsraelNewsPhotos.com
was added 296 Days Ago and viewed 99 times
Israeli bride Rotam is visiting the mobile artillery piece on the Israel Gaza border, Thursday April 28, 2005. Photo by Tsafrir Abayov / Israelnewsphotos.com
The Jewish religious category has only 15 Photographs
The category Personlities has only 15 Photographs, mostly of Israeli politicians.
The category People daily life has only 16 Photographs, mostly of kids swimming.
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